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  • HAU 100 - Haudenosaunee Cultural Perspective
    Course Description

    This course explores Haudenosaunee (Iroquois or Six Nations) culture, teachings, and traditions. Through culture based knowledge and history, students gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the Haudenosaunee (meaning People of the Longhouse) culture in its full diversity. The culture’s invaluable teachings and oral tradition, including the formation of one of the first democratic governments on Turtle Island, are at the core of this introductory course.

    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:LL
  • HAU 400 - Haudenosaunee Leaders and Writers
    Course Description

    For well over a century Haudenosaunee authors have produced a multitude of works that are grounded by Haudenosaunee culture and perspective. This course will examine the works of authors with Haudenosaunee (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora, also collectively known as Iroquois) descent across the many genres of writing where their work is present. Through the examination of Haudenosaunee authors’ works, a deeper understanding of Haudenosaunee culture and leadership qualities will be revealed.

    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Liberal Studies:UL