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  • RTA 101 - Introduction to Media Theory and Practice
    Course DescriptionThis course provides an introduction to major media and new media theories, art movements and creative practices of the 20th and 21st centuries. Students learn to think critically about artworks, creative experiments and media. The course culminates in a major assignment where each student delves deeply into a specific theory to examine artworks, current creative practice or the audience's relationship to media.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 2 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 102 - Creative Processes
    Course DescriptionThis introductory course focuses on principles, theories and practices of content development for a variety of media genres, formats and distribution platforms. Students explore the development of creative and fact-based content by using processes such as rapid prototyping, iterative design, story-chasing and script writing. Students emerge from the course with an understanding of how to take their creative ideas from inception to the creation of compelling content.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RTA 107, RTA 108
  • RTA 103 - Digital Media Production I
    Course DescriptionThrough a combination of lecture and hands-on workshops, students will broaden their understanding of digital media, develop a critical understanding of the role of digital media in contemporary life, and become conscious consumers and creators of technology and digital media content. Students will be introduced to principles of visual design and communication, and will learn how to use digital media production software for graphic design, web-native production and time-based media.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 2 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:Available only to Media Production, New Media and Sport Media students.
  • RTA 104 - Introductory Audio Production
    Course DescriptionThrough a combination of lecture and in-studio workshops, students develop foundational skills in audio production: recording, editing, and mixing. Students apply these skills through the creation of a personal podcast that includes components of studio recording, field and studio interviews, sound design, and music editorial.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 2 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Custom Requisites:Available only to Media Production, New Media and Sport Media students.
  • RTA 105 - Sport Media Theory and Practice
    Course DescriptionThis course will examine the impact of sport in culture. By way of lectures, students will examine issues utilizing social theories to explain the role of sport in society. How has sport infiltrated everyday life and what is the impact of the commercialization of sport by media? Analysis of the socio-negative attributes associated with professional athletes will also be examined.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 2 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 106 - Introduction to Video Sport Production
    Course DescriptionStudents will gain an introductory knowledge of both single camera (EFP) and multicamera (studio and live production) sports broadcasting operational techniques, including hands-on equipment training. Emphasis in this lecture/lab is placed on crew roles and responsibilities. Production planning and control room protocol will be taught as well as organizational skills for program preparation.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 108
    Antirequisites:RTA 243, RTA 920, FCD 920
    Corequisites:RTA 211
  • RTA 107 - Creative Processes - New Media
    Course DescriptionThis introductory course focuses on principles, theories and practices of creative idea development for a variety of New Media forms. Students explore the development of concepts by exploring processes such as research, brainstorming, rapid prototyping and iterative design.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RTA 102, RTA 108
  • RTA 108 - Creative Processes - Sport Media
    Course DescriptionThis introductory course focuses on principles, theories and practices of content development for a variety of media genres, formats and distribution platforms, and primarily in the sport media industry. Students explore the development of creative and fact-based content by using processes such as rapid prototyping, iterative design, story-chasing and script writing. Students emerge from the course with an understanding of how to take their creative ideas from inception to the creation of compelling content.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RTA 102, RTA 107
    Custom Requisites:Available to Sport Media students only.
  • RTA 180 - Music and Film
    Course DescriptionThe use of music with film has evolved from early stereotyped borrowing of nineteenth century classical European repertoire to newly created scores that enhance and support the dramatic themes of the film. This course explores the relationship between music and film, the functions and effects of music and how the music supports or plays against the visual images. Analysis of selected film genres will demonstrate how music can strengthen the film's dramatic themes. (Formerly MUS 110)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • RTA 183 - Rhythm, Beat and Groove
    Course DescriptionLatin America's music spans nightclub salsa, Brazilian samba, Latin jazz, African-derived carnival music, Haitian voodoo, and urban hip-hop, among others, and reflects dynamic cultural fusions of past and present. Through hands-on musical exercises, lecture, and examination of audio-visual media, this course explores the socio-cultural and aesthetic impact of Latin American musical genres, with a particular focus on Latin rhythm, beat and groove. (Formerly MUS 403).
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 201 - Video Art Production
    Course DescriptionThis studio/lab course approaches video as a unique artistic and standard production medium. Students learn about video art and production through making creative video works. Field trips, screenings, readings and critiques augment hands-on learning. Students will familiarize themselves with the concepts, tools and techniques of basic video making. Project development, production and public presentation strategies are aimed at creating a strong foundation in making moving media for broadcast, narrowcast, and virtual spaces
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 920, RTA 243, RTA 920
  • RTA 210 - Media History
    Course DescriptionThis course traces the history of media from the first radio broadcast to today's transmedia storyworlds. Students consider the main forces which shaped our media industry: technological change, commercial imperatives, creative aspirations, demographic trends and government policy and regulation. By looking at the past, students gain a greater appreciation of the current media landscape and, perhaps, the ability to adapt quickly to the future.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 211 - Production Theory
    Course DescriptionThis lecture course will introduce analog and digital audio systems, an overview of visual media technical concepts, and computer hardware and networks with an emphasis on understanding the use of technology in audio and digital media production. The course will be taught at a non-engineering level. Lectures will include samples of technology, demonstrations and application of technical knowledge in production.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 212 - Media Writing
    Course DescriptionBuilding on RTA 102 or RTA 107 (Creative Processes), this course focuses on writing for the screen and related platforms with an emphasis on fictional storytelling. Students consider major theories and schools of writing which will inform students' work and how they tell stories. Students then build on those theories to write their own script.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 107
  • RTA 213 - Production: Introduction to Multi-Camera
    Course DescriptionStudents will gain a practical working knowledge of operational techniques, including hands-on equipment training in a multi-camera television studio with cameras, sound and lighting. Emphasis will also be placed on crew roles and responsibilities. Theory lectures will analyze the process of communicating information and emotion through visuals and sound. Production planning techniques and control room protocol will be taught to help students organize and execute their creative ideas.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 and (RTA 103 or RTA 104)
  • RTA 220 - New Media Art History
    Course DescriptionThis course locates contemporary art practices within the historical frameworks of analogue and digital cultures. Students consider the digital movements that underpin current new media art culture. The course also explores the influence of digital cultures on 21st century art practices as well as hybrid forms of aesthetics. The historical, theoretical, and practical aspects of the transformation of author and viewer in new media are also investigated.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 221 - Experiential Media/Interdisciplinary Practice
    Course DescriptionThis course introduces students to fundamental theories from a range of disciplines that illuminate how the senses, identity, social context, and physical environment shape our experience of art, design, and popular culture. Students learn how to use theories to examine contemporary art and reflect on relevant issues such as how new media's computational and networked technologies inform and transform our experience of cultural content.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 101
  • RTA 222 - Intro to Computational Arts
    Course DescriptionThis studio class introduces students to fundamental concepts, techniques and strategies of computer programming as an art form by teaching how to code interactive programs. The course investigates the interplay between creative expression and technological capability. Emphasis will be placed on computational literacy as well as constructing and evaluating algorithmic creative forms and artefacts.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1.5 hrs. Lab 1.5 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 222, FPN 513
  • RTA 223 - Designing Material Experiences
    Course DescriptionThis foundational design course introduces students to experience design using a variety of fabricating techniques and materials. Students will gain the necessary skills to model, design, and build physical entities as a pathway to understanding how materials shape and inform experience. Projects will challenge students to develop personal and team-based production skills and to work at a variety of scales and contexts.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 231 - Sport Marketing and Promotion
    Course DescriptionThis course provides marketing fundamentals with specific focus on major professional sports marketing as well as for amateur sports and the Olympics. This course will utilize theories and give them practical application.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 105
  • RTA 232 - Sport, Media and Society
    Course DescriptionThis course addresses the convergence of sport, media and society. Applying central theoretical frameworks, students will critically assess the integral role of sports in society, while simultaneously examining its relationship with the media and various socio-cultural factors (i.e. race, gender, sexuality, violence, deviant behaviours, and politics).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 105
  • RTA 233 - Sport Journalism
    Course DescriptionThis course combines the history, practice and technique of sport journalism with extensive practice. The theory covers the style and substance of sport journalism, cross-platform reporting, written and visual story-telling, shaping language for the ear, interview techniques and the legal impacts of sport reporting. Students are introduced to various sport journalism roles in order to build a repertoire of practical experiences.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 108
    Antirequisites:NNS 512, JRN 512
  • RTA 234 - Intermediate Multi-Camera Sports
    Course DescriptionIn this lab students will gain a more advanced understanding and practice in multi-camera/studio sport production techniques. Through studio production exercises and a final project, students develop their knowledge of production tools and an understanding of the teamwork and interpersonal skills, both in front of the camera and behind, that are necessary to create successful sport programming.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 106
  • RTA 235 - Sport Media and Programming
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the history, philosophy and production of sports programming. The relationships between the various players in the sports broadcasting environment will be surveyed. Writing for sports broadcasting, social media and the Web will be explored. The roles and special skills of the on-air talent will be characterized and discussed. The past, present, and future of women in sportscasting will be examined.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 234
    Antirequisites:RTA 955
  • RTA 236 - On-Air Sports Presentation
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students develop on-air presentation skills particular to sports broadcasting: reporter, anchor, sideline, host, play-by-play and analyst. They will write pieces in sports broadcast style and do research into sports teams and statistics, using those pieces during exercises to develop interviewing, stand up and hosting skills. Students will also do research into the performance life of a professional sports broadcaster.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 2 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 234
    Antirequisites:RTA 951
  • RTA 243 - Production: Introduction to Single Camera
    Course DescriptionThis course will provide an introduction to the technical and aesthetic elements of electronic field production. Students will learn basic skills in single camera production techniques, and will begin to develop an aesthetic understanding of creative composition, production design, and editing. Working in teams, students will learn about production values and working to deadlines, while becoming familiar with how to use a camera, lights, microphone, and non-linear editing equipment to create video productions.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 920, RTA 201, RTA 920
    Corequisites:RTA 211
    Custom Requisites:Available to Media Production students only.
