Criminology and Sociology Core Elective Table II
For students admitted Fall 2019: A total of six (6) courses is required from Core Elective Table II.
For students admitted Fall 2020 and after: A total of seven (7) courses are required from Core Elective Table II.
For students admitted Fall 2019: A minimum of three (3) CRM courses must be taken.
For students admitted Fall 2020 and after: A minimum of four (4) CRM courses must be taken.
Sociology: A minimum of two (2) SOC courses must be taken.
- CRM 200* Criminal Law
- CRM 201 Making Public Order in Canada
- CRM 202 Victims and the Criminal Process
- CRM 205 Gender, Sexuality and the Law
- CRM 206 Race, Ethnicity and Justice
- CRM 250 Criminalizing Blackness
- CRM 285 Green Criminology and Climate Justice
- CRM 300† Policing in Canada
- CRM 302 Criminological Theories
- CRM 303 Immigration and Refugee Protection in CJS
- CRM 304 Youth Justice in Canada
- CRM 306† Corrections in Canada
- CRM 308† Criminal Courts in Canada
- CRM 310† Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
- CRM 311 Regulating Public Space
- CRM 312 Representing Crime
- CRM 314 Criminal Justice and the Charter
- CRM 315† Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- CRM 316 International Perspectives
- CRM 317 Special Topics in Criminology/Law
- CRM 318 Violence and Communities
- CRM 324 Security Threats
- CRM 335 History and Politics of Abolition
- CRM 350 Cyber Criminology
- CRM 402 Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
- CRM 404 Debates In Justice Policy (students admitted Fall 2014 and after only)
- PHL 400 †† Human Rights and Justice
- PHL 449 †† Philosophy of Punishment
- PSY 300†† Psychology and Law
* CRM 200 is not available as a Core Elective Table II course for students admitted Fall 2019 and before.
† If not selected in 5th & 6th semester.
†† Only available as a Core Elective Table II course for students admitted Fall 2018 and prior.
A maximum of two (2) courses, marked with a dagger (†), can be used toward Table II requirements.
- DST 501 Rethinking Disability
- SOC 300** Sociology of Equity and Diversity
- SOC 302 The City and Society
- SOC 319 Sociological Perspectives on Crime
- SOC 402 The City and Social Problems
- SOC 420** Social Class in Changing Times
- SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
- SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
- SOC 476 Sociology of Fear
- SOC 477 Sociology of Advertising
- SOC 478 Sociology of Fun
- SOC 479 Social Networks and the World Wide Web
- SOC 491* Independent Sociological Analysis
- SOC 500 Youth and Society
- SOC 502 Violence and the Family
- SOC 503† Sociology of Education
- SOC 504 Children and Society
- SOC 505† Sociology of Sport
- SOC 506† Health and Society
- SOC 530 Blackness and Freedom
- SOC 540 Special Topics in Indigenous Studies
- SOC 553 Indigenist Thought
- SOC 576 Colonialism and Anti-Blackness
- SOC 595 Women and Aging
- SOC 600 Globalization and Health
- SOC 603† Sociology of Gender
- SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
- SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
- SOC 608** Women, Power and Change
- SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
- SOC 611 Future Worlds: Technology and Social Change
- SOC 633† Sex, Gender Identities and Sexualities
- SOC 700 Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century
- SOC 702† Anatomy of Human Conflict
- SOC 703† Women, Power and the Global South
- SOC 704† Aging, Culture and Society
- SOC 705† Law, Justice, and Abolition
- SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
- SOC 707† Religion, Meaning and Power
- SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
- SOC 801† Global Power Relations
- SOC 802† Issues in War and Peace
- SOC 803 International Community Engagement
- SOC 808† Sociology of Food and Eating
- SOC 885† Women in Islam
- SOC 902† Hollywood and Society
- SOC 903 Action Cinema and Modernity
- SOC 904 Women in Popular Culture
- SOC 931 Waste and Consumerism
- SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry
- SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
- SOC 942 Women and Structural Change
- SOC 943 Poverty Issues
* Departmental approval required.
** If not previously selected.