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Quantitative Methods

  • QMS 102 - Business Statistics I
    Course DescriptionThis course consists of an introduction to business statistics including methods of describing, summarizing, graphically presenting, measuring and analyzing statistical data, probability distributions, covariance applications, sampling distributions and control charts. The course emphasizes how to apply various statistical techniques in the support of managerial decisions in the various functional areas of business. Students will be required to use appropriate computer software and/or calculator to present and analyse statistical data.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:QMS 204 , QMS 210, QMS 230, QMS 400
  • QMS 110 - Applied Mathematics for Business
    Course DescriptionThis course will introduce and reinforce fundamental concepts of mathematical modelling that are commonly used in business applications. Student will learn about the properties of mathematical functions and how they are applied across the functional areas of business. Employing a practical, hands-on approach, students will use Excel to analyze mathematical models and summarize their findings in a business report. Essential concepts of financial mathematics will also be covered.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:ITM 107, QMS 130
  • QMS 130 - Quantitative Business Analysis
    Course DescriptionThis course emphasizes how to apply various mathematical techniques in the support of managerial decisions in the various functional areas of business. Review if basic algebra (including linear, quadratic and other special functions), inequalities and linear programming, exponential and logarithmic functions, mathematics of finance, functions, limits and derivative, derivatives and applications.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • QMS 202 - Business Statistics II
    Course DescriptionThis course builds on the concepts introduced in QMS 102. Some of the topics to be studied follow: confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing of means, variances, proportions, independence, and simple/multiple regression with applications to forecasting. The course emphasizes how to apply various inferential statistical techniques in the support of managerial decisions in the various functional areas of business. SPSS and/or programmable calculators are used.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 102 or QMS 204 or Direct Entry
    Antirequisites:HIM 408, QMS 210, QMS 230
  • QMS 210 - Applied Statistics for Business
    Course DescriptionThis course introduces both descriptive and inferential statistics. Students learn to use descriptive data, in both numeric and graphic formats, as well as inferential statistics to support managerial decisions in applied business contexts. Topics include grouped frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and variability, probability theory, sampling distribution, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and linear and multiple regression.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:QMS 202, QMS 230
  • QMS 230 - Statistics for Accounting and Finance
    Course DescriptionStatistics for Management includes an introduction to business statistics, methods of describing, summarizing, graphically presenting, measuring and analyzing statistical data in the field of Finance and Accounting. Students will also be exposed to the theoretical underpinnings of management decision, estimation and hypothesis testing. Statistical techniques include analysis of variance, goodness of fit test, chi-square test and simple and multiple regressions.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:HIM 408, QMS 202, QMS 210
  • QMS 442 - Multiple Regression for Business
    Course DescriptionThis course makes a comprehensive examination of both multiple regression and analysis of variance, the most commonly used statistics tools used in business, emphasizing model appropriateness for given business problem and followed by a critical analysis of any assumptions and an assessment of the model accuracy. A real-life project is used to demonstrate the practical use of the techniques. The course is supported by appropriate statistical software.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 202 or QMS 210 or QMS 230 or Direct Entry
  • QMS 521 - Business Optimization
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to help the prospective manager define the management decision-making process and become familiar with the Operations Research and other linear techniques in practice today. Students will learn to recognize decision situations amenable to O.R. analysis through exposure to the analysis of business problems using model formulation and problem-solving techniques. Analysis will be done using appropriate of software and platforms with an emphasis on output interpretation.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 202 or QMS 210 or QMS 230 or Direct Entry
  • QMS 522 - Linear Algebra
    Course DescriptionThis course applies Matrix Algebra to the modelling of Linear Business Systems. Topics include Matrices and Linear Transformations, Determinants and Subspaces. This course should be of interest to students planning graduate studies in Business Administration or Economics.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 202 or QMS 210 or QMS230 or Direct Entry
    Antirequisites:MTH 108, MTH 141
  • QMS 702 - Calculus for Business
    Course DescriptionThis course is an introductory course in calculus. Its purpose is to make the student familiar with the basic concepts and appreciate the various applications. The course will be of value to students who wish to further their understanding of business and economic model building. It will also give the student an insight into one of the most powerful and widely used of mathematical tools. Although little prior knowledge will be assumed, the student should have analytical interest. Many graduate business schools now require at least one undergraduate level calculus course. It is strongly recommended that students select QMS 702, Calculus for Business, as an elective in fourth year if they are considering graduate studies in business.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 202 or QMS 230 or QMS 110 or ITM 107 or Direct Entry
    Antirequisites:ECN 189
  • QMS 703 - Business Forecasting Techniques
    Course DescriptionThis course deals with the application, usefulness and limitations of some of the more important and widely used time series forecasting techniques, including Box-Jenkins. A forecasting project will provide the student with insight into the practical problems of forecasting such as data acquisition, model selection and the analysis and interpretation of results. Analysis will be done using the appropriate software and platforms.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:QMS 202 or QMS 210 or QMS 230 or Direct Entry