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Community Regulations

The General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors maintains a comprehensive list of University Administrative Policies and Procedures (opens in new window)  on the Board of Governors' website.
Toronto Met Senate publishes a list of all current Senate Policies (opens in new window)  on their website.

Some of these policies are highlighted below:

Students are expected to regularly attend classes, seminars, and laboratory periods. Students should make themselves aware of specific attendance regulations, since in many courses, participation by the student in the classroom or laboratory is part of the total evaluation. These regulations will be described in the course outline. If a medical certificate (opens in new window)  is required to verify your absence, please contact your family physician or the Toronto Met Medical Centre (opens in new window)  at the start of the illness.

Alcohol use and service on campus is governed by the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario, and the associated regulations under the Act. Permission to rent or use Toronto Met campus facilities does not automatically convey the privilege of alcohol licensing. The use and service of alcohol in a campus facility is administered through the Director, University Business Services and is coordinated by the booking contact. Licensing facilities is dependent on meeting all of the provincial and municipal approvals and the conditions applied by the Director, University Business Services, which include all arrangements for the delivery and service of alcohol to be served in the facility.

Safety is a community responsibility.

Each individual within the Toronto Met community shares responsibility for the identification of environmental health and safety hazards and managing the related risks.

Environmental Health and Safety coordinates and guides the efforts of the community in achieving due diligence in a manner which vitalizes the University's culture, mission and objectives.

Please consult the website for a complete list of programs, policies and guidelines that affect all members of the Toronto Met community.

Contact Information:

Security Environmental Health and Safety
Security Hours:
24 Hours/7 days a week

Security Location:
111 Bond Street
416-979-5380 Fax

Have an Emergency?

Dial (80) from internal phones or call 416-979-5040 from a mobile.
EHS Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8 - 5:00pm

EHS Location:
11th Floor, Jorgenson Hall
416-979-5000 ext. 7096

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) has several designated bulletin boards, notice boards and display cases available on-campus for students, staff, and faculty to post information about upcoming events, available services, research studies, etc. With the exception of display cases, these boards are maintained by Facilities Management and Development and require that posters have a stamp from the Student Life and Campus Engagement team to remain on display.

Any posters not bearing the stamp or in a location not approved for postering will be removed without notice.

Approval Requirements

  • Posters must be sponsored by a TMU student organization registered in ExploreTMU or a TMU department
  • The content of the poster must adhere to the TMU Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct - Policy 61 and Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy
  • Posters must include a 1.5" x 3" blank, white space for the stamp to be applied
  • Posters advertising a student group event must have an accompanying event risk assessment form in order to receive approval

    Getting a Poster Approved
  • Provide one copy of the printed poster to the 4th Floor SLC Front Desk or digital version to
  • Student Life and Campus Engagement staff will review posters on a daily basis based on the requirements above and provide a stamp in the designated space. 
  • If the poster was submitted in-person, the submitter can return the following business day for pick up. If the poster was submitted via email, the digital version with the stamp affixed will be emailed to the student the following business day. 
  • The submitter must then use the stamped version to create copies of the original stamped version, all with the approval stamp

    Postering on Campus

    Posters must be placed on the designated boards located throughout campus. Any posters found outside of these designated areas may be removed at the discretion of university staff.
  •  Masking, painters tape, push-pins or staples must be used when affixing posters. 
  • Posters should not be placed on glass or doorways
  • Posters should not be placed on construction hoarding or fencing and should not obscure or interfere with fixed/permanent building signage, like directories, wayfinding or other mandatory signage. 
  • No use of stickers, duct tape, packing/clear tape, glue or double-sided foam tape are permissible as they cause damage/leave residue on surfaces that are difficult to remove.

  • Temporary day of directional signage for events is acceptable, and must be removed following the event 
  • Directional signage must be affixed to surfaces using masking tape 
  • Directional signage must only include directional arrows, event name, event description, location, time, date and host organization information.
  • Posters related to campus elections require a separate approval from the CRO associated with the specific election. Please ensure you are informed about election policies as they relate to postering.

    Alternatives to Postering
  • As an alternative to postering, members of the campus community can utilize the campus’s digital signage.
  • Create a digital ad and have it displayed on more than 70 screens on campus. Find out how at Digital Signage.

    Postering in the Student Learning Centre
  • The SLC has no postering/solicitation opportunities. 
  • Traditional postering is used only by Facilities and building maintenance crews to advise of temporary issues (e.g. out of order bathroom stalls, hazards, etc.).
  • Unauthorized posters in the SLC will be removed.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Student Life & Campus Engagement Team at

Toronto Metropolitan University complies with Canada’s Copyright Act (external link, opens in new window)  which protects both creators/owners and users of copyrighted materials.

The University does not condone copyright infringement by students. Students who copy or communicate copyright-protected works must either obtain the permission of the copyright owner or be satisfied that copying or communicating the works falls under Toronto Metropolitan University existing licences or within one of the exceptions in the Copyright Act.

Students should familiarize themselves with Toronto Met's Copyright policies and procedures (opens in new window) , and contact the Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian at for questions, concerns and clarification of the copyright rules.

The Residence Community Standards is a document that outlines appropriate behaviours for everyone in our community. It covers important information regarding behaviour and the discipline system in residence.

Please visit the Residence Life Website. (opens in new window) 


Smoking is prohibited within all University buildings including, without being limited to, classrooms, laboratories, studios, offices, lecture halls, hallways and enclosed workplaces, patios that have food and beverage service, university residences, elevators, hallways, parking garages, party or entertainment rooms, laundry facilities, lobbies and sports and exercise areas. 

Smoking is prohibited within a nine metre radius surrounding any entrance or exit of a building.

It is illegal to sell tobacco on university and college campuses (this applies to buildings that are owned and areas that are leased by a postsecondary institution or student union).

See also, City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 709-Smoking, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (external link, opens in new window)  and Leave the Pack Behind (external link, opens in new window) , a peer-to-peer smoking cessation initiative.

Toronto Met believes that information technology is vital to our educational mission. We provide the best possible learning environment with modern computers, helpful support staff and open access to the Internet. In return, we expect - and depend on - student co-operation. Toronto Met Student Computing Guidelines (opens in new window)  outline your rights and responsibilities as a computing user.

Students are required to provide a valid form of identification (such as a TMU-issued One Card) to representatives of University Security & Emergency Services, exam invigilators, or other University employees where such information is relevant to the legitimate pursuit of their duties.

Students shall not possess, distribute or use false or altered identification.

See Student Code of Non-academic Conduct Pol 61