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- ACC 100 - Introductory Financial AccountingCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to give students a basic understanding of accounting for business decisions. Accounting is the language of business. The course will emphasize how transactions impact the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity). Detailed journal entries will not be emphasized. Accounting 100 will emphasize the decision-makers or users. The course should be taken by students who don't want to become accountants, but want to gain a basic understanding of accounting.Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Tutorial 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ACC 110
- ACC 110 - Financial AccountingCourse DescriptionDesigned to prepare students for an Accounting Minor, this course will introduce you to the interesting and challenging field of Financial Accounting. This is a language designed to capture, summarize, and communicate the economic facts about an organization in a set of financial statements and the related descriptive notes. The principles of accounting and reporting to various users that are external to the organization and emphasize the decision-makers or users. Financial statement content and the uses and limitations of this information.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 333 - Core Concepts of AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course is for students who have completed ACC 100 and ACC 406 and wish to minor in either Accounting or Finance. This is a demanding course that should prepare you for Intermediate Accounting.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 340 - Financial ManagementCourse DescriptionA primary purpose of business is to increase shareholder value by satisfying the needs of customers. This course will "follow the money" by examining the sources and uses of financial resources to facilitate the realization of the company's strategic objectives. This course further develops the student's knowledge of accounting and finance including essential concepts that drive business success. Topics include sources of financing, financial statement analysis, strategic budgeting and profit planning, different costs for different purposes, and management control systems. This course is not available to programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management. (Formerly FIN 305)Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:BSM 200Custom Requisites:Not available to students in programs in the Ted Rogers School of Management
- ACC 406 - Introductory Management AccountingCourse DescriptionDesigned for non-accounting majors, this course introduces the basic management accounting concepts to business students. Topics covered provide a good balance between the concepts and procedures used in the accumulation and use of date by management accountants to facilitate planning and decision-making. Cost behaviour and its implications for planning, reporting to management and control is stressed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ACC 410
- ACC 410 - Management AccountingCourse DescriptionDesigned to prepare students for an Accounting Minor, this course introduces the basic management accounting concepts to business students. Topics covered provide a good balance between the concepts and procedures used in the accumulation and use of data by management accountants to facilitate planning and decision making. Cost behaviour and its implications for planning, reporting to management and control is stressed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 414 - Intermediate Accounting ICourse DescriptionThis course reviews and embellishes the financial reporting requirements as presented in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The topics will include revenue recognition and the asset side of the balance sheet. Students should expect to use and expand on the application of all the generally accepted accounting principles and concepts covered in introductory financial and management accounting courses. To be successful in the course, students should be prepared to work independently outside the class sessions.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 504 - Accounting Cases and Concepts ICourse DescriptionThis course begins with a conceptual review of accounting principles, and reviews issues studied in earlier courses such as revenue recognition, the treatment of research and development cost, and insolvency. Students are also introduced to accounting in the not-for-profit sector, and issues in international accounting. This course emphasizes the role of communication in the accounting profession. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are developed through extensive use of case analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Corequisites:ACC 514
- ACC 507 - Accounting for ManagersCourse DescriptionThis course is intended for students who intend on pursuing a career as a manager in the public or private sector. Managers make use of accounting information when making most operating and financial decisions. It is important that financial and management reporting issues be studied at an advanced level.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 414
- ACC 514 - Intermediate Accounting IICourse DescriptionThis course continues from the ACC 414 coverage of the financial reporting requirements as presented in generally accepted accounting principles. The topics will include liabilities, share capital transactions, earnings per share calculations, adjustments, correction of errors, income taxes, leases, pensions and financial statement analysis. Students should expect to use and expand on the application of generally accepted accounting principles and concepts covered in ACC 414 and introductory financial and management accounting courses. To be successful in the course, students should be prepared to work independently outside the class sessions.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 414
- ACC 521 - AuditingCourse DescriptionAn introduction to the auditing standards and procedures developed by the accounting profession. Topics covered include: auditing standards, the audit report, materiality, risk, gathering of evidence and sampling. The course is useful to the student who is interested in the profession of auditing or developing a manager's understanding of auditing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 514
