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Computer Science
Computer Science
- CPS 101 - Introduction to App DevelopmentCourse DescriptionThis course introduces programming to non-computer science majors. Students will learn how to program apps for mobile devices using a visual programming. Topics include: basic programming concepts (conditionals, events, variables, loops, procedures), using device sensors and components (camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS, audio, internet connectivity), designing and implementing apps (user interface, texting apps, files I/O, drawing apps, creating interactive games). The programming language used in this course is MIT App Inventor 2.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:Course is not available for credit for students in Computer Science programs (CS001, CS002).
- CPS 109 - Computer Science ICourse DescriptionAn introductory programming course designed to introduce fundamental Computer Science concepts such as abstraction, modelling and algorithm design. Emphasis is placed on producing correct software. This course uses Java as its programming language.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 118 - Introductory Programming for ScientistsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to computer science, computers and programming for science students. Topics covered include: algorithmic thinking, computational approaches to solving problems, programming fundamentals such as elementary data structures, arrays, and basic constructs provided by high-level programming languages: sequencing, selection, iteration, and functions. Additional topics may include: numerical computation, GUI interface, and case studies of scientific computing. This course uses MATLAB as its programming language.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 125 - Digital Computation and ProgrammingCourse DescriptionThe C programming language is used to develop good programming techniques. Topics covered include: C program form, language statements, pseudo-code algorithmic representation, numeric data types, flow of control with selection and repetition, standard C libraries, functions and call modes, arrays, pointers, sorting, matrix operations, character and string data types, dynamic storage, structures and linked lists, file I/O. Only regular first year students from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, and Science may preregister for this course.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 209 - Computer Science IICourse DescriptionA continuation of CPS 109. Emphasis is placed on code structure, algorithm development, and Object Oriented design principles.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 109
- CPS 213 - Computer Organization ICourse DescriptionThis course introduces the students to the principles and fundamentals of digital system design. Topics covered include: Binary numbers, base conversions, signed numbers, Boolean algebra, logic gates, K-map method, combinational circuits, decoders/encoders, multiplexers, sequential circuits, flip-flops, state diagram, registers, counters and addressing techniques.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 270 - Data Access and ManagementCourse DescriptionThis course presents the fundamental concepts of database design and database management. Topics covered include: relational data modeling, databases and DBMSs, relational algebra and SQL, persistent stored modules, and three-tier architecture. This course will also include an overview of data warehousing, XML, NoSQL databases and normal forms.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 305 - Data StructuresCourse DescriptionIntroduction to data structures and algorithms. Data structures covered will include stacks, queues, lists, trees, and graphs. Algorithm topics will include searching, sorting, hashing, algorithm design, greedy approaches, dynamic programming, recursion and complexity analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209
- CPS 310 - Computer Organization IICourse DescriptionA continuation of CPS 213. Memory; CPU architecture and instruction set; the instruction processing sequence; generic assembler level programming illustrated for specific CPUs; I/O essentials including interrupts and DMA; characteristics of major peripherals interfaces; RISC and CISC architectures compared; parallel processing. The laboratory requires using a specific assembler/editor for the creation of programs illustrating some of the principles discussed in lectures.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 213 or CPS 211
- CPS 311 - Object Oriented Programming and DesignCourse DescriptionThis course further explores the Object-Oriented paradigm emphasizing the Object Model and relationships between the various artifacts. The pure Smalltalk language is introduced to reinforce the OO paradigm. The Unified Modeling Language to capture the objects, classes, and their relationships is studied in considerable depth with a major analysis and initial design project done in teams. A reasonably complete coverage of C++ is presented. Time permitting, OO features of other languages will be discussed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 313 - Advanced Programming for ScientistsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to Object-Oriented Paradigm and Programming. Graphical User Interfaces. Event driven Paradigm and Programming. Java programming language and Java applets.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 118
- CPS 314 - Graphical ModelingCourse DescriptionUse of computer graphics for scientists. Software and hardware specifications. Psychological and physiological considerations. Mathematical manipulation of 2-D and 3-D graphical objects, representation of 3-D shapes, lines and curves. Digital imagery manipulation, bitmap-based and vector-based graphics. Graphic realism using ray-tracing and fractal geometry techniques. Introduction to virtual reality. Software applications will include a professional digital imagery package and 3-D image modelers.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 313
- CPS 315 - Database Applications for ScientistsCourse DescriptionImplementation of database information systems. Topics include database concepts, data modeling, relational model, normal forms (up to 3NF), relational algebra, data entry, table relationships, form design, queries, SQL / QBE programming and report generation. Use of a relational database management system.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 118
- CPS 393 - Introduction to C and UNIXCourse DescriptionThe course covers various aspects of the C language such as: Arrays, strings, pointers, structures, etc. The second part of the course introduces UNIX operating systems. Topics include: I/O, redirection, processes, shell scripts, etc.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS109
- CPS 406 - Introduction to Software EngineeringCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the study of Object-Oriented software engineering. Topics include software project management, requirements gathering, requirements analysis, modeling, design, implementation and testing. UML diagrams and design patterns are also discussed. A major portion of the course is a team project, taking a system from the initial requirements to the final implementation. (2 hr Lab every other week).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 40A/B - ThesisCourse Description
The student will creatively apply the material learned in core courses to a significant problem.
Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs./3 hrs.GPA Weight:2.00Billing Units:1/1Count:2.00 - CPS 411 - Data Structures for ScientistsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to data structures and algorithms. Topics include ADTs, restricted lists (stacks and queries), generalized lists, trees, searching, sorting, hashing, graphs, algorithm design, introductory complexity analysis, recursion.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 118
- CPS 412 - Social Issues, Ethics and ProfessionalismCourse DescriptionThis course will cover some of fundamental social, legal, and ethical issues inherent in the discipline of computing. Topics include social context, analytical tools, professional ethics, intellectual property, privacy and civil liberties, professional communication and sustainability.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 420 - Discrete StructuresCourse DescriptionIntroduction to discrete structures and probability as they apply to design and analysis. Review of proof techniques: induction and recursion. Graphs and trees, and their applications in computing. Finite automata and computability. Counting: arithmetic and geometric progressions, permutations and combinations, modular arithmetic. Probability.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:MTH 110
- CPS 501 - BioinformaticsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to analysis, management, and visualization of cellular information at the molecular level. The course includes an overview of mathematical modeling and simulation, pattern matching, methods for phylogenetics, gene recognition, distributed and parallel biological computing, designing and managing biological databases (both relational and object-oriented), linking disparate databases and data, data mining, reasoning by analogy, hypothesis formation and testing by machine.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:BME 501
- CPS 506 - Comparative Programming LanguagesCourse DescriptionA survey of major programming paradigms, with emphasis on the functional paradigm. Discussion of data typing, program decomposition, scoping rules, control structures parameter passing. Programming languages will likely include commercially important functional languages such as Haskell, Clojure and Erlang, with examples of others as time permits.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209
- CPS 510 - Database Systems ICourse DescriptionAdvanced file management techniques involving fundamentals of database organization, design and management. Emphasis is given to Relational Database Management Systems including relational algebra, normal Forms, physical Database Structures and their implementation, and Relational Database Languages. Other types of Database Managers are also discussed such as Hierarchical, Network and Inverted Files.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 305
- CPS 511 - Computer GraphicsCourse DescriptionSoftware and hardware considerations in computer graphics. Mathematical manipulation of graphical objects; interactive graphics and the user interface; representation of 3-D shapes; fundamental implementation of algorithms.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 513 - Introduction to Multimedia ComputationCourse DescriptionIntroduction to computing and programming for non-computer science majors. This course introduces the student to computers and the mind set of computing how to solve problems by developing algorithms and writing programs. The programming language is Python, and the problems are taken from the domain of multimedia (manipulation of images and sounds).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 530 - Web Systems DevelopmentCourse DescriptionThis course presents the concepts and applications of the technologies to design and develop creative and successful web services. It covers design fundamentals and also programming languages for both server-side and client-side environments. Responsive design, search engine optimization and monetization strategies are also introduced.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209
- CPS 590 - Operating Systems ICourse DescriptionIntroduction to O/S (system calls, interrupts, synchronous and asynchronous traps, O/S structure), using processes (process communication and synchronization), primitive communications (signals and signal management calls), pipes, messages, semaphores, shared memory, memory management, file systems, and (time permitting) remote procedure calls.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 603 - Foundations of Semantic TechnologiesCourse DescriptionThis course provides introduction to semantic technologies, including W3C recommended languages for developing ontologies. First, basics of formal logic are reviewed. Second, XML, RDF and RDF Schema are discussed. Third, description logics are introduced. Fourth, syntax and semantics of OWL2 are discussed, including distinction between fragments of OWL2. Fifth, basics of rule interchange languages RIF are introduced. Additional topics can be discussed if time permits.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 721