  • RTA 310 - Media Aesthetics and Culture
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to broaden understanding of the relationship between culture and media. Students tackle theories and ideas of visual studies, gender, fandom, transmedia, heroism and representation in all different media from TV to webisodes to gaming to comics and music. Students will learn about historical and current examples of boundary-breaking storytelling, and analyze and critique the work of storytellers from the past and present.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 311 - Intermediate Audio Production
    Course DescriptionThis course builds on the foundation of audio production skills honed in RTA 104. Students engage in a combination of lecture, demonstration, and workshop sessions that expand their competency and confidence in complex audio production scenarios. Students advance their skills in music, dramatic narrative, audio for video, and live audio production. As a prerequisite for several RTA audio courses, this course scaffolds students' specific explorations in advanced production courses.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 2 hrs. Lab 4 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 104
  • RTA 312 - Motion Graphics
    Course DescriptionThis course offers intermediate-level skills in digital content production with a focus on motion graphics, animation, and the web. The course includes group-critiques, in-class workshops, production exercises and tutorials, and requires students to have a basic familiarity with computers and digital tools.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 103
  • RTA 313 - Production: Intermediate Multi-camera
    Course DescriptionThis course provides students with more advanced understanding and practice in multi-camera/studio production techniques. Through skill-based workshop rotations, studio production exercises and a major project, students develop their knowledge of production tools, operation and care of equipment, and an understanding of the teamwork and interpersonal skills necessary to create successful programming. As well, the skill set and talent necessary to use the visual medium to tell effective and evocative stories is further developed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 5 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 211 and (RTA 213 or RTA 243)
  • RTA 314 - Production: Intermediate Single-Camera
    Course DescriptionThis course advances the student's knowledge and applications of lighting, framing, composition, location constraints, sound, and the editing involved in single camera shooting. Students will review the camera/recorder and nonlinear edit suites, the planning techniques derived from scripts, lighting techniques and audio recording. Students will develop story, scripts and production planning paperwork for one short and one longer form production, which they will shoot and edit. New Media students must complete core competencies.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 211 and [(RTA 201 and [RTA 103 or RTA 104])] or (RTA 213 and RTA 243) or RTA 106
  • RTA 315 - Business of Creative Media
    Course DescriptionAn introduction to business practices and issues within the creative industries. Students are introduced to the business, operational and legal practices of the media in Canada. Students explore how these diverse businesses function within the Canadian regulatory environment and internationally. Students learn about business applications, as well as the legal/regulatory framework that media professionals operate in, and will explore ethical issues for media and business in general.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 2 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 316 - Concepts in Narrative
    Course DescriptionFrom memory to conversations to scripted stories, narrative is a profound part of the human experience. How and why do we tell stories? This course examines how stories are told through different media and across different technological platforms. We explore how contemporary writers, theorists, artists and media-makers come to terms with narrative in the digital era, as new technologies impact how we communicate and create new narrative forms that transcend traditional media boundaries.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 212
  • RTA 317 - Media For Participatory Audiences
    Course DescriptionAs social practice, technologies and media content change in the 21st century, our understanding of the types of stories we can tell and our relationship with an active, participatory audience has radically shifted. This course introduces students to the ideas of transmedia narratives and cross-media projects, discusses the properties of various content-platforms for interaction, and examines the dynamics of participatory audiences.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 103
  • RTA 320 - Interactive Storytelling
    Course DescriptionThis studio course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and strategies for creating interactive and nonlinear narratives. Students learn classic theories of storytelling and editing, as the foundation to crafting compelling interactive narratives. Through a series of projects, students are introduced to different methodologies for creating interactive narrative experiences, including the creation of storyworlds and narrative maps, and the use of character, perspective and time to build choice and viewer agency into the narrative experience.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 107 or RTA 108
  • RTA 321 - Intro to Tangible Media
    Course DescriptionUsing the human body and its senses (vision, acoustic, touch, taste, smell, proprioception - physical sense of self movement) as an organizing model, this course introduces students to Physical Computing practices. Students will learn about digital and analog sensor systems, be introduced to micro-controllers, computer sensor systems and ubiquitous computing. Basic programming skills are an important part of this course.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 322 - Technology, Identity and Creativity
    Course DescriptionThis course examines how media technologies relate to racialized, gendered and sexualized bodies. Students consider scholarly and popular works ranging from the cinematic representation of Frankenstein to current studies of cyborgian bodies in order to produce creative work that responds to modern and postmodern ideas about the body.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 323 - Contemporary Strategies in New Media
    Course DescriptionThis course develops student awareness and fluidity in key terms, concepts, and strategies of practices and theories related to approaches to new media and criticism. As part of the fine arts curriculum, students will explore ways that new media contributes to an ongoing reformulation of the dynamics of contemporary society and culture, by examining exemplars of new media practices, artists, and associated texts. Topics explored will include the changing concepts and narratives of new media.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 330 - Advanced Live Sport Production
    Course DescriptionThis course will concentrate on the aesthetic and production values of live production. Students learn advanced cutting edge technologies and the logistics involved in live production. This class will combine lectures with the production of a professional quality remote simulated live event, utilizing remote production equipment.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 234
  • RTA 331 - Advanced Transmedia Sports Marketing
    Course DescriptionThis course introduces students to the fundamental concepts, principles and strategies utilized in the marketing of sport on multiple platforms. Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of sport marketing, the course will explore new and innovative means by which sports are marketed on television, radio and the Internet.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(RTA 102 or RTA 108) and RTA 233 and RTA 231
  • RTA 332 - Legal and Business Aspects of Sport
    Course DescriptionThis course will concentrate on the intersection of sports, law and business. Topic areas will include collective bargaining, amateur and professional sports organizations, team and league discipline, drug testing, sports and criminal law, collusion and tampering amongst sports teams.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 231
  • RTA 406 - Chinese Instrumental Music
    Course DescriptionThis course explores the traditions and practice of Chinese instrumental music through score study, analysis of instrument technique and historiography, examination of pedagogy and transmission, and ensemble performance. Traditional folk, classical, and contemporary nationalized musical forms will be studied, with a particular emphasis on the stylistic differences of once discrete regions. Instruments studied may include: dizi, xiao, erhu, yanqin, ruan, sanxian, liuqin, guzheng, and Chinese percussion. (Formerly MUS 406).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • RTA 430 - Sport Media Capstone
    Course DescriptionThis capstone course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their summative knowledge gained in sport media. Students will complete an in-depth research paper, critically assessing a significant area of interest in the sport and/or media industries, synthesizing their practical skills developed with their theoretical knowledge honed through previous coursework.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 431 and RTA 433
  • RTA 431 - Sport Media Practicum
    Course DescriptionStudents self-select into groups to produce professional quality audio, television or multimedia sport media projects. Students engage the support of industry mentors as well as RTA faculty and pitch production ideas to a Sport Practicum Management Committee. Sport Practicum ideas must meet professional industry standards. Students must present sixty hours of documented internship or employment in the media industry or a contribution to RTA Productions or the equivalent contribution to the community accumulated during the student's second, third or fourth year fall terms.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 331
  • RTA 432 - Internship - Sport Media
    Course DescriptionWith faculty support, students will be given the opportunity to find themselves a 120 hour part-time sport media internship position. Students will develop personal contracts with both industry mentors and their faculty advisors to carry out significant research or production work off-campus. Students will study the sport media and management operations of professional and/or amateur sport broadcasters and organizations.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6.5 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 330 and RTA 433
    Antirequisites:FCD 810
  • RTA 433 - Issues in Sports
    Course DescriptionThis upper level course critically examines current issues in sport and their relationship to media. Advanced theoretical frameworks will be introduced and applied to critically analyze issues through a media lens.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 232 or PHL 214 or NNS 400 or JRN 400 or SOC 505
  • RTA 440 - Sport Media Internship
    Course DescriptionStudents will be given the opportunity to find themselves a sport media internship position. Students will develop personal contracts with both industry mentors and their faculty advisors to carry out significant research or production work off-campus. Students will study the sport media and management operations of professional and/or amateur sport broadcasters and organizations.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 331 or RTA 332
    Antirequisites:FCD 810
  • RTA 441 - Music of India
