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Search Available Career Opportunities

Please note: Our hiring system will be unavailable from 6 p.m. on March 28 to 12:05 a.m. on March 31 while we perform scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your interest in working at Toronto Metropolitan University.

In order to view available job postings, please confirm if you currently have an employment relationship with Toronto Metropolitan University:

You are an internal candidate if:

  • You are currently employed at TMU in any capacity.
  • You have been a member of CUPE 3904, Units 1 and 2 in the past 2 years.

Tips for using the hiring system

  • Set-up a “Job Search Agent” to receive a daily email list of jobs that meet your search criteria. Create up to five job search agents and receive a separate email with results from each search. 
  • Two ways to refine your notifications:
    • By keyword: Search keywords to identify specific types of jobs in the search field. If you’re satisfied with the results of your search, select “Save search.”
    • By navigation selection: Select your desired categories in the left-hand navigation (i.e. Staff; OPSEU). Select “Save search.”
  • The system will prompt you to enter a descriptive name for your search. 
  • Click the “Notify me when new jobs meet my criteria option to have the system email you the search results daily.”
  • You’ll receive an email daily at 9 notify you of vacancies posted each day that match your search criteria.

TMU’s hiring system is scheduled for maintenance each night from 12:01 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. 

Please note that if you are logged in to the system when a maintenance period begins, you will be automatically exited from the system and progress on your application will not be saved.

  • Job type - Choose if you are searching for a contract lecturer, staff or student position.
  • Employee group - These categories reflect union and employee groups at TMU. 
    • CUPE 233 - Maintenance and Trades
    • CUPE 3904, Unit 1 - Part-time and Sessional Contract Lecturers
    • CUPE 3904, Unit 2 - Continuing Education Contract Lecturers
    • CUPE 3904, Unit 3 - TAs, GAs, Lab Monitors, and Invigilators
    • OPSEU - Academic and Administrative Support 
    • Management & Confidential (MAC)
  • Department - Refine your search based on faculties and departments on campus.
  • This includes dashes, accents, asterisks, slashes and underscores. To indicate a new word or name, use a capital letter. 
  • It’s also recommended to use a descriptive filename that includes your last name and the position to which you are applying. If you are applying for a contract lecturer job, include the term/semester in the file name.
  • Examples of incorrect file name:
    • Lastname-Winter-2021
    • Lastname_Manager_Communications-2021
  • Examples of correct file name:
    • LastnameWinter2021
    • LastnameManagerMarketing2021
  • Chrome - 69.x
  • Firefox - 62 and ESR 60
  • Internet explorer - 11.x, compatibility off 
    • Please note that IE9 and IE10 are not supported.
  • Safari - 11.x
  • Edge - 11.x

If you receive an error page when trying to login, please try clearing your cache and cookies.

Support content for searching for, applying to and tracking job opportunities in TMU’s application system

Complete the Careers Tutorial

These sessions cover a range of topics from creating an applicant account​, uploading a resume, to creating job search agents and applying for positions. To get started, select your role below:

External Applicant

Candidates (not currently employed at TMU) who want to apply for full time or term positions, contract lecturer, teaching assistant, graduate assistant, lab assistant, invigilator and continuing education instructor positions through the careers website.

Quick reference guides and FAQs

 (PDF file) Create Account & Apply Without Selecting a Job quick reference guide

Quick guide for external applicants on how to create an account and apply without selecting a job.

 (PDF file) Apply to Jobs quick reference guide

Quick guide for applying to job postings.

 (PDF file) Navigate the Careers Account quick reference guide

Quick guide explaining menus in the careers account.

 (PDF file) Accept an Offer quick reference guide

Quick guide for accepting a job offer.