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Biology Professional and Professionally-Related Table V

Biology - Environmental Biology: A total of seven single-term courses (or equivalent) is required for graduation with a minimum of two single-term courses (or equivalent) from Group A.

GROUP A: A minimum of two single-term courses (or equivalent) from the following:

BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 307 Molecular Biology
BLG 402 Limnology
BLG 40A/B* Project-Thesis
BLG 508 Conservation Biology
BLG 667 Disease Ecology
BLG 678 Current Topics in Biology
BLG 707 Entomology
BLG 720 Urban Field Biology - Water Ecosystems
BLG 721 Inter-University Field Course
BLG 802 Plant Diversity
BLG 804 Water Quality and Environmental Management
BLG 805 Behavioural Ecology
BLG 806 Tropical Field Ecology
BLG 810 Advanced Techniques in Plant Biology
ENH 324 Wastewater Treatment Systems

GROUP B: A maximum of five courses from the following:

BCH 463 Advanced Biochemistry II
BCH 501 Protein Biochem and Proteomics
BCH 560 Protein Structure and Function
BCH 580 Cell Signalling
BCH 880 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 307 Molecular Biology
BLG 40A/B†* Project-Thesis
BLG 402 Limnology
BLG 408 Viruses
BLG 508 Conservation Biology
BLG 578 Pharmacology
BLG 600 Physiology
BLG 667 Disease Ecology
BLG 678 Current Topics in Biology
BLG 700 Anatomy
BLG 702 Genomics and its Applications
BLG 707 Entomology
BLG 785 Developmental Biology
BLG 788 Current Topics in Biotechnology
BLG 802 Plant Diversity
BLG 804 Water Quality and Environmental Management
BLG 805 Behavioural Ecology
BLG 806 Tropical Field Ecology
BLG 810 Advanced Techniques in Plant Biology
BLG 856 Immunology
BLG 888 Molecular Biology Laboratory
CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II
CHY 344 Inorganic Chemistry
CHY 381 Physical Chemistry I
CHY 436 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHY 437 Organic Chemistry
CPS 501 Bioinformatics
EID 100 Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation
ENH 324 Wastewater Treatment Systems
ENT 505 Small-Business Management
GMS 410 Management-Large Corporation
GMS 520 International Business
MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics I
MTH 480 Probability and Statistics II
OHS 319 Health Effects of Radiation
PCS 227 Biophysics
PCS 354 Radiation Biology
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I

† If not previously selected in Group A.
* A multi-term course.