    Course DescriptionIndian tradition holds that the world was created from a single primordial sound. Music is understood to impact mood, health, environment, and even physical matter. Each musical mode (raga) was traditionally to be performed only at a particular time of day and in a specific season. Examining popular and classical traditions through hands on exploration and traditional lecture, this course surveys the unique and sophisticated melodic, rhythmic and cultural traditions of Indian music. (Formerly MUS 107).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • RTA 474 - Gospel Music: Songs for the Spirit
    Course DescriptionEvolving from syncopated African spirituals, field hollers, and Christian hymns, gospel singing has influenced musical traditions from the blues, to rock and soul. Through group singing, lecture, and audio-visual examples, this course will explore the vocal tradition of gospel music through a socio-cultural, historical, and aesthetic lens, and in so doing trace the development of one of the most exuberant and exciting vocal genres of North America. (Formerly MUS 108).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • RTA 484 - Music of the African Diaspora
    Course DescriptionAfrican traditions have fed into and shaped many genres of popular music around the globe, including funk, soul, reggae, son, salsa, zouk, rap, house and grime. This course explores the transnational flows through which the sonic practices and cultural traditions of African peoples have infused a succession of musical styles. Students will gain an understanding of the global history of Black musical innovation and its social, political and aesthetic implications.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • RTA 501 - Studio Practice
    Course DescriptionThis course provides an opportunity to experience the entire life cycle of New Media project production including brainstorming, research, planning, proposal writing, building, testing, presentation, and documentation. Through written proposals and oral presentations, this course will teach how to develop creative concepts and explain their relevance in a broader social and technological context.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 520 and (RTA 103 or RTA 104)
  • RTA 503 - Project Development - Media Production
    Course DescriptionThrough workshops, lectures, screenings and seminars, students delve into the creative and practical processes needed to take an idea from inception to script or prototype. This course prepares students to produce their major culminating fourth-year Major Thesis project. Working in small self-selected groups and/or individually, students develop proposals for theses, scripts or production for midterm critique and final presentation. At term's end faculty may approve certain proposals to go forward as final projects.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315, RTA 310, RTA 912
  • RTA 520 - Public Practice
    Course DescriptionPublic Practice introduces students to the rigour and demands of the public presentation of creative works, as well as the level of refinement expected of thesis projects. In this lecture course, students will be introduced to the project management cycle from proposal to funding to project delivery. Issues regarding presentation contexts, professional identity, portfolios, timelines, contracts and artist obligations will be discussed and incorporated into the flow of the term.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 521 - Media for Social Change
    Course DescriptionThis course will examine how media technologies inform social change, with a specific focus on the forms of participatory culture that have transpired since the advent of social media. Students will learn about the fundamental cultural shifts of the late 20th century and early 21st century and examine how artists have responded to the changing media landscapes of that period.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 530 - Chinese Music
    Course DescriptionThis course explores a variety of Chinese musical genres including folk, classical, contemporary hybrid and popular forms. Topics may include: the philosophical roots of music in Chinese cosmology; music and meditation; Beijing and Cantonese opera; censorship and propaganda in the Cultural Revolution; Chinese rock in the Tiananmen Square protest; and the growth of Chinese music internationally. Both Chinese instrumental and vocal music will be examined through a socio-historical, political, and stylistic lens. (Formerly MUS 506).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:UL
  • RTA 701 - Thesis: Production Project
    Course DescriptionIn production teams established in RTA 503, students will collaboratively produce a capstone production based upon fully developed production bibles. The execution of this project provides students the opportunity to further advance and demonstrate their understanding of creative processes, storytelling, production techniques and craft specialization. Students may choose to produce this final culminating project in any media genre and format. The expectation is that the final production will meet professional and/or exceptional quality standards.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 503
  • RTA 702 - Thesis: Major Research Paper I
    Course DescriptionStudents engage in empirical research and synthesis of a relevant topic from media or the creative industries. Examples include: media effects, impact of new technologies, media use in a social, historical and/or economic context. Working independently and guided by a Thesis Supervisor, MRP candidates will prepare preliminary components of a major scholarly paper including: formal research proposal, outline, table of contents, and annotated bibliography.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 703 - Thesis: Media Writing Project I
    Course DescriptionStudents will develop an original Media Writing project within a realistic setting. Projects undertaken include the development of an original series or feature film, but other media writing projects will also be considered. Students will experience a professional writing environment through a combination of independent work and collaborative story sessions with faculty and their peers. Course work will culminate in students completing a major development milestone such as a feature film outline or series bible.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 941 or RTA 942 or RTA 943 or RTA 944 or RTA 945
    Antirequisites:RTA 75A/B
  • RTA 704 - Thesis: Major Research Paper II
    Course DescriptionFollowing development work completed in RTA 702, students synthesize research and data and write a culminating major research paper. Working independently and guided by a Thesis Supervisor, MRP candidates will prepare the final components of a major scholarly paper including: abstract, first, second and final-polished drafts. Students will also orally present their completed work in a formal Thesis Defence.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 702
    Antirequisites:RTA 71A/B
  • RTA 705 - Thesis: Media Writing Project II
    Course DescriptionBuilding on the work completed in RTA 703, students will utilize advanced development techniques to improve and enhance their media writing projects. Individual and group feedback sessions with faculty and peers will support creative goals and provide a framework for refining projects through multiple drafts of the students' work. The expected result is a final, well-developed media writing project for each student's portfolio.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 703
    Antirequisites:RTA 75A/B
  • RTA 711 - Master Class
    Course DescriptionThis course provides students with a culminating and integrative experience in media production. Students analyze and discuss the current and future overarching issues within the creative and cultural industries, placing them in context within the Canadian milieu. Senior representatives of various media and faculty members will present and discuss topics from their respective fields of expertise. Students will gain insights into opportunities and challenges in the workplace, trends and the impact of emerging technologies on all sectors with particular focus on content creation.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 801 - Discoverability and Distribution
    Course DescriptionStudents develop and execute a strategy and plan for distribution and exhibition of culminating projects produced in RTA 701. The channels of dissemination will be determined by the genre and nature of specific projects. Guest speakers and workshops will contribute to student's understanding of current practices and processes in making creative content accessible and viable to an audience.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 912 or FCD 912
  • RTA 812 - RTA Community Productions
    Course DescriptionAs an alternative to RTA 811 or RTA 813, students contribute 240 hours of substantive and significant creative work within the RTA community including, for example, RTA Productions, Spiritlive, RUTV, the TARA Awards, approved PSAs and the DMZ. RTA service is meant both as a means for students to contribute back to the RTA community and to explore their particular career interests.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
  • RTA 813 - Directed Readings
    Course DescriptionUnder the guidance of a faculty member, in this course the senior student completes an individualized study and/or directed reading on a research project of mutual interest. The area of research should not duplicate material covered in other RTA courses and should contain an element of originality. Ideally, the course of study should delve into a specific issue associated with a topic rather than simply survey the topic's area.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
  • RTA 821 - New Media Master Class
    Course DescriptionThis course provides students with a culminating and integrative experience in new media. This course is an advanced level course and will feature a series of special visiting lecturers who will present and discuss topics from their respective fields of expertise. Students will gain an enhanced understanding of current issues, future opportunities, and technological advances impacting the New Media art world and industry.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 82A
  • RTA 825 - Global Experiential Intensive - New Media
    Course DescriptionStudents travel to cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Banff, Montreal or London where they tour studios, visit exhibitions, meet with new media artists and designers, participate in festivals, or work on collaborative projects to gain a deeper understanding of their field of practice. Coursework includes preliminary research and a post-trip analysis of a specific aspect of new media practice and the role it plays within the broader new media ecosystem. (Tuition doesn't include travel costs).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 828 - Special Topics in Game Design
    Course DescriptionThis course will allow students to explore leading-edge research, developments and projects in video game design. This workshop will respond to ongoing research or creative work of the instructor. Students will be active participants in the design, development and prediction of the accepted projects.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 928
  • RTA 82A/B - New Media Thesis Project
    Course Description

    Students create innovative new media productions at an advanced level. Through lectures, workshops and labs, students gain an understanding of the contexts within which work is produced and publicly presented. Students are expected to demonstrate professional level abilities of critical thinking, proposal writing, project production, and public presentation strategy. Advanced production methods and techniques as they relate specifically to their projects are studied. In addition, students have the option to pursue more academic research interests.

