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Entrepreneurship and Strategy

  • ENT 100 - Applied Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionStudents work with their course instructor to identify, select and complete twelve entrepreneurship modules and assignments that support their specific entrepreneurial project. Potential modules include: customer identification, stakeholder analysis, market segmentation, lean startup, design thinking, agile methods, business-model design, business planning, or financial analysis. This highly flexible course is designed to support independent student projects, startups and Zone Education. This is an experiential applied course, and students must engage with the entrepreneurial ecosystem both within and outside Toronto Metropolitan. This course is not available to Entrepreneurship Majors.
    Weekly Contact:Tutorial 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Custom Requisites:Not available to Business Management Entrepreneurship students
  • ENT 101 - Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset
    Course DescriptionThis course will introduce students to TMU's student engagement and entrepreneurship eco-system and help them build curiosity, alertness, proactivity, growth orientation, resiliency, grit, adaptability, user-centricity, empathy, persuasion and self-leadership. This course is not primarily concerned with starting a business, it is about learning how to think and act entrepreneurially to identify and co-create new values. Based on flipped classroom experiential learning techniques, students will be expected to gain hands-on experience building their entrepreneurial mindset.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 401 - Design Thinking Experience
    Course DescriptionThis course is a hands-on experiential learning opportunity for multi-disciplinary teams to implement agile rapid prototyping design thinking methods in a creative space. Student teams implement real-world projects in a variety of entrepreneurial contexts: new venture creation, innovation within an existing venture, social innovation and change making. The course provides a solid theoretical understanding of the major global Design Thinking methods and tools as well as experience in developing a Design Thinking Mindset. The course is offered in an intensive format on weekends or over one week, either on campus or at an offsite location. Admission is limited to students that apply and are accepted. Contact the department for application details.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 500 - New Venture Startup
    Course DescriptionThis introductory course is designed primarily for non-Entrepreneurship students who are interested in starting a business of their own. Topics include assessing entrepreneurial potential, opportunity identification, market assessment, organizing, promoting, and financing the business, intellectual property, buying an existing business or considering a franchise. Students will be expected to work on developing a business plan. This course is not available to Entrepreneurship Majors.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:ENT 726, ENT 570, ENT 528 and ENT 56A/B
    Custom Requisites:Not available to Business Management Entrepreneurship students
  • ENT 501 - Family Business in Canada
    Course DescriptionPlanning, Succession and Control. The students study many of Canada's internationally known family-run businesses. They will learn about the challenges faced by the owners in planning and succession as well as the impact that family structure plays in determining the future of the firm. Key issues to be examined include the relationship between ownership and management, the strategic planning process, succession planning, technical and management skills, support structures, funding, leadership and the family structure.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 502 - Case Studies in Family Business
    Course DescriptionFocusing on a family business context, the class is organized around the case study method. By focusing on family enterprise cases, the goal of the course is to instill in students strong analysis, recommendation and presentation abilities. As a result, the method also provides a training tool for preparing students to be professional advisors or leaders of family enterprises. The complexity and diversity of issues that case analysis provides leads to students who actively utilize theoretical frameworks in order to ‘make sense’ of real-life situations. This further develops their skills in: problem solving, analytical tools, decision making in complex situations, coping with ambiguities, and working in a team.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 501
  • ENT 505 - Small-Business Management
    Course DescriptionThis course takes an interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of managing in a small-business environment. It is designed for students who plan to join a small or medium-sized enterprise company and want to have an improved understanding of the process by which things get done in small businesses that lack the resources and capabilities of large corporations. Topics include elements of managing high growth rates, family business, outsourcing, internships and leveraging external partnerships, guerrilla marketing techniques, cash flow management, bootstrap financing, government programs, and corporate governance in a small business. This course is not available to programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 200
    Antirequisites:ENT 555
    Custom Requisites:Not available to Ted Rogers School of Management students.
