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Professional Table I - Performance Production

FSN 302 Fashion Histories: Ancient to Pre-modern
THG 32A/B Staging the Theatrical Production
THP 325 Theatre Costume
THP 328 Scenic Construction
THP 337 Lighting Design
THP 350 Projection Design
THP 422 Scenic Painting
THP 515 Theatre Safety and Occupational Health
THT 383 Sound Design

The following Professional Table I courses are offered in alternate years. Contact the School of Performance for further information about scheduling:

THM 114 Advanced Stage Management
THM 301 Technical Direction
THM 303 Theatre Administration Special Topics
THM 327 Theatre Administration
THM 401 Production Management
THM 503 Tour and Company Management
THP 312 Make-Up and Wiggery
THP 315 Corsetry: History and Construction
THP 333 Costume: Special Topics
THP 404 Lighting Design Special Topics
THP 538 Properties: Design and Construction
THP 612 Fabric Dyeing and Costume Painting
THP 648 Scenic Construction: Special Topics
THP 660 Projection Design: Special Topics
THP 843 Pyrotechnics
THP 845 Costume Design III
THT 318 Set Design
THT 319 Costume Design I
THT 500 Structure for Performing Arts
THT 582 Show Systems Engineering
THT 893 Sound Special Topics

THG 32A/B has a GPA weight of 2.00.

Students may take up to two courses offered by the University outside the School of Performance and approved by the Director of the Performance Production program.