    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:3.00
    Billing Units:2/2
    Prerequisites:RTA 501
  • RTA 830 - Co-Lab
    Course DescriptionIn this advanced studio course, students partner with mentors from a cultural institution to develop real-world solutions to creative challenges. An emphasis will be placed on the collaborative strategies for team based work, iterative design processes and critical evaluation.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 832 - Cybernetics and Body Centric Technologies
    Course DescriptionThis studio course will examine how emerging wearable technologies such as e-textiles and smart materials are influencing the landscape of creative inquiry. From cyborgs and space travel to fashion and fitness, students will explore creating body-centric technologies that extend and augment the human form.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 835 - Media and Museums
    Course DescriptionMedia surrounds and permeates today's museum. The public discovers events and accesses collections online. The visitor uses audio and interactive digital information to guide their visit and enable accessibility. Exhibitions often feature AR, VR or special-purpose video. In short, media creates an interface between the institution and its audiences. In this course, students will learn about museum communication and develop the critical and design skills relevant to the creation of media-based projects that support it.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 837 - Live Audio Production
    Course DescriptionStudents extend and develop their knowledge of live sound scenarios, technology, and workflows in this advanced audio course. Students plan and execute live sound solutions for film productions, live events, broadcasts, and installations. This course develops advanced competencies in developing front-of-house, monitoring, communication, and live-recording audio systems.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311
  • RTA 838 - Generative Processes
    Course DescriptionThis studio course will explore the role of generative algorithmic approaches in New Media artworks. Processes of randomization, feedback, behaviour, mapping and emergence will be related to meaning and structure through the construction of New Media experiences. Students will deepen their understanding of presentation skills and professional practice through the development of individual and collaborative artworks.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 222 or FPN 513 or FCD 222
    Antirequisites:RTA 959
  • RTA 840 - ESports
    Course DescriptionThis course will explore the rapidly expanding world of eSports. By way of lectures, students will examine different elements of eSports, such as culture, multi-platform streaming, gaming development, gaming theory, online communities and the impact of eSports by and via media. eSports will emphasize the impact of the globalization and commercialization of eSports on the traditional broadcast industry.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 842 - Data as Material
    Course DescriptionThis studio course will examine how data can be used as a raw material for creative expression. Notions of data capture, storage, filtering, analysis as well as representation strategies will be related to data-driven art practice and its cultural significance. Students will deepen their understanding of presentation skills and professional practice through the development of individual and collaborative artworks.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 222 or FPN 513 or FCD 222
    Antirequisites:RTA 959
  • RTA 844 - Sport in Film
    Course DescriptionSport is one of the most popular and commercial aspects of culture in our society. This course traces the history and aesthetics of sports in film and how it intersects with ethics, race, gender, orientation and dis/ability issues. Students will critically explore a variety of representations and topics that can be found in some of our greatest sports films to date. Analysis of selected films and themes will reflect how sport is used to examine social, political and cultural spheres.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 845 - Producing the Olympics
    Course DescriptionThe Olympics are the most significant sales and marketing opportunity as well as the most complex media event in the world. Beginning with the history of the creation and evolution of the Games and exploring the process for bidding to host, produce, broadcast and participate in the Olympics, students will deepen their understanding of the players involved, areas for employment, and debates about whether projects like the Olympics can even be sustainable in the future.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 211
  • RTA 850 - Long-Form Sports Feature Writing
    Course DescriptionThis course will equip students with tools necessary to identify, research, plan, and create long-form feature stories that focus on critical issues from across the vast landscape of sport media. It will help students deepen their critical thinking, scholarly research, and interview skills. Course content and research assignments will explore key issues in sport, such as inclusion, diversity, hyper-masculinity, mental health and addiction.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 233
  • RTA 854 - Live Radio Broadcasting
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on developing content for live radio and executing live-to-air broadcasts. Through a combination of lecture, workshop, and live assignments, students hone skills in researching, writing, hosting and vocal performance, live studio operations, and delivering engaging content for various audiences and formats.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 974
  • RTA 855 - The Athlete's Perspective
    Course DescriptionThis course explores the viewpoints of athletes as it relates to their sport, sport organization, and media from a sport media theoretical framework. As both the producer and consumer of a sporting event, athletes are a unique stakeholder. Students will examine the perspectives of athletes as it relates to media, brand development, and how media ultimately influences performances. Incorporating opportunities for experiential learning, students will critically assess the perspectives of athletes.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 858 - Music Production
    Course DescriptionBuilding on the basic and intermediate training in the first and second years of the program, this course is an advanced masterclass in music production. The course develops a foundation of recording sessions with live musicians and multi-track processes as well as digital composition and instrumentation techniques including synthesized, sampled, and virtual instruments. Beyond recording, students develop advanced techniques in overdubbing, mixing, signal-processing, and mastering.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311
  • RTA 860 - Selected Topics in Sport Media
    Course DescriptionTopics explored in this course will be determined by available faculty expertise, student interest, and curricular need. Registration may be limited to students in a specific year of the program and may require the Instructor's permission or a pre-requisite at the Department's discretion. Enrolment numbers may also be limited. The Department will also consider student proposals for areas of study brought to the Faculty through the School Council. May not be offered every year.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 863 - Creative AI
    Course DescriptionStudents learn the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and engage in hands-on AI assignments designed to deepen understanding and explore the applications of artificial intelligence in the creative industries. The course includes pitching exercises and supports students in the creation of a plan for a new venture that innovatively applies AI to an industry problem. AI assignments are designed for technical novices; supplemental exercises are provided for those interested in learning more advanced techniques.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 864 - Adv. Audio Immersive and Interactive Sound
    Course DescriptionIn this advanced audio course, students develop a foundation of mixing techniques for cinematic and broadcast surround formats. Moving beyond fixed channel configurations, students create fully immersive spatial audio experiences for fixed perspectives and six degrees of freedom. Students add a layer of interactivity, creating soundtracks that respond to the movements and actions of their audience. This course explores immersive and interactive soundtrack production for film, television, interactive, game, and XR media applications.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311 or RTA 320
  • RTA 865 - Exploring Virtual Environments
    Course DescriptionThis course surveys the application of game engines for the creation of virtual environments both in a studio context and on screen. Students will be introduced to important issues relating to the experience of virtual spaces through evaluation of creative projects, products and related research. Students will learn to manipulate visual scripts or blueprints, model and animate objects, create environments and terrains, design interactions, manage assets and rendering.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 103
  • RTA 870 - Global Experiential Intensive - Sport Media
    Course DescriptionThe course offers an immersive experience for students outside of Canada. Students will study sport media and management operations of professional and/or amateur sport broadcasters and organizations hosted by a foreign university. Students will be expected to pay for travel and accommodations.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 888 - Media Production Internship
    Course DescriptionWith faculty support, students find themselves a 120-hour intensive internship in the media, media production and related industries. Internships are subject to faculty approval. Students develop personal contracts with industry mentors to carry out significant research or gain industry work experience off campus. The internship is intended to encourage students to explore their particular career interests. Internships may be completed on a part-time basis throughout the 4th year with faculty consent.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 893 - Social Justice Media: Innovators, Creators
    Course DescriptionMost of us are online most of the time. How do marginalized communities fare in this virtual space? This course will present an exciting roster of media artists/theorists from Aboriginal, LGBT, feminist and racialized communities, who use research and creation to forge alternate discourses and visual/virtual worlds. We will also engage with art and theory on social justice media and activism.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 902 - Social Media
