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Minor in Black Studies

The Black Studies Minor provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the histories and cultures of Black diasporas, ideologies of anti-Black racism, themes of Black resistance to oppression and exploitation, and the range of political strategies and community-based mobilization tactics Black activists and their allies have employed to counter systemic and institutionalized oppressions and fight for social justice.

Administered by: Department of English


Exclusions: Students may use a maximum of two (2) courses in any given discipline (indicated by the subject prefix of the course code) toward completion of the minor in Black Studies. Students may use a maximum of two (2) of HIS or HST courses towards completion of the minor. To enhance the cross-disciplinary range of the minor and to limit overlap with the Caribbean Studies minor, students are limited to only two (2) Caribbean Studies courses in the Black Studies minor; a maximum of two from the following: CRB 501, ENG 620, FRS 602, GEO 705, GMS 693, HST 222, SPS 502. Please note, it is not possible for students to use the same course to count for more than ONE minor.



To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses in total from the following:

Required course (1):

  • ENG 142  Black Arts, Black Power

Plus five (5) elective courses from the following:

Group 1: A minimum of three (3), maximum of five (5) of the following courses:

Group 2: Minimum of zero (0) to a maximum of two (2) of the following courses:

  • CRB 501 Racism & Caribbean Peoples in Canada
  • ENG 620 Literatures of the Caribbean
  • FRS 602 French Caribbean Literature and Culture
  • GEO 705 Environment and Society of the Caribbean
  • GMS 693 The Latin American and Caribbean Business Environment
  • HST 222 The History of the Caribbean
  • PHL 220 Introduction to Africana Philosophy
  • SOC 330 Sociology of the Caribbean
  • SPS 502 Spanish Caribbean Literature and Culture