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Sport Media Core Elective Table I

ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 505 Small-Business Management
FCD 204 Data Visualization
FCD 222 Coding for Creatives
FCD 230 Topics in Communication and Design
FCD 580 Project in Creative Technology
FCD 816 Global Campus Studio Supercourse I
RTA 210 Media History
RTA 223 Designing Material Experiences 
RTA 310 Media Aesthetics and Culture
RTA 311 Intermediate Audio Production
RTA 314 Intermediate Single Camera
RTA 315 Business of Creative Media
RTA 828 Special Topics in Game Design
RTA 837 Live Audio Production
RTA 840 eSports
RTA 844 Sport in Film
RTA 845 Producing the Olympics
RTA 850 Long-Form Sports Feature Writing
RTA 854 Live Radio Broadcasting
RTA 855 The Athlete's Perspective
RTA 858 Music Production
RTA 860 Selected Topics in Sport Media
RTA 863 Creative AI
RTA 864 Adv. Audio Immersive and Interactive Sound
RTA 865 Exploring Virtual Environments
RTA 870 Global Experiential Intensive - Sport Media
RTA 902 Social Media
RTA 904 Advanced  Business of Creative Media
RTA 906 Marketing for Media Professionals
RTA 908 Business of Producing I
RTA 910 Production Management
RTA 918 Ethics in Media
RTA 928 Introduction to Game Design
RTA 945 Writing for Factual and Reality Programs
RTA 963 Web Design
RTA 966 Cooperative Internship
RTA 969 Television Technical Producing
RTA 970 Lighting, Grip and Effects Specialty
RTA 974 Radio Broadcasting
RTA 977 Current Affairs Production
RTA 978 Editing Specialty
RTA 983 Single Camera Production - Advanced 
RTA 985 Advanced Audio: Sound for Video
RTA 986 Media for International Development
RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
RTA 991 Sport Writing
RTA 992 Social and Interactive Media for Sports
RTA 993 Sport Graphics
RTA 994 Advanced Sport Media and Documentary
RTA 996 The Art of Podcasting
RTA 999 RTA in LA
SOC 505 Sociology of Sport

RTA 311 and RTA 314 have a course count of 2.00