    Course DescriptionStudents will learn how to leverage established and emerging social media platforms for specific purposes such as marketing, storytelling, research, branding, collaboration, etc. Through case studies and hands-on practice, students will gain an understanding of social media strategy, metrics, and best practices. The effects of social media on storytelling, media production, audiences and culture will be explored.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RTA 992
  • RTA 903 - News and Current Affairs Theory
    Course DescriptionNews as entertainment information, satire, social instructor: audiences interact with the news in many ways. We look critically at ideas like discourse, news value and news filters, and then learn scholarly tools for analyzing news and its audiences. From radio to tabloid journals to E-zines to Twitter, we open up the idea of news in the 21st century, and think about its history, meanings, and future. War news and digital media are a particular focus.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 904 - Advanced Business of Creative Media
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on media entrepreneurship and management as it applies to established media industries and emerging media platforms. Students explore how creativity and innovation inform and reform organizational structures and behaviour, and how specific competitive, regulatory, and social and political contexts enable and constrain adaptation. Through case study analysis of various media enterprises, students develop their ability to identify opportunity, problem-solve complex management issues, analyze risk, and create informed and adaptive action plans.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 915
  • RTA 905 - History and Culture of Popular Music
    Course DescriptionThis course will examine the history and development of popular music in Canada, the US, and the UK, from the 1950's through to the present. Students will study popular music, along with the performers, labels, and key individuals behind the scenes who made it all happen. The goal of the course is to examine popular music through the decades in musical, cultural, political, and industrial contexts.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:MUS 505
  • RTA 906 - Marketing for Media Professionals
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students learn the foundational skills of marketing including concepts relating to branding, the marketing mix, and integrated marketing and communication, including digital media promotional strategies and tactics. Students will learn how to take a product to market via multiple marketing and sales distribution channels. These concepts will be understood in the context of media product and thus better appreciating the importance of assuming a marketing mind set while pursuing any aspect of their media work.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315
    Antirequisites:MKT 100
  • RTA 907 - Sound Media
    Course DescriptionFrom Edison's first recordings and Fessenden's first broadcast of the human voice to contemporary practices of mashup and podcasts, sound media are ubiquitous in our culture. This course explores historic and contemporary practice in sound media, including screen sound, radio, sound art, soundscape, music, sonic branding, sonic interactive design and noise.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 908 - Business of Producing I
    Course DescriptionFrom the vantage point of the independent producer, students study the business and legal aspects of independent productions. Students examine how producers work with broadcasters, content creators, internet channels, interactive and transmedia platforms, funding agencies and financiers. Students also explore the business aspects of pitching (selling), developing, financing, producing, post-production and commercial exploitation/distribution of creative media properties.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 909 - Business of Producing II
    Course DescriptionThis course builds on executive producing skills developed in RTA 908/MP 8908. Students form teams to develop the creative, financing, production, and business materials necessary for a complete series proposal for an independent production. These proposals will be competitively pitched to a panel of broadcasters and producers. This course is hands-on with creative, budgetary and business workshops and is intended for those students interested in creating and executive producing television and related transmedia projects.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 908
  • RTA 910 - Production Management
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on the role of the production manager in film and television. Students will become acquainted with all aspects of a production: development; pre-production; production; post-production. Topics will include legal aspects, financing, insurance, script breakdown and scheduling, budgeting, accounting and cost reports, location management, talent and crew unions, contracts, reporting mechanisms and relevant forms and paperwork as well as a review of key production personnel job descriptions and tips on getting hired.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315
  • RTA 911 - Directing and Performance
    Course DescriptionA general introduction to acting and directing theory and practice. Through lectures, workshops, scene deconstructions and screenings, culminating in a final production experience students learn effective strategies to bring the scripted page to the screen. Students also learn how to create and improvise characters within a limited time scale, study principles of voice, movement and basics of script break-down, blocking for actors and cameras and how lighting, audio and music contribute to mise-en-scène.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 912 - Media Audiences
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on the relationship between popular media platforms and their audiences. It surveys the ways scholars and cultural critics conceptualise and research various media audiences and introduces students to a variety of research methods central to understanding, evaluating, and measuring audiences. Students do audience research and assess the content delivery and audience engagement strategies of existing media channels, to develop skills essential to understanding how to market their own media productions.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 912
  • RTA 913 - Media Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionIn an ever changing industry media graduates must look beyond salaried employment in the corporate or public sector. This course assists media students to develop entrepreneurial options for themselves in the media industry, focusing on growth-oriented business venturing. In the first half of the course, students are introduced to entrepreneurship and business venturing. In the second half of the course, each student develops a business plan for a media startup. (Formerly BDC 913).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315
  • RTA 915 - Legal Issues in Media
    Course DescriptionThis course will provide students with a deeper understanding of the concepts and legal process inherent in the business of broadcasting and communications. Topics to be covered include copyright, contracts, clearance of program rights, legal issues relating to the Internet and multimedia. Issues in entertainment law and sports law will also be reviewed, as will government regulation of the broadcasting and multimedia industries.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 916 - Advanced Media Marketing
    Course DescriptionBuilding on the concepts introduced in RTA 906 this course explores effective marketing and promotion techniques for various specific media products. Specific areas of discussion include brand development strategies and detailed marketing plans which encompasses a strong communications mix across all platforms.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 906
  • RTA 917 - Public Relations
    Course DescriptionBroadcasters work in a regulated environment and ultimately rely on public support. Much broadcast content is generated by public relations sources. This course provides a broad understanding of Public Relations concepts and principles and their application in today's complex media world. Students explore the significance of current events and apply practical learning through the development of a launch campaign for a television program. Practitioners from the broadcast industry add expert input. (Formerly BDC 917).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315
  • RTA 918 - Ethics in Media
    Course DescriptionThis course explores ethical and legal case studies in a business context, analyzing problems that arise in typical broadcasting and new media environments. The student's responsibility to society and the ethical choices they will be required to make are compared to the legal framework (both regulatory and statutory) within which they will be working.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 918
  • RTA 920 - Visual Storytelling: Video Production
    Course DescriptionThis course will introduce the production techniques of single-camera video as used in television and other screen-based media. Students will build skills in designing video pieces from beginning to end: pre-production, on location shooting, and post-production editing and finishing.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 921 - Audio Technical Theory
    Course DescriptionThis advanced audio course is an exploration of audio technical theory. The course covers modern audio practice as it applies to sound recording studios, live sound and sound reinforcement systems, acoustics and room and studio design, electronic and digital circuits and systems, computer applications in audio as well as digital signal processing and compression systems and technology.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311
  • RTA 922 - Transmedia Writing
    Course DescriptionStudents explore how to write to extend a story and the audience experience across a variety of platforms. Students write a transmedia bible, create a story world and characters that live for the audience in media including social media, participatory networks, ARG, traditional television and devices and media currently existing and yet undiscovered. Students also research and analyze the meaning and impact of audience-producer relationships.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 107
  • RTA 923 - Intro to Writing for Video Games
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students develop the skills and understanding needed to write sophisticated and emotionally involving video games. Students consider the strengths and limitations of the video game form, how to develop a resonant concept and deep characters, how to integrate gameplay into a story, and how to write for more non-linear and abstract games.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 or RTA 107
  • RTA 924 - Design Solutions
