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Minor in Sales Management and Service Quality

This interdisciplinary Minor enables students to understand the fundamentals of the sales process, as well as the quantitative and qualitative tools necessary to manage customer relationships and ensure that expectations are met. Students increase their knowledge of the new media tools that dominate sales communication today and are given the opportunity to develop the leadership and management skills that are an integral part of any successful sales team.

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Marketing Department

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required course (1) should be taken first:

MKT 504 Effective Persuasion

Plus five (5) of the following:

CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
HTH 102 Service and Professionalism
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
  (or HTH 503 Human Resources Management)
MHR 640 Leadership
MKT 723 Services Marketing
RMG 907 Relationship Marketing

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 2 (opens in new window) , Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.