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Business Management

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Commerce (BComm)
Program Website: (opens in new window) 
Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management
Program Format: Full-time, four-year program.
Full-time, five-year co-op program.
Part-time, first-year entry program.
Full-time and part-time, third-year direct entry.

Staffed by a faculty with many years of business management and teaching experience, and sound academic qualifications, the Ted Rogers School of Business Management is the largest undergraduate business school in Ontario. It supplies industry and government with intelligent, dedicated graduates who are practically oriented, immediately useful, and capable of further personal development whether through advanced formal education or by promotion to senior job responsibilities.

O.S.S.D. with six Grade 12 U/M courses including Grade 12 U courses in: English and Mathematics (one of Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)).

  1. ENG4U/EAE4U is the preferred English.
  2. Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) is the preferred Mathematics course.
  3. The grade(s) required in the subject prerequisites (normally in the 70 percent range or higher) will be determined subject to competition.
  4. Subject to competition, candidates will be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.

All applicants to the program must have the following qualifications: A and C, or B and C.

A. O.S.S.D. with six Grade 12 U/M courses, including Grade 12 U courses in: English and Mathematics (one of Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)).


B. Ability to meet Ryerson's Mature Student guidelines (opens in new window) .


C. Completion of at least one certificate program from the Business Management area taken through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, or seven individual courses from the Bachelor of Commerce (Business Management) program taken through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, or equivalent qualifications from other post-secondary institutions. The cumulative grade point average required for admission each year is determined on the basis of competition. Candidates are encouraged to present cumulative grade point averages of 2.67 (B-) or higher to maximize their chances for admission consideration on a competitive basis.

  1. ENG4U/EAE4U is the preferred English.
  2. Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) is the preferred Mathematics course.
  3. The grade(s) required in the subject prerequisites (normally in the 70 percent range or higher) will be determined subject to competition.
  4. Subject to competition, candidates will be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.  

The Ted Rogers School of Business Management will consider graduates of an approved three-year Advanced Diploma in Business Administration from a public Ontario College for Direct Entry to the third year of the Business Management program. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 ('B') or higher is required for admission consideration. Subject to competition and space limitation, a higher grade point average may be required.

College graduates are required to complete all third and fourth year courses. To ensure adequate academic preparation, graduates will also be required to complete up to six courses from the second year, or provide evidence that equivalent courses have already been completed. The additional course(s) will include FIN 300, FIN 401, LAW 122† or their equivalent.


  1. Acceptable Business Administration Advanced Diplomas are determined at Ryerson's sole discretion. Programs that lack sufficient academic preparation, especially in quantitative analysis, will not be accepted for Direct Entry admission. Please visit the Undergraduate Admissions program page for further details.
  2. The Business Management Direct Entry majors that are available are Economics and Management Science, Entrepreneurship, Global Management, Law and Business, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management and Real Estate Management.
  3. Due to the nature of the required courses and their prerequisites in the Entrepreneurship Major, students pursuing the Direct Entry Entrepreneurship Major option will normally require three years to complete the program.
  4. Direct Entry Business Management program students can pursue a minor. Refer to the Transfer Credit and Minors sections of the calendar for details.
  5. At this time the co-op program is not available for Business Management Direct Entry students.

The Business Management program provides students with a specialization in their chosen vocation, a practical and comprehensive knowledge of all basic functions of business, an awareness of social, political, and economic issues facing contemporary society, a questioning attitude to encourage and assist change, an ability to employ analytical skills for decision-making, and a desire to continue to learn and develop. It is considered important that all students in the Business Management program demonstrate an ability to write in clear and correct English. A lack of competence in written work submitted may be reflected in the final grade. Further development of writing and communication skills can be obtained through the elective English and Communication courses.

The first two semesters are common to all students. The curriculum provides students with a general overview of business in society, introduces them to all the basic business functions, and develops their awareness of social, human and economic issues through the introduction of the liberal studies.

In third semester students enter their major in one of: Economics and Management Science, Entrepreneurship, Global Management, Human Resources Management, Law and Business, Marketing Management or Real Estate Management. The Marketing Management Major has a specific entrance requirement which is outlined within the curriculum. In addition, students continue studies in general business courses and the liberal studies area to broaden their perspective. The major started in the third semester is continued throughout the program.

The Marketing Department in the Ted Rogers School of Business Management co-ordinates an interdisciplinary Minor in Sales Management and Service Quality. This Minor provides students with the knowledge, skills and tools to manage customer relationships and to work effectively as a member of a sales team.

A limited number of students who have completed a three-year Business Administration diploma program with a minimum 'B' average from a recognized Community College, are admitted each year. These students are usually approved directly into the third year of the program. This opportunity is available on either a full- or part-time basis.

Experience has shown that our graduates are well-equipped to offer valuable services to the business community. Many graduates will go into the business world and will find complete satisfaction in their progress to greater responsibilities. The students are not simply learning to react to business pressures. They are prepared to operate pro-actively. Students work in the classroom and on real-life projects, learning how the process of solving problems works. The professors immerse the students thoroughly in their disciplines and then add the dimension of experience making Business education at Ryerson more relevant in the business world.

Liberal Studies

Students must take three lower level liberal studies courses and three upper level liberal studies courses to graduate. Students must not choose courses that are restricted for their program or major.

Please refer to the liberal studies chapter of this calendar for more information on the Liberal Studies Policy. Further information on liberal studies can also be found at the Faculty of Arts' Liberal Studies website (opens in new window) .