    Course DescriptionThis course offers a unique opportunity to build a digital project with a full interdisciplinary team. Students from multiple disciplines/programs form teams to develop functional digital prototypes. Projects will be cutting-edge Mixed Reality work including wearable technology, location- and context-aware computing, socially-connected apps, and novel interaction paradigms. Teams work closely with professors and mentors to learn new production-skills in digital creativity, collaborative work, programming, demo videos, documentation, and presentation skills.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:CRI 815, FCD 815
  • RTA 925 - Making Objects
    Course DescriptionThis course will introduce students to basic material practices and physical object production. Students will gain the necessary skills to model, design and build physical entities. Students will be introduced to a variety of fabricating techniques as well as a range of materials. Projects will challenge students to work at a variety of scales and within several contexts. Individual and group projects will require development of personal and team based production skills.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 926 - Studies in Genre
    Course DescriptionWith a focus on great scripts from a variety of media, each year the course examines how writing in a specific genre enables artists to define and shape their identities within social and cultural contexts. Students will study the genre in depth as it manifests in television, radio and digital media. Areas of study will include the genre's evolution and conventions, sub-genres, and parody. (Formerly BDC 926).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 927 - Business of Music I
    Course DescriptionThis course explores the history of the music business, music industry organization and the roles of record companies, publishers, songwriters, unions and managers. Topics include A and R, marketing, promotion, sales, business affairs, finance and the use of music in film, TV, and advertising.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 928 - Introduction to Game Design
    Course DescriptionThis course offers an introduction to the core elements of game design -- game world, character, interactivity, navigation and the mechanics of gameplay. It provides students with the opportunity to develop creative ideas for personal game projects. Using an iterative design process that involves visual and audience research, paper and digital prototyping, and user testing, students will complete a game design document suitable for further development in production courses, or independently.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 929 - Multi-platform Narrative
    Course DescriptionIn this studio course, as students develop interactive, nonlinear and transmedia narratives, they are tasked with finding the best platform(s) for each story, as they explore the interplay of medium and narrative. Students will be given a series of projects and narrative design challenges, wherein they must choose the media with which to best convey the narrative goals. Topics explored include the narrative impact of private versus public content, scale and screens, and the use of social networks, ubiquitous media, and "real" space to tell compelling stories.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 320
  • RTA 930 - Social Practices in Hybrid Media Spaces
    Course DescriptionThis course builds upon knowledge acquired in RTA 902 - Social Media. Students will examine and reflect upon the impact virtual environments, such as social media and VR, are having on our relationship to space and on how we experience social life. Through research projects that integrate readings, in class discussion, and field research, students will examine how our social practices are evolving within the hybrid spaces that social media and other virtual environments create.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 902
  • RTA 931 - Inside the Frame
    Course DescriptionWhat compromises the "look" of a film, television series or other screen-based work? What theoretical approaches and practical decisions determine how a story is told visually to provide the greatest creative value for the filmmaker and emotional impact on the audience? Students apply theoretical frameworks to classic film and television works to understand how elements of direction, visual composition, mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, production design and technological advances can shape our stories.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 933 - Hacking, DIY and Open Source Studio
    Course DescriptionIn this studio course, students will develop projects that exist at the intersection of social media, and/or virtual worlds, and their field of study. The goal is to help students develop expertise in cross-disciplinary methodologies and explore the role of social media in their profession. In this course, students will be asked to develop prototypes of projects that integrate social media design methods.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 934 - Virtual Identities and Communities
    Course DescriptionThis survey course examines the role of virtual environments in reshaping early 21st century notions of identity, communities and organizations. Through research projects, students analyze how these practices have altered the nature of mainstream society and question the future of western culture.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 936 - The Business of Art
    Course DescriptionSuccessfully creating art works as an independent artist requires a diverse collection of skills that extend well beyond the conceptualization and making of projects. The Business of Art will provide students a framework for taking that great idea, getting it funded, and making it a reality. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of successful proposal writing, project management and budgeting. Grounded in cases studies and real world examples the procedures and strategies for applying to art councils, self-funding and private investing will be considered.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 937 - Business of Music II
    Course DescriptionExpanding upon the subject matter of Business of Music I, this course continues the examination of the inner workings of the music recording, publishing and management industries. Students concentrate on business models and practices, in-depth analysis of music industry contracts with a focus on emerging marketing and promotion tools and techniques. Students work concurrently with real artists, developing various marketing artifacts, culminating in a term-end public presentation of their selected artist.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 927
  • RTA 938 - Digital Popular Cultures
    Course DescriptionA critical look at the defining digital technologies and transmedia content of popular culture: social media; mobile media; online fandom; gaming; pirating/hacking; open source software; new audience practices for online/streaming television. Using a cultural studies approach, students will read a wide range of texts examining the everyday practices and interactive possibilities of digital popular culture, with attention to presencing, archiving, searching, and new forms of community via digital technologies.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 939 - Indigenous Media
    Course DescriptionThis course explores Indigenous media art in the context of the major political and social discourses currently informing contemporary Indigenous communities. Through screenings, readings and guest artists we will examine critically engaged community-based art practices in the context of Indigenous aesthetics. Two-spirit, gender, class and race issues will be seen through the lens of Indigenous artists. The course will compare the function of art from an Indigenous worldview with that of a Western one.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 940 - Canadian Televisual Studies
    Course DescriptionThis theory-based course comprises a broad-ranging and multi-genre look at Canadian media, with a particular focus on television content from the 1960s to the 21st century, including ways that audiences interact with national broadcasting. We will also examine digital technologies, global discourses of runaway production, and cross-border export /franchise, with a critical look at national myths and practices in the digital era. (Formerly BDC 924).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 941 - Dramatic Writing
    Course DescriptionThis course demystifies the process of writing for the screen and encourages students to find their unique dramatic voice by writing an original script. Students analyze principles of dramatic storytelling and current dramas at the script level. Using story editing exercises, students learn how to structure a story, build dramatic tension and craft moving characters. By the end of the course, students develop an appreciation of the nature and purpose of drama.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 212
  • RTA 943 - Comedy Writing
    Course DescriptionThis course covers the fundamentals of comedy writing with special focus on the techniques of writing comedy for television and the web with an emphasis on sketches and sitcoms. Students take part in story editing exercises, designed to simulate industry practices. This course's key goal is to develop students' creative and comic voice in their writing.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 102 and RTA 212
  • RTA 944 - Writing for Animation
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed to cover the fundamentals of writing for animated series designed for television and other platforms. Students will learn the language and process of writing for animation and consider the rich creative history of animation. Students will be required to create a fully realized animated script by the end of the semester.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 212
  • RTA 945 - Writing for Factual and Reality Programs
    Course DescriptionIn this course students learn the story chasing/development, writing techniques and production practices related to lifestyle, current affairs, science, business, entertainment and "reality" programming. Students learn how to shape their research, found material, interviews, narration, b-roll and stills into coherent and emotionally engaging stories while working within tight constraints of time, genre and format. Students also analyze the ethical dilemmas and social trends that fact-based and reality programming represent.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 946 - Issues in New Media Theory/History
    Course DescriptionThis course will take on different historical and critical approaches to technology and creative practice, looking at mechanical, electronic and digital/interactive platforms. Potential topics to be explored: amateur versus professional practices, creative media practice and domestic space, personal history and media memory, software studies, affect theory and technology, social media and social theory.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 947 - Advanced Live Event and Multi-Camera Prod.