- ACC 522 - Taxation for Managers and Financial PlannersCourse DescriptionSince taxation has an important effect on business decision-making in this course students will study the fundamental principles of the Canadian income tax laws and examine their effect on business decisions and financial planning. The tax treatment of various sources of income, as well as the legislation affecting small businesses will be included in the course. The student will develop decision making skills through numerous situational examples and case analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 110
- ACC 605 - Public Sector AccountingCourse DescriptionA study of the role of accounting in the not-for-profit and public sectors. Particular attention will be given to fund accounting and typical financial statements.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 414
- ACC 607 - Accounting for Small BusinessCourse DescriptionThis course is intended to broaden the student's depth of understanding of particular accounting issues required by small business such as payroll accounting, special employer tax and bank reporting requirements.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 621 - Internal AuditingCourse DescriptionThis course examines the role and practice of internal auditing in the Profit and Public Sectors with an emphasis on value for money auditing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 514
- ACC 703 - Advanced Financial AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for students pursuing a professional accounting designation, and covers the more complex aspects of financial accounting. The course includes coverage of Long Term Intercorporate Investments, Consolidations, Foreign Currency Translations and Reporting of Foreign Operations in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS's). Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) relating to course topics will also be reviewed. A case analysis approach is emphasized.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 706 - Accounting TheoryCourse DescriptionThis course studies the theoretical and practical issues encountered in contemporary accounting practice. Selected topics are compared with current industry uses and the CICA Handbook. The development of critical thinking and communications skills is stressed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ACC 742 - Canadian Business Taxation ICourse DescriptionA detailed examination of the federal income tax law concerning income of individuals from employment, business and property. The implementation of the law and its effects, and issues in tax planning and other practical matters are explored, as well as legal interpretations of the law, through examination of a wide variety of practical problems and cases. Related rules in the Goods and Services Tax Act are also examined. Students should have a knowledge of accounting and business law, and be prepared to spend a minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour in class. (Formerly first half of ACC 042.)Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 514
- ACC 801 - Intermediate Cost and Management AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course will provide a comprehensive study of costing for decision making, planning and performance evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on cost allocation methods, capital budgeting and transfer pricing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 414
- ACC 803 - Advanced Management AccountingCourse DescriptionExplores the design, use and implications of the planning and control systems used by management to evaluate operating performance. The following issues are dealt with: variations between profit and not-for-profit sectors; decision making under uncertainty; pricing decisions; cost centres and profit centres; organizational behavioural aspects of management accounting systems.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 801
- ACC 821 - Advanced AuditingCourse DescriptionThis course expands on areas covered in an introductory auditing course. Topics include audit strategy, comprehensive auditing, professional judgment, small businesses and not-for-profit auditing. Current literature from professional journals will form an integral part of the material. The course is required for those individuals planning a career in external auditing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 521
- ACC 842 - Canadian Business Taxation IICourse DescriptionA further examination of the federal income tax law, dealing with its implementation and effects on both large and small corporations, their shareholders, and their business and financial decisions. Practical tax planning issues are explored, as well as interpretations of the law, in a wide variety of problems and cases. Taxation of partnerships, trusts, and the Goods and Services Tax are also examined. (Formerly second half of ACC 042.)Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ACC 742
- AFA 100 - Introductory Financial AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course introduces students to the interesting and challenging field of Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting is a language designed to capture, summarize, and communicate the economic facts about an organization in a set of financial statements and the related descriptive notes. The course will focus on the principles of accounting and reporting to various users that are external to the organization. AFA 100 will emphasize the decision-makers or users. You will learn what information is provided in financial statements and the uses and limitations of this information to various decision-makers.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Custom Requisites:Available only to those enrolled in the School of Accounting and Finance
- AFA 200 - Management AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the basic management accounting concepts to business students. Topics covered provide a good balance between the concepts and procedures used in the accumulation and use of data by management accountants to facilitate planning and decision making. Cost behaviour and its implications for planning, reporting to management and control is stressed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 100
