Curriculum Information
It is the responsibility of each Full-time undergraduate student to access the updated online Undergraduate Calendar each year, and follow their curriculum as stated.
It is the responsibility of each Part-time undergraduate student to complete the curriculum for their program as set out in the online edition of the Undergraduate Calendar of the year they were admitted to their program, unless stated otherwise.
Ryerson offers via RAMSS ( (opens in new window) ) an Academic Advisement Report tool for Undergraduate degree students which provides a progress-to-date audit for meeting degree graduation requirements.
For instructions, see "How to View My Advisement Report (opens in new window) ".
Students are advised to regularly generate an Academic Advisement Report from their RAMSS Student Centre, 'My Academics' link to:
- Check the accuracy of their record, including approved transfer and challenge credits and course substitutions or directives
- Assist with the Course Intention and course selection process to determine remaining program requirements
- Ensure course enrolments fulfill program requirements
The Academic Advisement Report should be generated each semester when grades are finalized and each time students make a change to their academic record i.e., add, drop or swap courses.
The RAMSS self-service Academic Advisement Report shows:
- all graded courses
- all currently enrolled courses
- all transfer and challenge credit courses
- program course (curriculum) requirements
- how completed, current, transfer and challenge credit courses fulfill degree requirements; and
- extra courses that have been completed but are not being applied toward meeting degree requirements.
The Academic Advisement Report, in conjunction with the appropriate undergraduate calendar, should be used as a guide when selecting courses for enrolment.
An Application to Graduate must be submitted in order to determine if a student has satisfied all program requirements and is eligible to graduate. Ryerson graduates students two times a year; Spring (June) and Fall (October).
For more information see: Graduation and Convocation (opens in new window)
A Course Exception Substitution/Course Directive allows an undergraduate student to apply one Ryerson course for another within their program curriculum.
All degree level courses successfully completed at Ryerson during the undergraduate student's program of study and/or before their admission to an undergraduate program are eligible to be applied (subject to assessment for program relevancy).
A Course Substitution determines whether a course, which is not part of the normal curriculum requirements of a program, can be used in place of a specific course in the program’s normal curriculum. It does not replace any prerequisite/co-requisite requirements for enrolment into courses.
A Course Directive determines whether a course which is not part of the normal curriculum requirements of a program can be used as a non-specific course credit in a prescribed group of courses within the program’s normal curriculum.
A Course Exception Substitution/Course Directive application form is available online through the Office of the Registrar's Forms for Students page (opens in new window) .
Policies published in this course calendar supersede any previously provided Transfer Credit information.
The Transfer Credit Unit (opens in new window) , Office of the Registrar, has authority to apply and enforce the Transfer Credit policies, and supersede decisions issued by service or academic departments.
The Transfer Credit Unit reserves the right to amend policies, rules, procedures and revise equivalencies, as needed, without notice.
Transfer Credit Eligibility
Transfer Credit refers to course equivalencies granted toward a Ryerson course based on assessment of acceptable course work completed at an accredited post-secondary institution before being admitted to Ryerson. Transfer Credit is granted when course content, weight and level is deemed equivalent to a Ryerson course.
Ryerson will confirm Transfer Credit once a student has accepted their Offer of Admission to a degree program or has registered in a certificate program.
External courses or programs that are listed as restricted on the Offer of Admission are not eligible for Transfer Credit assessment.
Should an Offer of Admission be cancelled or revoked, Ryerson will automatically void all Transfer Credits.
Course content is subject to change with time. To meet current curriculum, accreditation and learning outcomes, some courses completed ten or more years ago may not be recognized for transfer credit (for example, Computer Science, Nursing, Media studies, etc.)
Only official academic transcripts, issued by the host institution, are accepted as confirmation of incoming course information. Statutory declarations, or affidavits, are not accepted in place of transcripts.
Detailed course outlines issued by the institution attended are required for faculty evaluation of applications. The Transfer Credit Unit and faculty evaluators reserve the right to refuse inadequate outlines, as well as ask for more course details to determine course equivalency.