- CPS 606 - Advanced Computer OrganizationCourse DescriptionAn advanced overview of computer architecture and organization. A study of the relationship between software and hardware and how this affects the design of architectural features: instruction execution, processor internals (including pipelining, parallelism and microcode). Instruction sets, memory and caches, busses, auxiliary storage (disk) controllers and vector processors.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 310
- CPS 607 - Autonomous Mobile RoboticsCourse DescriptionAn introductory course in the design and implementation of autonomous vehicles. Topics will include the nature of autonomy and autonomous behaviour. Issues involving sensing and actuation will be discussed. Students will be introduced to the constraints and issues involved in building systems designed to interact with an environment independently. Students will be expected to construct working robots.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 310
- CPS 610 - Database Systems IICourse DescriptionTransformations of Relational to Network and Hierarchical Models and vice versa. Embedded DB languages, Concurrency Control, Recovery Procedures, Security and Integrity of DBS. Transaction Processing. Database Machines, Front-end Subsystems, Admin. Facilities. Distributed Databases: Concurrency Control through Locking, and Recovery. Also, discussed: The Nested Relational Model, The Semantic DB Model, The O-O DB Model and the Logic Based/Expert DB Systems.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 510
- CPS 613 - Human-Computer InteractionCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the concepts of human-computer interaction and usability testing. Topics include: human information processing, usability principles, models of interaction, user interface paradigms, design of user interfaces. Students will also learn how to develop Graphical User Interfaces using a specific User Interface Management system. (2 hr. Lab every other week).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209 or Direct Entry
- CPS 615 - Theory of ComputationCourse DescriptionThis course introduces students to the theory of computation. Topics include: regular expressions and languages, finite state automata, context-free languages, pushdown automata, Turing machines, computability, and NP-completeness.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 616 - AlgorithmsCourse DescriptionComplexity analysis and order notations, recurrence equations, brute force, divide-and-conquer techniques and the master theorem, transform-and-conquer and problem reduction, greedy method, dynamic programming, the knapsack and travelling salesman problems, graph algorithms, text processing and pattern matching techniques, P, NP, and NP-complete classes.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 621 - Introduction to Multimedia SystemsCourse DescriptionMultimedia data is becoming increasingly important in many scientific and commercial arenas. In this course, students will be introduced to principles and current technologies of multimedia system design. Topics include: multimedia data representation, processing multimedia visual information, video and audio compression, retrieval of multimedia data, such as text, graphics, colour images and video. In addition, issues related to multimedia hardware and software as well as specific applications will be discussed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 630 - Web ApplicationsCourse DescriptionThis course is a follow up to CPS 530. In it, students will learn advanced techniques for designing and building the active web pages. Topics include: JavaScript and DOM, XML and XSLT, CGI programming using PHP, database connectivity and web security, and Java servlets and JSP. At the end of this course, students will have designed and implemented a database application with a commercial grade web interface. (2 hr. Lab every other week).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 530
- CPS 633 - Computer SecurityCourse DescriptionHistory and examples of computer crime. Security policies and mechanisms. Access control models. Implementation and usability issues. Physical security. Authentication technologies. Operating system security. Encryption algorithms and protocols. External and internal firewalls. Software flaws and malware. Ethical issues in computer security. Sample privacy noncompliance litigation cases, Social implications of computing networked communication.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 393
- CPS 650 - Computational Thinking in Our WorldCourse DescriptionThis course will discuss why computers and computation are ubiquitous in our world and the implications of that ubiquity, including security, gaming, military, GPS, social-networks, stock-trading, voting, and beyond. Students will learn how these systems work at an appropriate level of detail. To give a deeper understanding of these topics a significant component of the course will be student programming labs to explore simple versions of these systems. No previous programming experience will be required.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULCustom Requisites:Not available to students in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science.