    Course DescriptionA professional-level live event media production builds on a foundation of solid writing, content development, and technical direction. In this class students will combine their skills in remote and in-studio single and multi-camera production, sound mixing, graphic design and animation, and set design to plan and execute productions such as award shows, fashion shows, live music performance, or Esport competitions.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 320 or RTA 311 or RTA 312 or RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 948 - Interactive Spaces
    Course DescriptionInteractive Spaces builds upon and extends the fundamentals introduced in Intro to Computational Art. In this course, scripting and programming skills will be developed and integrated with interaction design skills. Students will produce a variety of experiences based on several modes of interactivity. Emphasis is placed on the production of interactive systems that engage participants through unique and dynamic experiences.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 222
  • RTA 949 - Directed Study
    Course DescriptionThe Directed Study course makes it possible for a student to work on an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The project should either explore a topic which is not usually covered in the curriculum or propose a more in-depth study of topic covered in an existing course. It is the student's responsibility to identify the topic, develop an appropriate research plan and obtain approval for undertaking a Directed Study.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 950 - Selected Topics in Media
    Course DescriptionTopics explored in this course will be determined by available faculty expertise, student interest, and curricular need. Registration may be limited to students in a specific year of the program and may require the Instructor's permission or a prerequisite at the Department's discretion. Enrolment numbers may also be limited. The Department will also consider student proposals for areas of study brought to the Faculty through the Departmental Council. May not be offered every year.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 951 - Presentation I
    Course DescriptionStudents will develop their on-air presentation skills. They will present different styles of stories on camera and learn interviewing, reporting and hosting skills both in the studio and in the field.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 243 and RTA 213
    Antirequisites:RTA 236
  • RTA 953 - Mobility and Mixed Reality
    Course DescriptionThis course engages with mobile technologies and their impact on new media art practice through a discussion of contemporary artworks as well as hands-on exercises. This course explores how mobile technologies and mixed reality blur the boundaries between physical and virtual spaces, redefining the relationship we have to interfaces and places. Emphasis will be placed on the production of new participatory experiences focused on physical or virtual locations, boundaries and topologies.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(RTA 222 or FCD 222 or FPN 513) and (RTA 320 or RTA 865)
  • RTA 954 - Empathy Machines
    Course DescriptionThis production course continues upon and extends the fundamentals introduced in Intro to Tangible Media. It emphasizes the role of the interface as a structure for communication. This course examines how inputs and outputs are mediated through the design of physical artistic interfaces. Students will develop, produce and reflect upon tangible works that incorporate elements of traditional, hybridized and physical systems. This course will combine electronics and embedded programming techniques.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 321
  • RTA 955 - Sports Broadcasting
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the programming philosophy and production of sports programs. The course explores different types of programming including feature production, sports journalism, live-event coverage and interactive Web-based production. It will discuss the behind the scenes responsibilities of executives, editorial staff and technical crews, as well as on air-performance and visual presentation in both traditional and interactive environments. Using this knowledge, students will produce a sports feature and a live production. (Formerly BDC 955).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 956 - Children's Programming
    Course DescriptionStudents examine children's developmental stages, interests and needs, and study contemporary children's television techniques and the influence media has on kids' lives. The course explores societal and regulatory forces that influence children's programming with guest speakers addressing current issues in the industry. Students conduct original research into media intended for children and adolescents and, with the instructor's permission, may produce a short creative work to demonstrate their research.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 957 - Documentary Production
    Course DescriptionThis course provides an opportunity for students to produce a documentary short subject, building on key theoretical concepts and storytelling skills. Students work in teams to produce an original 20-minute documentary. Students will develop basic competencies in documentary pre-production, production and post-production practices and create a trans-media strategy to develop the documentary across other media platforms.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311 or RTA 312 or RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 234
    Antirequisites:RTA 994
  • RTA 958 - Networked Art
    Course DescriptionThis advanced production studio will introduce students to methods for making art using networks to construct meaning. Mail art, ubiquitous computing, the internet of things and the mobile individual serve as points of departure for creative explorations into social objects and networked spaces. This course provides students the opportunity to blend strategies from tangible media, code based and material practices.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 222 and RTA 321
  • RTA 960 - Selected Topics in International Media
    Course DescriptionTo understand and effectively communicate stories about our world,, storytellers must be able to see beyond their own borders. Students will work with partner universities from around the world to produce live, international current affairs shows that are informative, artistic and entertaining. This involves developing the theme and look of the show from research, to shooting and editing stories, finding interview guests, etc. Learn about the business of international production and co-production through lectures by professors from other universities.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311 or RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 312
  • RTA 961 - 2-D and Object Animation
    Course DescriptionThis course is an introduction to the world of 2-D animation and stop-frame object animation. It will include discussion of the history and aesthetic aspects of animation and also allow students to produce their own pieces. Equipment and software for simple animated projects will be introduced, and film, video, new media and interactive forms of delivery will be discussed.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 201 or RTA 243
  • RTA 962 - Interaction Design
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students will learn and define modes of interactivity that are available to create experiences and the qualities required to design interesting interactions. The course will examine the history and development of the dialogue surrounding the modern idea of interaction from its influences in theatre, performance, and kinetic sculpture. Students will also explore creative applications of communication paradigms, including the design implications of alternative modalities and practices with the changing cultures of presentation-reception.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:FCD 962
  • RTA 963 - Web Design
    Course DescriptionThis course explores graphic and web design from an aesthetic and functional point of view. Students will learn about the software and technology needed to acquire, manipulate and render effective visual images, and will experience the planning, production, and launch of a web site, using the latest web design and management software. Designing for human usability will be discussed as well as limitations of technology in order to maximize the impact of the creative material.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 103
    Antirequisites:FCD 362, GCM 362
  • RTA 965 - Advanced New Media Topics
    Course DescriptionThis course will allow students to explore leading-edge research, developments and projects in new media. New media practitioners and researchers will be encouraged to submit proposals for this workshop. Collaborative and community-based projects will also be actively sought and encouraged. The particular structure of the workshop will be responsive to the nature of the ongoing projects but the students will be active participants in the design, development and prediction of the accepted projects.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 966 - Cooperative Internship
    Course DescriptionThis course gives students the opportunity to work in professional production situations and settings which provide them with professional experience with the medium/media of choice. All internships are subject to departmental approval in advance.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 967 - Interactivity and Networking
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the notion of interactivity and networking in establishing an experiential culture in early 21st century western society. Using selected historical and contemporary case studies, students will explore the interrelated cultural phenomena of interactivity and networking and will study how experiential culture influences their profession.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:NPF 551
  • RTA 968 - Emerging New Media Practices
    Course DescriptionThrough hands-on, participatory and practice based strategies this course will explore how DIY culture and rapidly changing technological platforms expand, alter and enhance personal practice. By focusing on strands of this new web, this course will examine how new and emerging technologies can be incorporated into creative practice. Students will develop strategies for adopting new methods and materials and reflect upon how new practices inspire or challenge them.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 321
  • RTA 969 - Television Technical Producing
    Course DescriptionAn advanced course in television technical producing, this course is a continuation of technical production knowledge obtained in previous context and craft courses in television (both multicamera and EFP). Students will explore large live-event coverage (sports, elections, music specials, awards shows), and tours will be arranged to technical production facilities in the Toronto area. The course culminates with a live teleproduction at the end of the semester.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 234
  • RTA 970 - Lighting, Grip and Effects Specialty
    Course DescriptionLighting and special effects technicians work behind the scenes to add realism or dramatic effect to a television production. This course will engage the student in theoretical and practical aspects of this element of production. Emphasis will be on the aesthetics, professionalism, discipline, technical ability, equipment and safety considerations necessary to achieve the desired results.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 234
  • RTA 971 - Audio Post Production and Sound Design
    Course DescriptionThis course will introduce students to the creative and technical aspects of creating a soundtrack for the moving image. Through a combination of lecture, screenings, discussion, and practical workshop modes, students will learn about the audio post production process, including dialog recording and replacement (ADR), Foley and sound effects editing, music and score, and mixing techniques.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 104
  • RTA 972 - Sound Synthesis
    Course DescriptionStudents explore practices and principles of analog and digital sound synthesis, their historic origins, related audio equipment and applications, theories of sound samplers, algorithmic composition, synthesizers and sequencers, computer music, digital signal processing, computer synchronization, and MIDI applications in sound synthesis and recording production. Students apply these frameworks in studio lab workshops and assignments.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 973 - Independent Production