  • ENT 511 - Funding New Ventures
    Course DescriptionEntrepreneurial finance is concerned with financial decisions of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial firms, capital structure decision-making and governance issues in high risk environments, and the ways to exit venture investments. The rapid development of private equity and venture capital industries, and the general emphasis of entrepreneurship as a central driver of economic prosperity, has given rise to a set of questions that are different from the questions posed in the context of large firms with widely diversified investors. This course will address these questions using both explicit-knowledge lectures as well as tacit-knowledge experiential learning. This course is designed for students who are thinking about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur or who envision a career in the private equity, venture capital, or investment banking industries where they will be exposed to deals with small to mid-sized firms.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(AFF 310 or FIN 401) and (ENT 500 or ENT 526 or ENT 601 or ENT 726)
    Antirequisites:FIN 510
  • ENT 526 - Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
    Course DescriptionThis foundation course is designed to stimulate the student's interest in entrepreneurship, thereby cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit. By means of case studies, articles, videos and presentations, students will have the opportunity to learn about many prominent entrepreneurs who have demonstrated commitment, passion, risk-taking, strategic thinking and implementation, and the ability to develop core competencies as they create and grow their successful enterprises. Various topics in entrepreneurship will be introduced as a result.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 527 - Theories in Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionThis course will expose the student to many of the topics currently dominating the study of entrepreneurship. These may include theoretical perspectives on the economic and social function of entrepreneurs, psychological and cognitive aspects of entrepreneurs, the intersection of opportunities and enterprising individuals, the decision to exploit, the new venture creation process, and the relationship between entrepreneurship and strategic management. Students will be expected to read and critically analyze current and classic research on entrepreneurship, to synthesize diverse perspectives, and to contribute their own original thoughts to significant debates in the field. The course features a combination of seminars, presentations, readings, and lectures to enhance the student's understanding of entrepreneurship as an academic discipline and develop an ability to apply this research to the practical managerial challenges of the entrepreneurial firm.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 526
  • ENT 528 - New Venture Development
    Course DescriptionStudents build on their entrepreneurial opportunities identified in ENT 601 and deepen their entrepreneurial skills to work on a New Venture Opportunity. This experiential course will help students identify potential customers, design value propositions and perform prototype testing in order to develop a potential new venture suitable for their Capstone ENT 78AB course. The new venture may be a new company, social innovation, or intrapreneurship within an existing venture.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 526 and ENT 601
    Custom Requisites:Available only to Entrepreneurship Majors
  • ENT 555 - Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to examine the requirements of establishing, owning and successfully operating a Small-to-Medium Enterprise (SME). Functional management skills needed for the effective operation of a SME will be explored in detail. Fundamental considerations such as operations management, information and information systems, value chain analysis, talent management, financial planning and control systems, organization and legal issues, network management and marketing strategies will also be explored in the specific context of SMEs.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 526 and ENT 601
    Antirequisites:ENT 505
  • ENT 56A/B - Entrepreneurial Skills Development
    Course DescriptionThis is a two-semester deeply experiential and transformative learning experience for Entrepreneurship Majors. Students work in a team to develop hands-on skills within Toronto's entrepreneurship ecosystem. This group project may be a new company, social innovation, or intrapreneurship within an existing venture. Individually, students deepen their entrepreneurial skills to deliver an Individual Opportunity Portfolio and an Individual Business Plan suitable for a potential new venture during their capstone ENT 78A/B course.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:1/1
    Prerequisites:(ENT 526 and ENT 601)
    Antirequisites:ENT 500, ENT 570 and ENT 580
    Custom Requisites:Available only to Entrepreneurship Majors
  • ENT 570 - Entrepreneurial Self-Development Part I
    Course DescriptionThis is the first half of a deeply experiential and transformative learning experience for Entrepreneurship Majors. Students work in a team to develop hands-on skills within Toronto's entrepreneurship eco-system. Their group project may be a new company, social innovation, or intrapreneurship within an existing venture. Individually, students deepen their entrepreneurial skills to deliver an Individual Entrepreneurial Alertness and Opportunity Portfolio. See teaching department for consent criteria.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 577 - Entrepreneurial Selling
    Course DescriptionStudents are introduced to the principles of sales and their application to multiple entrepreneurial contexts. Emphasis will be placed on the application of sales principles to real-world entrepreneurial situations and on building selling skills through class projects. Students will learn tactical selling skills, develop self-management skills, and study strategic selling techniques. Sales ethics will also be discussed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 500 or ENT 601
  • ENT 580 - Entrepreneur Self-Development Part II
    Course DescriptionThis is the second half of a deeply experiential and transformative learning experience for Entrepreneurship Majors. Students continue to work in a team from ENT 570 to develop hands-on skills within Toronto's entrepreneurship eco-system. Their group project may be a new company, social innovation, or intrapreneurship within an existing venture. Individually, students develop, present and deliver an Individual Business Plan suitable for a potential new venture, to be developed further during their Capstone ENT 78A/B course. See teaching department for consent criteria.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 601 - Identifying Opportunities