- CPS 706 - Computer Networks ICourse DescriptionInternet, the network edge, the network core, delay, loss and throughput, protocol layers. Application Layer: principles of network applications, web. Transport Layer -UDP, connection oriented transport TCP, TCP congestion control. Network layer -The internet protocol (IP): Forwarding and addressing in the Internet. Routing algorithms. The link layer and local area networks.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 590
- CPS 707 - Software Verification and ValidationCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the topics of verification and validation of computer software. Material covered may include statistical and functional approaches to testing, test data analysis, testability, static analysis techniques, dynamic analysis techniques, selected state-of-the-art results, and real-world applications.Weekly Contact:Lecture 4 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 710 - Compilers and InterpretersCourse DescriptionIntroduction to compiler design: theory, techniques, and tools. Students will develop an interpreter or compiler. Assembler and preprocessors will also be briefly discussed.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 713 - Applied CryptographyCourse DescriptionThe notion of secure communication. Classical cryptography. Pseudo-random number generation. The Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard. Cryptographically secure hash functions. Public key crypto system. Digital signature schemes. E-commerce and digital cash. Secret sharing schemes. Authentication applications. Electronic mail security. IP and Web security.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209
- CPS 714 - Software Project ManagementCourse DescriptionIntroduction to issues involved in managing large, complex software projects. Introduction to industry-standard project management techniques and tools needed to use them, as well as their application to software projects.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 406
- CPS 716 - Computer Networks IICourse DescriptionAdvanced Internet routing algorithms (inter-AS routing, broadcast and multicast routing, switch design). Advanced data link layer topics (virtual local area networks, multi-protocol label switching). Multimedia Networking (streaming, real-time transport protocols, content distribution networks, scheduling and policing algorithms, providing quality of service). Wireless/Mobile Networks, (cellular networks, WiFi, mobility management, routing in MANET). Network Management. Special topics in networking.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 706
- CPS 721 - Artificial Intelligence ICourse DescriptionThis course provides introduction to several important AI problems and techniques, including knowledge representation and reasoning, constraints satisfaction, search, natural language understanding, planning, uncertainty, belief networks, learning.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 730 - Web Technology and Performance MeasurementCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on understanding the core technologies underlying the World Wide Web, such as protocols (e.g., HTTP), software components (i.e., client, server and proxy) and important web applications (e.g., web caching). Another part of this course is introduction to performance measurement and in particular Web Performance Measurement. The course consists of assignments and practical examples (based on Unix/Linux) which helps students to understand the principles of how distributed applications are built.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 731 - Software Engineering ICourse DescriptionEssential methods for the Systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of Software. Software Life Cycles, process modelling, configuration management, managing Software quality, requirements analysis, specification, verification and validation, Software design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Software Tools, CASE tools and documentation. (2 hr. Lab every other week)Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 406
- CPS 750 - Telecomm Networks: Wireless SystemsCourse DescriptionThe fundamental concepts of layered communications architecture are re-examined from the wireless data transmission point of view in order to understand the performance, behaviour and design of modern wireless technology. Emphasis is placed on radio and microwave transmission fundamentals, modulation systems, wireless error correction methods, spread spectrum transmission, code division multiple access, transmitters, receivers and antennas. Other topics involve signal analysis, digital signal processing (DSP), multipath fading, infrared systems, wireless networks and WLANs.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 706
- CPS 752 - Parallel Computer SystemsCourse DescriptionThe topics of this course centre around the concepts of parallel processors and supercomputers with emphasis on processor technology, performance, and software, parallel computer models, program flow control and scheduling, metrics and measures, scalability of parallel algorithms, memory hierarchy technology, pipeline design, multivector and SIMD organizations, scalability and multithreading, software and compliers, case studies of the CRAY Y-MP and CM-5 environments.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 310
- CPS 801 - Operating Systems IICourse DescriptionThis course covers the principal internal functions of operating systems with particular emphasis on UNIX/Linux and systems programming. Topics covered in this course are: OS structure, process management (including concurrency and synchronization), memory management, file systems, input-output and device management, and elements of distributed systems.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 811 - Distributed Systems and NetworksCourse DescriptionA continuation of CPS 706. This course deals with the concepts of internetworking as an extension of data communications. Topics will include routing and the TCP/IP suite of protocols. An introduction to X Windows programming allows students to investigate the aspects of distributed systems using Remote Procedure Calling, shared files and directories, NFS and NIS, the Internet, and other Distributed Computing Environments. Case studies will involve NFS, Amoeba, Mach and Grapevine. Concurrency aspects will be considered in the topics of collaborating servers and file replication.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 706
- CPS 813 - Human Robot InteractionCourse DescriptionFrom the first time a human picked up a stick and attempted to knock down food from an unreachable branch we have attempted to use technology to extend our influence on the world. This course will examine physical robotic systems designed to extend human presence to remote locations. Topics may include Presence, Situational Awareness, Telerobotics and Agency. The course is designed to provide students with a practical introduction that will involve the design and construction of working robotic systems designed to interact with remote environments.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 607
