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Social Work Professionally-Related Table II
CMN 269 | Countercultural Communication |
CMN 305 | Strategic Public Relations in ProCom |
CMN 314 | Professional Presentations |
CMN 601 | Visual Communication: A Critical Approach |
CRM 100 | Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CYC 550 | Foundations of Social Innovation |
CYC 560 | Social Innovation in Practice |
CYC 570 | Social Innovation in Action |
DST 613 | Strategies for Community Building |
DST 725 | The Politics and Practice of Interventions |
DST 727 | Leadership Practices for Changing Times |
ECN 104† | Introductory Microeconomics |
ECN 204† | Introductory Macroeconomics |
EID 100 | Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation |
FNY 403 | Food Security Concepts and Principles |
GEO 527 | Inequalities in Urban Neighbourhoods |
GEO 581 | GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping |
GEO 627 | Accessibility of Urban Social Services |
GEO 681 | GIS and Geographic Analysis |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
INP 900 | Understanding the Nonprofit Sector |
INP 901 | Effective Nonprofit Organizations |
INP 910 | Strategic Planning for Nonprofits |
INP 911 | Advocacy and Gov't Relations |
INP 912 | Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofits |
INP 913 | Leadership in Nonprofits |
INP 915 | Financial Management for Nonprofits |
INP 916 | Nonprofits on the Global Stage |
INP 920 | Critical Issues in the Nonprofit Sector |
MWF 325 | Birth and its Meanings |
PHL 400 | Human Rights and Justice |
POG 100 | People, Power and Politics |
POG 225 | Global Governance |
POG 315 | Equity and Human Rights in Canada |
POG 320 | Social Identity and Citizenship |
POG 412 | Government and the Economy |
POG 440 | Indigenous Governance/Justice |
POG 443 | Global Cities |
PPA 101 | Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions |
PPA 102 | Cdn Public Administration II: Processes |
PPA 122 | Local Politics and Government |
PPA 124 | Indigenous Politics and Governance |
PPA 301 | Administrative Law |
PPA 303 | Financial Management |
PPA 319 | Politics of Work and Labour |
PPA 401 | Collaborative Governance |
PPA 403 | e-Government |
PSY 124 | Social Psychology |
PSY 217 | Psychology and Design |
PSY 302 | Child Development |
PSY 325 | Psychological Disorders |
PSY 335 | Clinical Psychology |
PSY 402 | Adult Development |
PSY 602 | Developmental Psychopathology |
PSY 605 | Psychology of Health and Health Care |
PSY 802 | Death, Dying and Bereavement |
PSY 805 | Adjustment, Stress and Coping |
PSY 806 | Behaviour Modification |
PSY 808 | Community Psychology |
SOC 31A/B | Sociology of Health |
SOC 402 | The City and Social Problems |
SOC 502 | Violence and the Family |
SOC 525 | Media and Images of Inequality |
SOC 600 | Globalization and Health |
SOC 605 | Families: Difference and Diversity |
SOC 606 | Work and Families in the 21st Century |
SOC 608 | Women, Power and Change |
SOC 609 | Women and Human Rights |
SOC 700 | Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century |
SOC 708 | Environmental Sociology |