Observing migrants' usage patterns of cyber-physical infrastructure

Project Lead(s)
Team Members
Farbod Abbasi, Houman Haghi, Kyle Fitzsimmons, Mahan Mollajafari, Isaac Otchere, Alemtsehay Subhatu
Cyber-physical service infrastructure
The 'Cyber-physical service infrastructure' sub-theme explores how cyber-physical infrastructure influences migrant accessibility, opportunity, and integration outcomes. It examines the interplay between physical and social infrastructures, their impact on migrant support, and the role of infrastructure in shaping migration patterns.

As a first step in the sub-theme, this project seeks to develop a deeper understanding in terms of the cyber-physical service infrastructure needs, commercial and social activities, and usage patterns of migrants (upcoming, new, and settled), evolving residential pathways of new Canadians and their implications for migrant integration.

Research question(s)
- What is the state of current urban cyber-physical infrastructure and services in relation to migrant support?
- How do infrastructure usage patterns look for different groups of migrants?
- How are the cyber-physical and social infrastructure intertwined with each other?

The project will primarily involve the development of revealed and stated preference surveys. Additionally, data from Statistics Canada, municipal surveys, and commercial datasets will be acquired, based on needs.

The project is currently in progress.
Expected completion date: Winter 2026

Key words
Canadian migrant; cyber-physical infrastructure; migrant support; survey; usage patterns