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Core Elective Table III
- ARC 721 Theorizing Technology in Architecture
- ARC 821 The Architect in Society
- ASC 704 Independent Study
- ASC 730 Construction Case Studies Advanced
- ASC 731 The Architecture of Urban Housing
- ASC 733 Canadian Architecture Since 1945
- ASC 734 Advanced Digital Design
- ASC 735 Heritage Conservation Theory and Practice
- ASC 736 Architectural Representation
- ASC 737 Designing the Productive City
- ASC 738 Architectural Research Excusions
- ASC 750 Architecture and Public Policy
- ASC 751 Architectural Writing
- ASC 752 Business Practices in the AEC Industry
- ASC 755 Digital Tools
- ASC 756 Fire Safety in the Built Environment
- ASC 853 Landscape Design, Theory and Application
- ASC 855 Sustainable Ratings Systems
- ASC 856 The Small Building
- ASC 857 Glass in Architecture
- ASC 900 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
- BSC 721 Theorizing Technology in Architecture
- BSC 722 Sustainable Environmental Control Systems
- BSC 821 Sustainable Detail Design
- BSC 822 Advanced Envelopes/Components
- IDE 301 Furniture Design
- IDE 304 Set Design
- IDE 307 Colour and its Application
- IDE 311 Facilities Management
- IDE 312 The Technology of Historic Interiors
- IDE 500 Selected Topics in Interior Design
- PLE 515 Environmental Planning
- PLE 525 Transportation Planning
- PLE 565 Social and Community Planning
- PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development
- PLE 715 Environmental Assessment
- PLE 735 Private Development Seminar
- PLE 755 Contemporary Urban Design
- PLE 765 International Development
- PLE 815 Facility Siting and Env. Risk Assessment
- PMT 721 Economics for Project Management
- PMT 722 Information Systems
- PMT 821 Construction Practices and Management
- PMT 822 Procurement and Construction Management