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Environment and Urban Sustainability Professionally-Related Table IV
Professionally-related courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected subject to Program and Teaching Department approval, space availability and requisite requirements.
ANT 200 | Anthropological Perspectives |
CMN 315 | Issues in Organizational Communication |
CMN 316 | Questioning Data |
CMN 413 | Corporate Communications |
CMN 414 | Interpersonal Communication |
CRM 100 | Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice |
CRM 102 | Introduction to Criminology |
CRM 200 | Criminal Law |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CRM 205 | Gender, Sexuality and the Law |
CRM 206 | Race, Ethnicity and Justice |
CRM 318 | Violence and Communities |
CRM 402 | Criminal Justice and Social Inequality |
ECN 104 | Introductory Microeconomics |
ECN 204 | Introductory Macroeconomics |
ECN 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I |
ECN 321 | Introduction to Law and Economics |
ECN 504 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECN 506 | Money and Banking |
ECN 606 | International Monetary Economics |
ECN 640 | Economics of Immigration |
ECN 702 | Econometrics II |
ECN 703 | Public Sector Economics |
ECN 707 | Economics of International Trade I |
ECN 710 | Transportation Economics |
ENG 223 | Literatures of Exile and Migration |
ENG 408 | World Literatures |
ENG 409 | Urban Literatures |
ENG 413 | Literature and Colonization |
ENG 417 | Special Topics in American Literatures |
ENG 517 | Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 529 | Controversies in Public Discourse |
ENG 611 | Film and Literature |
ENG 621 | Women's Texts, Global Contexts |
ENG 634 | Romantic Explorations |
ENG 635 | Modernism |
ENG 640 | Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas |
ENG 707 | Shakespeare and His World |
ENG 710 | Special Topics in Canadian Literatures |
ENG 720 | Persuasion from Plato to Present |
ENG 921 | Narrative in a Digital Age |
ENT 505 | Small-Business Management |
ENT 527 | Theories in Entrepreneurship |
GCM 210 | Introduction to Packaging |
GCM 230 | Typography |
GCM 710 | The Art of the Book |
GCM 720 | Magazine Production and Publishing |
GCM 738 | Photoshopped! The Art of Image Retouching |
GCM 750 | 3D Printing |
GCM 754 | Sign and Display Graphics |
GEO 151 | Location, Location, Location |
GEO 281 | How to Lie with Maps |
GEO 301 | Marketing Geography |
GEO 351 | Internal Structure of the City |
GEO 372 | Global Shift in the 21st Century |
GEO 419 | Retailing, GIS and Geodemographics |
GEO 431 | Recreation Analysis |
GEO 513 | Physical Geography in Decision Support |
GEO 527 | Inequalities in Urban Neighbourhoods |
GEO 530 | Urban Economic Geography |
GEO 551 | Urbanization and Regional Development |
GEO 553 | Studies in Rural Geography |
GEO 627 | Accessibility of Urban Social Services |
GEO 631 | Exploration in Travel and Tourism |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
GEO 724 | GIS for the Municipal Professional II |
HIS 505 | Locating The Past: Archival Research |
HIS 826 | Science and World Exploration |
HTT 150 | Tourism Demand, Supply and Distribution |
HTT 509 | Who makes the Rules? Issues in Tourism |
HTT 622 | Destination Management and Marketing |
MTH 125 | Mathematics for Professional Programs |
POG 100 | People, Power and Politics |
POG 110 | Power and Influence in Canadian Politics |
POG 210 | Power and Authority in Canada |
POG 214 | Controversial Policy Topics |
POG 225 | Global Governance |
POG 310 | Provincial Politics |
POG 313 | The Politics of Race and Ethnicity |
POG 315 | Equity and Human Rights in Canada |
POG 316 | Social Policy |
POG 410 | Canadian Urban Politics |
POG 412 | Government and the Economy |
POG 415 | Environmental Politics and Policy |
POG 424 | Human Rights and Global Politics |
POG 440 | Indigenous Governance/Justice |
POG 443 | Global Cities |
PPA 101 | Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions |
PPA 102 | Cdn Public Administration II: Processes |
PPA 120 | Canadian Politics and Government |
PPA 121 | Ontario Politics and Government |
PPA 122 | Local Politics and Government |
PPA 124 | Indigenous Politics and Governance |
PPA 125 | Rights, Equity and the State |
PPA 211 | Public Policy |
PPA 301 | Administrative Law |
PPA 401 | Collaborative Governance |
PPA 402 | Program Planning and Evaluation |
PPA 403 | e-Government |
PSY 102 | Introduction to Psychology I |
PSY 124 | Social Psychology |
PSY 202 | Introduction to Psychology II |
PSY 325 | Psychological Disorders |
PSY 941 | Cross Cultural Psychology |
RMG 302 | Retail Consumer Insight |
RMG 906 | International Retail Markets |
RMG 907 | Relationship Marketing |
RMG 910 | Omni-Channel Retailing |
RMG 911 | Retail Sales Management |
RMG 914 | Sector Studies |
SOC 104 | Understanding Society |
SOC 107 | Sociology of the Everyday |
SOC 300 | Sociology of Equity and Diversity |
SOC 302 | The City and Society |
SOC 319 | Sociological Perspectives on Crime |
SOC 402 | The City and Social Problems |
SOC 420 | Social Class in Changing Times |
SOC 470 | Toronto: The Changing City |
SOC 474 | Immigration, Borders and Belonging |
SOC 479 | Social Networks and the World Wide Web |
SOC 504 | Children and Society |
SOC 525 | Media and Images of Inequality |
SOC 803 | International Community Engagement |
SSH 400 | Special Topics in Social Ventures |
SSH 502 | Community Action Research |