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Public Health

  • PUB 301 - Agents of Communicable Disease
    Course DescriptionA course that introduces communicable disease. The course will look specifically at introducing the biological agents that cause communicable disease - the bacterial, viral and fungal agents etc. The course will also examine the methods by which these agents are found and include a small practical element.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • PUB 409 - Water Quality I
    Course DescriptionTargeting drinking water quality, this course examines public and private drinking water systems, focusing on biological, chemical and physical parameters. Regulatory controls are reviewed. Water sources including surface water and groundwater will be surveyed. Treatment methods examined include chlorination, ultraviolet light, iodination, ozonation, reverse osmosis and activated carbon. Testing procedures and laboratory results are interpreted. A detailed examination of small drinking water systems will be made.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • PUB 501 - Communicable Disease Control
    Course DescriptionA course that deals with some of the more frequently encountered or important bacterial, viral, and other diseases. These diseases are considered in depth, using recent Canadian reports where possible, to illustrate their behaviour in a susceptible population, and the methods by which they may be controlled.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:PUB 301
  • PUB 508 - Food Safety
    Course DescriptionThe major part of this course involves a detailed examination of the chemical, biological, physical and allergenic aspects of food safety. Case studies and current literature provide an up to the minute study of the disease entities that are acquired through the medium of food
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ENH 333
  • PUB 607 - Air Quality
    Course DescriptionThis course will examine the health and safety issues associated with indoor and outdoor air, focusing on the biological, chemical and physical factors relating to air quality and air pollution. The impact of poor air quality on human health will be explored. Air contaminants, their sources, transport and control methods will be investigated. Contemporary engineering and government regulatory controls will be reviewed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • PUB 609 - Water Quality II
    Course DescriptionTargeting recreational water quality, this course examines: swimming pools, public spas, non-regulated recreational facilities such as splash pads, wading pools and water slide receiving basins as well as bathing beaches and recreational camps. Focusing on biological, chemical and physical parameters, health and safety is stressed. Regulatory controls are reviewed and testing and monitoring protocols examined. Case studies will be reviewed and evaluated.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • PUB 800 - Advanced Professional Practice
    Course DescriptionThis course deals with health administration, crisis management, ethics and leadership, as part of the transition to professional practice. The course will include an examination of the structure within which local official health agencies operate. Conflict resolution and crisis management provides consensus-building techniques in response to individual or group resistance or confusion.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • PUB 808 - Food Safety Management
    Course DescriptionThis course deals with the examination and evaluation of foods, ingredients, processes and premises from a legislative and health risk viewpoint. Inspection techniques are discussed, as are the making of an appropriate report and recommendations based upon the Food Premises Regulations. The emphasis is upon recognition of hazardous elements and reduction or elimination of risks. HACCP is also covered in detail.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:PUB 508