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MWF 420

Midwifery: Complex Care II

This course builds on MWF320 and offers weekly online tutorials simultaneous with clinical placement(s). Learners integrate theoretical and clinical knowledge to function as the most responsible provider. Integration of professional issues includes promotion of physiologic childbirth, population health, sexual health and reproductive justice, care in low resources settings, health systems policy, quality and safety, leadership, risk management and ethics. Clinical placements are in midwifery and/or interprofessional settings. (Graded as pass/fail)
Weekly Contact: Lab: 12 hrs. Lecture: 3 hrs.
GPA Weight: 1.00
Course Count: 1.00
Billing Units: 5


MWF 320





Custom Requisites

Available only to Midwifery students.

Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages

*List may not include courses that are on a common table shared between programs.