About CCS

Toronto Metropolitan University is a diverse and ever-changing place and we are always interested in working with students, faculty, and staff to provide more useful, accessible, secure, and affordable IT services.
Welcome to Computing and Communications Services (CCS). We provide information technology (IT) services to the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Community. CCS maintains TMU's extensive data and voice networks, hosts many different types of applications on our servers, and develops and integrates applications to help you get your work done. TMU is a diverse and ever-changing place and we are always interested in working with students, faculty, and staff to provide more useful, accessible, secure, and affordable IT services.
Our services are designed to facilitate a wide variety of academic and administrative work. A complete list of them is available in our Service Catalogue, but if you are looking for specific information we recommend starting with a search or that you contact one of our help desks for assistance.
While we offer many services, sometimes departments need to handle some aspects of providing information technology services themselves, particularly if they have unique needs specific to their department or can leverage some of what CCS offers to build a more cost-effective solution. CCS is happy to collaborate with you on developing the right solution for your budget. On CCS Departments you'll find the contact information for the various teams within CCS. Please feel free to contact them regarding your IT projects and service planning, or to contact me directly.
Thanks for visiting!
Yours truly,
Brian Lesser
Chief Information Officer
Phone: 416-979-5000 extension 556835
Email: blesser@torontomu.ca