    Course DescriptionIn this course senior students produce professional level audio, video or new media projects following a carefully designed planning process. This course is for that individual student who wishes to stretch their technical, organizational and, most importantly, creative skills on a project that does not fit within the constraints of the fourth year Master Thesis.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 311 or RTA 312 or RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 974 - Radio Broadcasting
    Course DescriptionStudents learn about commercial radio broadcasting. Audience research, radio formats, advertising, and imaging are explored as well as programming and music scheduling strategies. Students practice their skills in these areas by planning and producing content that reflects various formats and target demographics.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 104
  • RTA 975 - Video Compositing and Visual Effects
    Course DescriptionMany of the video images that appear on our screens are created, refined, or augmented using visual effects. In this course, students will become familiar with a range of essential image treatments used for compositing, rendering, matte painting, motion capture, and image processing.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 312 or RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 320
  • RTA 976 - Broadcast Journalism
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students will learn foundational aspects of broadcast journalism and build hands-on skills in news gathering and reporting for radio and TV. Students will learn what makes a story 'newsworthy,' news ethics, how to write broadcast news stories, researching, fact-checking, gathering actualities and b-roll, and line-up editing. Students will prepare and execute live news reports regularly as part of the course evaluation.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314
    Antirequisites:RTA 233
  • RTA 977 - Current Affairs Production
    Course DescriptionCurrent affairs stories and programs examine events and issues of social and political interest and importance happening in the world right now. They are detailed and well researched, but also artistic and entertaining. In this course students will learn to create unique and interesting video/audio stories and develop their writing and interviewing skills. Then students will work in small groups to create first, a half-hour radio current affairs show and then a half-hour TV program.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 903 or RTA 951 or RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 978 - Editing Specialty
    Course DescriptionThis is an in-depth course designed to provide a thorough understanding of video editing techniques and processes. Through exercises, the process is followed from the initial planning stages to the final edit session. Topics covered include aesthetics and emotion, the importance of audio in video productions, story structure and the editing different genres. Students apply this knowledge to execute a series of projects in a professional editing environment.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 312 or RTA 313 or RTA 314 or RTA 234
  • RTA 979 - Advanced Television Editing
    Course DescriptionStudents learn about advanced editing and finishing. Creative use of special effects, filters, colour correction and advanced audio mixing are among the topics covered. As well, organizational skills, post-production protocol, editing for different genres and advanced workflows including budgeting and scheduling needed to handle large amounts of media will be discussed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BDC 988/RTA 978
  • RTA 982 - Advanced Digital Media Production
    Course DescriptionThis course is an advanced masterclass for students specializing in interactive digital media. Building on the basic and intermediate training in the first and second years of the program, this course explores the theory and practice of an Advanced Interactive Media Production. It includes in-depth case-studies, with a focus on the design, aesthetics, production and performance of interactive media productions. Students plan, design, create and launch large-scale digital-media productions as part of this course.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 312
  • RTA 983 - Single Camera Production - Advanced
    Course DescriptionThis course concentrates primarily on developing and demonstrating high level aesthetic and production values of the video image, using advanced lighting and cinematic techniques and technologies. The students will investigate how light, colour and the perception of colour, motion and the compositional elements of dimensionality, visualization and perspective in production can be used at a sophisticated level to tell a story. Working individually and in production teams, students will re-create and create professional level visual content, and develop industry level production crew competencies.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:2
  • RTA 984 - Single-Camera Production - Advanced
    Course DescriptionThis course concentrates primarily on the aesthetic and production values of the video image, complemented by the progressive investigation of high definition (HD) and lighting technologies. This class investigates how light, colour and the perception of colour, motion, and the compositional elements of dimensionality, visualization and perspective in high definition production can be used at a sophisticated level to tell a story.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 6 hrs.
    GPA Weight:2.00
    Billing Units:2
    Prerequisites:RTA 314
    Antirequisites:RTA 983
  • RTA 985 - Audio for Media Producers
    Course DescriptionA great production requires great sound. In this course, designed for students primarily interested in visual and digital media, students learn various techniques for capturing sound on set and in the field, as well as post-production editing and mixing techniques for a variety of screen-based media. Creative, technical, and theoretical aspects of sound design are also explored.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 986 - Media for International Development
    Course DescriptionStudents will learn about international development, and the role that media plays in it, through both classroom work and travel abroad to engage in a community development project. Depending on the proposed project, students may be expected to fund raise, create media productions, plan events, and/or teach others how to use and produce media. Enrolment in the course is strictly by permission of the RTA School of Media only. Course may not be offered every year.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 987 - Comedic TV Production
    Course DescriptionThe course will explore the production of sitcoms, sketch comedy and comedic talk shows. After analyzing the structure of these genres, students will develop scripts and produce examples of comedic television. The course will explore the business and technical requirements as well as the writing and production opportunities in this field. Students will have an opportunity to research comedic performers, producers and writers as well as develop their own skills in these areas.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 313 or RTA 314
  • RTA 988 - International Media Storytelling
    Course DescriptionThis course explores the opportunities and challenges of developing media content for the world market. The course will focus on international co-production and distribution of television, internet and other platforms. It will include an exploration of the development process of being a storyteller and media producer and executive for a global audience.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 989 - Emerging Media Markets/Entrepreneurship
    Course DescriptionAvailability of fast and ubiquitous communications networks and the advent of powerful mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets and wearable technologies have created new opportunities for media economics and how media is curated and consumed. The next generation of media economics and the effect of crowd sourcing, collective intelligence and role of Data Science will be discussed. Students will be exposed to new business models and will learn the importance on product design, and digital media entrepreneurship, its requirements and best practices.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 315
  • RTA 991 - Sport Writing
    Course DescriptionThe intention of this course is to introduce students to the particulars of sport writing, building upon the theories and practice first introduced in Sport Journalism. A course in sport writing will involve learning the fundamentals of sport writing for television, radio and digital media. Students learn the language of sport writing and are required to write a number of broadcast scripts across all broadcast media.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(RTA 102 or RTA 108) and RTA 233
  • RTA 992 - Social and Interactive Media for Sports
    Course DescriptionIn this course students will be introduced to transmedia platforms and their application to the sport industry. By way of lectures, case studies and in-class workshops, students will learn new modes of story-telling by maintaining the overall narrative through multiple outlets. Social media, gamification techniques, digital media and other cross-platform destinations will be examined. This course will also introduce students to the creation of sports games on multiple platforms.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RTA 902
  • RTA 993 - Sport Graphics
    Course DescriptionIn this course, students will explore and create a variety of on-air and online graphics used in sport media. An understanding of and ability to develop graphics for promos, show packages, studio shows, tickers, boards, transitions, as well as digital media for online ads, contests, social and print media. Students will develop design and animation skills as it applies to the fast-paced sport media environment, using still, 2D and 3D software.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 103 and (RTA 106 or RTA 243)
  • RTA 994 - Advanced Sport Media and Documentary
    Course DescriptionThis course builds on the content from intermediate multi-camera and single-camera field production courses (sport or media production). The course will focus on long-form storytelling presented on various media with a particular emphasis on sports documentaries. Students will produce a multi-platform long-form documentary, utilizing and expanding on critical thinking and practical skills developed in single-camera field production, pre-production, post-production, marketing, and distribution.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 235 or RTA 313 or RTA 314
    Antirequisites:RTA 957
  • RTA 995 - Embodied Digital Media: Research/Design
    Course DescriptionFew digital technologies make use of the connection between our bodies and minds to support creativity and knowledge production. This new research and design centered course will provide students with the unique opportunity to envision the shape of research-based education in digital and embodied media, while working in collaboration with peers from Georgia Tech's Synaesthetic Media Lab (Synlab) on cutting edge research projects in Tangible and Embodied Interaction for creativity and expression.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • RTA 996 - The Art of Podcasting
    Course DescriptionPodcasting is the art of telling stories with voice and sound. Students learn about various types of podcast content and how to produce them for specific audiences. Audience research, advertising, and the changing landscape of the podcasting industry are addressed.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 104
  • RTA 997 - Intermediate Game Design
    Course DescriptionThis class offers students the opportunity to continue working with game engines to expand their knowledge of game design, development, and dissemination. Using in-engine game scripts, students will have the opportunity to prototype, test, and refine a demonstration of an interactive experience of their own creation. Working in small groups or individually, they will deepen their understanding of audio, interactivity, character, and art direction.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:RTA 928 or RTA 865
  • RTA 999 - RTA in LA
    Course DescriptionStudents are given a window into business, organizational and creative practices of the Los Angeles-based media industry. The focus is on television with significant discussion of transmedia and feature films. The course culminates in an intense two weeks in Los Angeles working in small tutorial groups of lectures/case studies/workshops with current US industry professionals. Spring/Summer course which may not be offered every year. (Note: Students bear additional costs for transportation, room and board).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1