- AFA 300 - Intermediate Accounting ICourse DescriptionA rigorous study of financial accounting theory, concepts and processes under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The course includes intensive exploration of the conceptual framework, financial statements, revenue recognition and current assets. This course focuses on developing technical proficiency as well as critical thinking through the use of case studies.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- AFA 400 - Intermediate Accounting IICourse DescriptionThis course is a continued study of accounting theory and concepts under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The course will continue to develop a student's technical proficiency and critical understanding of accounting concepts with regards to the valuation and reporting of long term assets, current and long term liabilities and shareholders' equity.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 300
- AFA 500 - Intermediate Accounting IIICourse DescriptionThe last course in intermediate accounting focuses on the use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for income taxes, pensions, leases and the cash flow statement. This course will continue to develop a student's technical proficiency. In addition, the course will include multi-concept case studies of financial accounting theory and concepts from all three intermediate accounting courses.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 400
- AFA 511 - Ethics in AccountingCourse DescriptionThis course will introduce students to the ethical standards for accountants and auditors at all levels. The professional code of conduct required by the governing body for accountants as well and the nature and scope of ethics standards required in business and the world in general. Cases and speakers from industry and the profession, along with the CPA Professional Code of Conduct will be used to enhance the understanding and importance of ethical standards.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 400
- AFA 517 - Taxation for Managers and Financial PlannersCourse DescriptionSince taxation has an important effect on business decision-making in this course students will study the fundamental principles of the Canadian income tax laws and examine their effect on business decisions and financial planning. The tax treatment of various sources of income, as well as the legislation affecting small businesses will be included in the course. The student will develop decision making skills through numerous situational examples and case analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 300
- AFA 518 - AuditingCourse DescriptionAn introduction to the auditing standards and procedures developed by the accounting profession. Topics covered include: auditing standards, the audit report, materiality, risk, gathering of evidence and sampling. The course is useful to the student who is interested in the profession of auditing or developing a manager's understanding of auditing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 400
- AFA 615 - Public Sector and Not-for-Profit AccountingCourse DescriptionA study of the role of accounting in the not-for-profit and public sectors. Particular attention will be given to fund accounting and typical financial statements.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 300
- AFA 619 - Intermediate Cost and Management Acct.Course DescriptionThis course will provide a comprehensive study of costing for decision making, planning and performance evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on cost allocation methods, capital budgeting and transfer pricing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- AFA 706 - Financial Accounting TheoryCourse Description
This course studies the theoretical and practical issues encountered in contemporary accounting practice. Selected topics are compared with current industry uses and the CICA Handbook. The development of critical thinking and communications skills is stressed.
Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 500 - AFA 708 - Forensic Accounting and Internal AuditCourse DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce knowledge about the topics of the risks of financial frauds as well as the manager's responsibility for fraud prevention, detection and investigation. Specifically, this course will focus on the common types of accounting and financial frauds, the factors that will lead to their occurrence, how accounting systems and financial statements can be manipulated fraudulently, how management can prevent and detect frauds, and how management should cooperate with auditors and investigators.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 400
- AFA 716 - Advanced Financial Acct. and DisclosureCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for students pursuing a professional accounting designation, and covers the more complex aspects of financial accounting. The course includes coverage of Long Term Intercorporate Investments, Consolidations, Foreign Currency Translations and Reporting of Foreign Operations. Current Canadian standards are examined as well as the expected changes to these standards when Canada adopts International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS's). A case analysis is emphasized.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 500
- AFA 717 - Canadian Business Taxation ICourse DescriptionA detailed examination of the federal income tax law concerning income of individuals from employment, business and property. The implementation of the law and its effects, and issues in tax planning and other practical matters are explored, as well as legal interpretations of the law, through examination of a wide variety of practical problems and cases. Related rules in the Goods and Services Tax Act are also examined. Students should have a knowledge of accounting and business law, and be prepared to spend a minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour in class.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 500
- AFA 817 - Canadian Business Taxation IICourse DescriptionA further examination of the federal income tax law, dealing with its implementation and effects on both large and small corporations, their shareholders, and their business and financial decisions. Practical tax planning issues are explored, as well as interpretations of the law, in a wide variety of problems and cases. Taxation of partnerships, trusts, and the Goods and Services Tax are also examined.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 717
- AFA 819 - Advanced Management AccountingCourse DescriptionExplores the design, use and implications of the planning and control systems used by management to evaluate operating performance. The following issues are dealt with: variations between profit and not-for-profit sectors; decision making under uncertainty; pricing decisions; cost centres and profit centres; organizational behavioural aspects of management accounting systems.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:AFA 619