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- SEM 101 - Sign, Sense and MeaningCourse DescriptionAll signs and symbols require interpretation. Semiotics is the key to discovering meaning and revealing messages. Using ads, logos, texts, film and other media, this course, offered in English, will present the theories innovated by French semioticians and will focus on the theories and applied aspects of French Semiotics. By surveying its theorists, from the Sémiologistesto Post-structuralists, students will acquire a broad understanding of the theoretical framework that shapes today's semiotic field of inquiry. Formerly FRS 101.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LL
- SEM 102 - Introduction to Visual SemioticsCourse DescriptionThis course surveys the semiotic investigation of the visual sign. Through lectures, students will learn about important studies in visual semiotics, its main researchers, models, texts, and applications. The second half of the course delivers, through a series of applied projects, an opportunity for students to critically analyze and produce visual signs in and for a variety of media including film, graphic novels, commercials, the development of logos, and other social conventions (including clothing and physical attributes).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULPrerequisites:SEM 101Antirequisites:CMN 403 and SEM 201
- SEM 301 - Cognitive SemioticsCourse DescriptionWhy do human beings find meaning in things? What are the sources of meaning? How does it work? These are questions for cognitive semiotics, a new research paradigm that embraces experiential, experimental and observational methods, seeking to reconcile the natural and human sciences. We ground the development of human consciousness in movement, mimesis and modeling, drawing on diverse disciplines from linguistics and anthropology to biology and neuroscience, asking if a better understanding of meaning might make us better people.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULPrerequisites:SEM 101