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the process of opportunity identification for both start-up and existing business environments. It is designed to cultivate the mindset and skills required for students to engage in opportunity identification activities and make them part of their daily regimen in their personal and professional lives. The entrepreneurial process begins with the pursuit of a perceived opportunity. As such, the ability to identify a valid opportunity is paramount to the field of entrepreneurship.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Corequisites:ENT 526
  • ENT 620 - Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionThis course provides students with an opportunity to keep abreast of new topics of importance as they emerge in the field. Topics will vary from year to year and will be announced. Method of instruction will vary depending upon the topics offered.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 627 - Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
    Course DescriptionThis experiential learning course empowers students currently engaged within a social entrepreneurship or changemaking project with additional educational content and coaching. Students form multi-disciplinary teams to empower others through the positive power of entrepreneurship.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • ENT 630 - Leveraging the Crowd
    Course DescriptionIn this course students will learn how to leverage crowdsourcing and crowdfunding in new ventures. Students will design divisible tasks, write instructions, recruit the crowd on a crowdmarket platform, publish and manage jobs, and assemble the work into a finished product. Students will also design a crowdfunding budget, promotional video, and social media strategy for their venture. The course will cover best practices for effective use of the crowd, review recent studies examining success factors, and introduce methodologies to increase effectiveness. Students will develop their ability to visualize tasks in divisible ways and to assess projects for crowdsourcing potential.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 100 or ENT 500 or ENT 526
  • ENT 710 - Making a Prototype
    Course DescriptionIn this course students will discover how to move from concept to prototype product. After an introduction to different types of prototyping and their purposes, they will, using a variety of teaching methods and tools, under the mentorship of a faculty member, learn how to build physical and digital models, potentially including 3D printing and prototype app development. This is a hands-on course, where students will have access to a variety of software and hardware tools from the University’s maker spaces. Students are expected to come to the course with specific product/service ideas they want to develop into prototypes.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 100 or ENT 500 or ENT 526
  • ENT 725 - Management of Innovation
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to illustrate how successful managers implement innovation and commercialize new technology in today's fast-paced business environment. The students will learn how entrepreneurship and innovation interrelate, the streams of innovation, innovation as a management process and leadership in managing creativity. Commercializing technology and introducing it into the marketplace will be examined in depth as an example of applying the innovation concepts learned in the course. The course will develop the student's creative instincts and improve their capacity as agents of change within their career as independent business owners or intrapreneurial managers in larger organizations. (Formerly MGT 725)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 601
  • ENT 726 - Creating a Business Plan
    Course DescriptionThe objective of this course is to have the student become familiar with preparing a professional business plan for a new venture. The preparation of the business plan will be built upon everything that has been learned to date and will require the synthesis of this learning. The course will provide the student with the opportunity to explore and investigate a business venture of interest and the preparation of a business plan will provide an opportunity to apply what has been learned in the business program. The student will also develop an appreciation for the requirements of a successful entrepreneurial venture. (Formerly MGT 726).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 601
    Antirequisites:ENT 56A/B, ENT 500, ENT 528 ENT 570 and RTA 913 (formerly BDC 913)
  • ENT 727 - Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to conduct applied research in the area of entrepreneurship and enterprise development. Students must present a written proposal to an amenable faculty advisor prior to the commencement of the semester. Upon completion, an oral examination or presentation to a panel will normally be required. Departmental approval required.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENT 526
  • ENT 78A/B - Advanced Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionENT 78A/B is the two semester experiential-learning capstone course for the entrepreneurship major. Students will develop advanced skills in entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and personal growth. Students gain real-world experience in starting their own companies (entrepreneurship), creating value implementing innovative projects within an existing company (intrapreneurship), and completing a stream of skills-development assignments. Formerly ENT 730 plus ENT 830.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:1/1
    Prerequisites:[ENT 56A/B or ENT 528 or (ENT570 and ENT580)] and ENT 527 and ENT 577
    Custom Requisites:Available only to Entrepreneurship Majors
  • ENT 801 - Entrepreneurial Career and Life Design
    Course DescriptionThe goal of this course is to help you practice and apply design thinking and entrepreneurship principles and tools to design your career and life. The weekly assignments include discovering your skills, attitudes, core beliefs, values, and interests; identifying potential career paths in harmony with your human and social capital; building personal unique sources of sustainable competitive advantage in an uncertain world; interviewing and testing alternative job, career and life choices; applying time management principles, SMART goals, positive habits and self-talk; and proactively taking steps to achieve your own personal happiness and well-being through a meaningful career and life. It will help you network, create multiple good offers, and help you re-frame your career not as a string of jobs, but as a portfolio of career building experiences including side-hustles designed to help you build your human and social capital outside your job. This course is normally taught in a virtual flipped-classroom format.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1