Minor in Philosophy
The Philosophy Minor develops essential skills in critical thinking and analysis. A Minor in Philosophy enhances career possibilities in a number of different areas including the teaching profession, law, and virtually any field where ethics plays a critical role, such as nursing, journalism, business, and community services.
Administered by: Department of Philosophy and Music
Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
One (1) of the following:
Plus five (5) electives from the following elective lists:
Maximum of two (2) of the following:
- PHL 101 Plato and the Roots of Western Philosophy
- PHL 102 What is Philosophy?
- PHL 110 Philosophy of Religion I
- PHL 187 Ancient Greek Philosophy
- PHL 201 Problems in Philosophy
- PHL 210 Introduction to Indian Philosophy
- PHL 306 Freedom, Equality, Limits of Authority
- PHL 307 Business Ethics
- PHL 333 Philosophy of Human Nature
- PHL 365 Philosophy of Beauty
- PHL 366 Existentialism and Art and Culture
- PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
- PHL 401 Philosophy and Mass Culture
- PHL 404 Introduction to Ethics
- PHL 405 Introduction to Political Philosophy
- PHL 406 Issues of Life, Death and Poverty
- PHL 420 Philosophy, Diversity and Recognition
- PHL 449 Philosophy of Punishment
Maximum of five (5) of the following:
- PHL 212 Introductory Logic
- PHL 302* Ethics and Health Care
- PHL 500 Philosophy of the Natural Environment
- PHL 501 Oppression and the Critique of Power
- PHL 503 Ancient and Modern Ethics
- PHL 504 Philosophy of Art
- PHL 505 Hegel and Marx
- PHL 507 Ethics and Disability
- PHL 509* Bioethics
- PHL 520 Social and Political Philosophy
- PHL 521 Personal Identity East and West
- PHL 522 Philosophy and Death
- PHL 535 Introduction to Indigenous Philosophy
- PHL 544 Feminist Philosophy
- PHL 547 Jewish Philosophy
- PHL 550 Knowledge, Truth and Belief
- PHL 551 Metaphysics
- PHL 552 Philosophy of Natural Science
- PHL 561 Philosophy of Social Science
- PHL 570 Black Political Thought
- PHL 580 Intermediate Logic
- PHL 585 Violent Conflict and Reconciliation
- PHL 603 The Nature of Ethics
- PHL 605 Existentialism
- PHL 606 Philosophy of Love and Sex
- PHL 611 Philosophy of Mind
- PHL 612 Philosophy of Law
- PHL 614 Philosophy of Human Rights
- PHL 639 Medieval Philosophy
- PHL 661 Marx, Nietzche and Freud
- PHL 708 Introduction to Modern Philosophy
- PHL 709 Religion, Science and Philosophy
- PHL 710 Philosophy and Film
- PHL 810 Philosophy of Cinema
- PHL 923 Philosophy of Religion II
Please see Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.