my.torontomu Portal

The my.torontomu Portal is a single sign-on online system for accessing various Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) web-based applications including online courses (Learning Management System), TMU's Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub), and TMU Library.
Login with your my.torontomu username and password obtained during activation of your TMU online identity. Once activated, your username and password are ready to be used within 24 hours. To access the portal, visit (opens in new window)
my.torontomu Features
Through the my.torontomu portal you can access a number of TMU's online resources and services which are determined by your role as TMU faculty, staff or student and can include:
Online Courses
Courses that have an online component through D2L Brightspace are listed under the Online Courses & Organizations tab.
If you are teaching using Brightspace, visit the Educational Technology website for more information about how to request and set up online course shells.
Some administrative and academic groups at TMU use online organizations to communicate and share documents. You may be automatically enrolled in an organization, depending on your role at TMU.
Visit the Educational Technology website for more information about creating organization shells in D2L Brightspace.
TMU Wireless
Configure access to TMU's wireless network.
Faculty, staff and students access TMU's Administrative Management Self Service.
Self Service
Manage online services such as access to resources, password changes, and more.
More information about Self-Serve Management.
Research Ethics
Submit and manage Ethics Reviews