- CPS 815 - Topics in AlgorithmsCourse DescriptionThis course covers advanced methods of algorithmic design and analysis. Topics will be selected from: advanced data structures; amortization; persistence; optimization; approximation; randomization; probabilistic analysis; parallel algorithms.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 616
- CPS 822 - Artificial Intelligence IICourse DescriptionThe course will focus on the theory and implementation of discreet dynamical systems considered from the perspective of artificial intelligence. Modern logical representations of actions and their effects will be discussed in detail. The emphasis will be on the compromises required to ensure computational tractability of reasoning about effects of actions. The course will show how these research issues are relevant to artificial intelligence and to applications beyond the traditional area of artificial intelligence. Topics may include: logical foundations, reasoning about direct and indirect effects of actions, deductive planning, time and concurrency, causality, stochastic actions, modular representations.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 721
- CPS 831 - Software Engineering IICourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of CPS 731. Topics include: Formal specification, algebraic specification, model oriented Specification, Software reliability, fault-tolerance, Software tools, programming environments, Toolkits, Method based Environments. Software development work benches, Software reliability, Software metrics, software standards, complexity measures, Software quality assurance, automated programming, CASE Tools. (2 hr. Lab every other week).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 731
- CPS 832 - Mainframe SystemsCourse DescriptionAn overview course on mainframe hardware systems and the main operating systems running on these machines. Emphasis is on the internal system software structure of these highly complex systems, and how the hardware supports this. The course provides a comprehensive coverage of the system at several levels. After completing this course the students will have had hands-on experience in running programs and manipulating datasets on a mainframe.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 840 - Selected Topics in Computer ScienceCourse DescriptionAn advanced level course taught by regular faculty members either singly, or in teams. Topics offered are determined by faculty expertise available. Registration may be limited to fourth-year students.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 841 - Advanced Topics in Computer ScienceCourse DescriptionAn in-depth analysis of recent developments and topics of current interest in Computer Science. Topics offered are determined by faculty expertise available. Registration may be limited to 4th year students.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 842 - Information Retrieval and Web SearchCourse DescriptionThis course discusses basic information retrieval models, evaluation methods, state of art of search engines and new trends in web search. Topics covered include basic IR models, indexing, query operation, evaluation, categorization and clustering, web search, link analysis, web crawling, web mining, etc. After completing this course, students will have acquired the core techniques in building text retrieval systems, hands-on experience in building the core parts of a web-based search engine, and knowledge of IR applications on the world wide web.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 843 - Introduction to Computer VisionCourse DescriptionThis course describes foundational concepts of computer vision. In particular, the course covers the image formation process, image representation, feature extraction, model fitting, motion analysis, 3D parameter estimation and applications.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:MTH 820
- CPS 844 - Data MiningCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the basic data mining concepts, methods, implementations, as well as applications in different areas, especially on the world wide web. Topics covered include the basic data mining techniques, data preprocessing, association rule mining, classification, clustering, web mining, and data mining application (e.g. in web personalization, recommender system, security). At the end of this course, students should be able to implement and use some of important data mining algorithms in practical applications.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 305
- CPS 845 - Extreme Programming and Agile ProcessesCourse DescriptionThis course presents the main principles of Extreme Programming (XP) development, including: development methodology; rules and practices; application domains; public resources, such as forums, literature, and supportive tools. Other agile methods are covered as appropriate.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 406
- CPS 847 - Software Tools for StartupsCourse DescriptionThis course will discuss core tools, frameworks, and packages used by modern startups. These areas include but are not limited to source code management, project management, databases, middleware and front-end libraries. The labs and assignments will offer hands-on experience with the software. Sample tools are as follows: git, Pivotal Tracker, Django, Tornado, Node.js, MongoDb, and jQuery.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 209
- CPS 853 - Creating Big Data SystemsCourse DescriptionThis course will discuss how to build Big Data analytic and transactional systems. The course will provide introduction to the theory and practice of large-scale software systems. We will focus on defining Big Data properties and architecting the systems to accommodate these properties. In addition, we will cover quality assurance of such systems, as well as management (risk estimation, planning, team management, etc.)Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:CPS 406
- CPS 883 - CompilersCourse DescriptionTopics include: Lexical analysis, deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata; hardware implementation of DFAs; Context-free grammars; parsing techniques; syntax directed translation, code generation; compiler generators.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- CPS 888 - Software EngineeringCourse DescriptionTopics include: Issues in software engineering; software specification; system modelling; requirements specification; validation and prototyping; formal specification; object-oriented design; function-oriented design; user-interface design; CASE; quality assurance.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00