Course outlines must be in English. If the original material is not in English, a certified translation of the course outline is required as well as the original course outline. Exception: uncertified translations of French course outlines will be accepted.
An application for courses previously completed at Ryerson is not required. Previously completed Ryerson courses will remain on a student's record even if a student transfers programs. Courses completed at Ryerson may fulfill the requirements of any Ryerson program (if applicable).
Grades and Grade Point Average
Courses from accredited universities will be considered for transfer credit when successfully completed with a minimum grade of 60 percent or C-.
Courses from accredited post-secondary colleges and institutions of technology will be considered for transfer credit when successfully completed with a minimum grade of 70 percent or B-. Some college courses will not be considered for transfer credit regardless of the grade achieved.
Performance indicators other than alpha or percentage grades are not acceptable for Transfer Credit, for example PSD (passed), CRT (credit), EXP (exempt), EXM (exam), and the like.
Transfer Credit is recorded on the Ryerson student academic record as CRT (credit) and is not used in the calculation of the Ryerson Cumulative Grade Point Average.
Transfer Credit cannot be used to replace course(s) taken at Ryerson for Grade Point Average adjustment.
Ryerson Program Requirements
Students are responsible for confirming Transfer Credit Application results on their Transfer Credit Report on the RAMSS tab of
Not all granted Transfer Credits may be applicable toward a program's graduation requirements.
If the Transfer Credit granted affects course enrolment or course intentions, students are required to adjust their course enrolments or intentions within deadlines specified in Significant Dates of the current calendar.
No more than 50 percent of the program's graduation requirements may consist of advanced standing and/or course credits, such as Transfer Credits, Letter of Permission credits, and Challenge Credits.
Requirements for Minors
Transfer Credits are applicable toward the requirements of a Minor.
Direct Entry Program students are not required to apply for Transfer Credit for courses that are part of the Direct Entry Program exemptions in order to have the courses count toward the requirements of a Minor. These courses are automatically counted toward fulfilling the requirements of a Minor.
Transferring Between Ryerson Programs
Ryerson awards Transfer Credit based on the program’s course requirements; students transferring from one Ryerson program to another may need to have their Transfer Credit reassessed.
The Transfer Credit Unit can confirm if previously granted Transfer Credits may be applicable toward the new program of study. Note: PRE GEN (Generic Professionally Related) credits will not be applicable toward the new program requirements.
Engineering Programs
Engineering program applicants should not expect to receive Transfer Credit for engineering related discipline courses from programs not accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).
Transfer Credit Reassessment
Transfer Credit results may be re-evaluated with the submission of a Transfer Credit Reassessment. A Reassessment must be received within one calendar year of the original results being issued. Reassessments are evaluated based on new evidence and cannot be considered for decisions based on the external institution accreditation status or due to failure to meet the minimum grade requirement. Reassessments are also not considered if the incoming course is deemed to have not met the currency of content, level, minimum weight, and/or course hour requirements.
Transfer Credit Reassessment decisions are final. Additional reassessments for the same course will not be accepted.
A Challenge Credit grants Ryerson student’s academic credit for a Ryerson course in recognition of skills and knowledge gained outside the traditional post-secondary school environment e.g. through work experience. The experience gained replicates the subject matter of the material.
The Challenge Credit Application is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms for Students page (opens in new window) . Not all courses are available for challenge. Students should consult the appropriate teaching department for details.
A maximum of five one-term Challenge Credits may be acquired in a degree program. A maximum of two one-term, one-course count Challenge Credits may be obtained in a certificate program.
Letter of Permission (LOP) grants Ryerson students permission to enrol in a course at another accredited post-secondary institution and confirms credit will be applied toward their Ryerson program. Credits will not be granted for courses taken at another institution if an approved Letter of Permission has not been issued before course enrolment. Students must meet eligibility and satisfy all other requirements.
The Letter of Permission application form is available on-line through the Office of the Registrar's Forms for Students page (opens in new window) .