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Media Elective Table II
Two (2) courses from the Media Elective Table II are required:
- BPM 183 Rhythm, Beat and Groove
- BPM 406 Chinese Instrumental Music
- BPM 410 Special Topics: Creative Practice in Music
- BPM 415 Special Topics: Business of Music
- BPM 420 Global Music Experience
- BPM 441 Music and Film of India
- BPM 474 Gospel Music: Songs for the Spirit
- BPM 484 Music of the African Diaspora
- BPM 530 Music of East Asia
- BPM 905 History and Culture of Popular Music
- NMA 220 New Media Art History
- NMA 221 Experiential Media/Interdisciplinary Practice
- NMA 321 Intro to Tangible Media
- NMA 322 Technology, Identity and Creativity
- NMA 323 Contemporary Strategies in New Media
- NMA 520 Public Practice
- NMA 521 Media for Social Change
- NMA 822 Interfaces for Live Performance
- NMA 832 Cybernetics and Body Centric Technologies
- NMA 835 Media and Museums
- NMA 838 Generative Processes
- NMA 842 Data as Material
- NMA 925 Making Objects
- NMA 928 Introduction to Game Design
- NMA 933 Hacking, DIY and Open Source Studio
- NMA 934 Virtual Identities and Communities
- NMA 936 The Business of Art
- NMA 939 Indigenous Media
- NMA 946 Issues in New Media Theory/History
- NMA 953 Mixed and Extended Realities
- NMA 965 Advanced New Media Topics
- NMA 997 Intermediate Game Design: Mechanics
- RTA 101 Introduction to Media Theory and Practice
- RTA 180 Music and Film
- RTA 210 Media History
- RTA 211 Production Theory
- RTA 310 Media Aesthetics and Culture
- RTA 311 Intermediate Audio Production
- RTA 801 Discoverability and Distribution
- RTA 847 Artificial Intelligence - Music and Audio
- RTA 854 Live Radio Broadcasting
- RTA 855 The Athlete's Perspective
- RTA 858 Music Production
- RTA 864 Immersive and Interactive Audio
- RTA 893 Social Justice Media: Innovators, Creators
- RTA 902 Social Media
- RTA 903 News and Current Affairs Theory
- RTA 906 Marketing for Media Professionals
- RTA 907 Sound Media
- RTA 908 Business of Producing I
- RTA 909 Business of Producing II
- RTA 910 Production Management\
- RTA 912 Media Audiences
- RTA 915 Legal Issues in Media
- RTA 918 Ethics in Media
- RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production
- RTA 930 Social Practices in Hybrid Media Spaces
- RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
- RTA 950 Selected Topics in Media
- RTA 957 Documentary Production
- RTA 960 International Media Co-production
- RTA 971 Audio Post Production and Sound Design
- RTA 972 Sound Synthesis
- RTA 974 Radio Broadcasting
- RTA 985 Audio for Media Producers
- RTA 986 Media for International Development
- RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
- RTA 995 Embodied Digital Media: Research/Design
- RTA 996 The Art of Podcasting
- RTA 999 RTA in LA