Table A Restrictions

ECN 110, ECN 210 and ITM 277 are not available for credit.

Economics and Management Science Majors: Economics courses are not available for credit.

Law and Business Majors: PHL 214 is not available for credit. Students may take only two Philosophy courses for credit.

Table B Restrictions

ECN 505, ECN 607 and SOC 501 are not available for credit.

Students in the Economics and Management Science Major may not take Economics for credit.

Law and Business Majors: PHL 612 is not available for credit to students who choose PHL 612 from Required Group 1. POL 613 is not available for credit.


Students may pursue any Minor offered by Ryerson (with some exceptions). Please refer to the Minors chapter of this calendar for further information on individual Minor requirements and exclusions.

The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Certificates

Undergraduate students wishing to pursue a continuing education certificate program should be aware of possible program exclusions. Please refer to the Certificate Registration section of the Curriculum Advising website (opens in new window)  for complete details.

International Exchange

Through the student exchange program, an opportunity is provided for students to spend a semester studying abroad. International experience gained in this way places graduates at a significant advantage in the competitive global economy. The School has a total of 42 International partners within 23 countries.

Course Identification

Part-time courses are administered by either the program department or The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. The mode of delivery is not reflected in this calendar. Continuing education courses are listed in your enrolment information package and are identified by with a 'C' prefix (e.g., CACC100). These identifiers are for internal use only and do not affect the equivalency.

Curriculum Information - Part-Time Program

The part-time program is offered to accommodate those students who intend to take the degree at a slower pace than the full-time day program, due to the demands of daytime employment and/or family obligations.  Part-time students fulfill their course requirements primarily in the evenings by enrolling in courses through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education for the first six semesters, and through The Ted Rogers School of Business Management evening course offerings for semesters seven and eight.  Part-time students are entitled to access up to a maximum of three courses per semester, space permitting.  The School can make no guarantees that all courses required will be offered or available each semester  for the part-time program.  Students who feel that the part-time course accessibility no longer suits them, should apply to transfer permanently into the full-time day program.

Students interested in pursuing an Entrepreneurship Major should know that the majority of courses required for the Major will not be available in the evening (at this time). Students wanting to pursue this Major will have to take the majority of the required courses during the day.

Part-time Business Management students are required to successfully complete BUS 100, as published in the curriculum.

Part-time undergraduate students complete the curriculum for their program as set out in the edition of the Undergraduate Calendar of the year they were admitted to their program, unless stated otherwise.

Optional Co-operative Program

The Ted Rogers School of Business Management also offers co-op options for each of the seven majors, providing graduates with 16 months of work experience integrated into their academic experience.

Students wishing to be considered for the co-op option can apply for admission as early as the third semester of their program. Please be advised that admission deadlines vary by major. Admission is competitive, with the assessment of applicants taking the form of a competition based on academic performance, non-academic requirements, and potential to succeed in co-op work terms.

NOTE: Students are expected to follow the sequence prescribed for their program. Deviation from the sequence requires the submission of a formal request to the Co-op Faculty Advisor and approval from the School. With permission from the School/Department, students may be allowed to graduate with the co-op endorsement with fewer than the prescribed work terms.

A Program Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteers that provides expert advice to a school or department on program related matters such as curriculum, program review, technology and trends in the industry, discipline or profession. For more information, see  (PDF file) Senate Policy #158 (Program Advisory Councils).

Ted Rogers School of Management Dean's Council

Andrea Cohen Barrack (Council Chair)
VP Community Relations and Corporate Citizenship

Kevin Chan
Head of Public Policy
Facebook Canada

Joseph Cooper
VP and GM, Global Technology Services

Vito Curalli
Executive Director, Sales for Canada, Latin America and International
Hilton Worldwide

Allyson Hewitt
Senior Fellow, Social Innovation
MaRS Discovery District

Dave Hopkinson
Chief Commerical Officer
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment

Vikram Khurana
Silver Bullet Water Treatment

Lisa Kimmel (Council Vice-Chair)
President and CEO
Edelman Canada

Lloyd Komori
Former SVP Risk Management
OMERS Administration Corporation

Art Mannarn
Former Executive VP and CAO, Retail and Business Banking

Marilyn Monk
Executive VP, Clinical
Hospital for Sick Children

Andrew Mullin
McKinsey & Company

Rebecca Pang
Senior Director, U.S. Strategic Business Development

Jim Reid
Senior VP, Human Resources and Chief HR Officer

Phil Soper
President and CEO
Royal LePage and Brookfield Real Estate Services Inc.

Stephen Testa
Former CFO
Nike Mexico

Robert Watson
President and CEO
Information Technology Association of Canada

Carol Wilding
President and CEO
CPA Ontario

For updates see: (opens in new window) 

First Year Studies - Common to all Majors

1st & 2nd Semester

The first two semesters of the program are common for all Business Management Majors.

1st Semester


ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
BUS 100* Strategies for Success
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
ITM 102 Business Information Systems I
QMS 102 Business Statistics I

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.


2nd Semester


ACC 406 Introductory Management Accounting
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
GMS 200 Introduction to Global Management
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing
QMS 202 Business Statistics II

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

Note: Students planning to enter the Marketing Management Major must obtain a grade of at least 2.67 (B-) in MKT 100.

Business Management students must declare their Major before course intentions in March of their first year. How to Change your Plan / Major (opens in new window) .

Business Management Majors

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