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Co-operative Education at Toronto Met

Co-operative education integrates academic studies with career-related work experience with relevant companies and agencies. Co-operative education gives students the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience, to earn competitive salaries that partially offset the cost of their education, and to help clarify career objectives. The co-op experience serves to enhance opportunities for full-time employment upon graduation.

The Office of Co-operative Education (opens in new window)  assists students in finding appropriate co-op work experiences by seeking and forming relationships with potential employers; preparing students for the job search and career planning process; managing the co-op employment process to help as many students find work as possible; monitoring students and employers during work terms; and assisting in the development of co-op programs at Toronto Met.

All work terms are graded on a pass/fail basis.

Alphabetical List of Co-Operative Programs

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Work terms are graded on a pass/fail basis. Each work term is assessed by the Co-op Faculty Advisor on the basis of the student's comprehensive written report and the employer's evaluation of the student's performance on the job.

Students are expected to follow the sequence prescribed for their program. Deviation from the sequence requires the submission of a formal request to the Co-op Faculty Advisor and approval from the School. With permission from the School/Department, students may be allowed to graduate with the co-op endorsement with fewer than the prescribed work terms.