Modelling migrants' cyber-physical infrastructure usage behaviour

Project Lead(s)
Team Members
Narges Alipourjeddi (external link) , Ali Miri, Zachary Patterson, Alemtsehay Subhatu (external link)
Cyber-physical service infrastructure
The 'Cyber-physical service infrastructure' sub-theme explores how cyber-physical infrastructure influences migrant accessibility, opportunity, and integration outcomes. It examines the interplay between physical and social infrastructures, their impact on migrant support, and the role of infrastructure in shaping migration patterns.

Building on projects 'Observing migrants' usage patterns of cyber-physical infrastructure' and 'Understand ing migrants' usage patterns of cyber-physical infrastructure', this project seeks to develop mathematical models of migrant behaviour in terms of their decision-making (e.g., location/relocation, mode choice, activity participation, etc.) and supply-demand interactions when using urban infrastructure.

Research question(s)
- What mathematical models can be developed that consider important properties including interpretability, unbiasedness, equity incorporation, spatial/temporal transferability, and high predictive power?
- What behavioural models can be useful in quantifying and understanding social infrastructure-related causations?
- How can the activity-based paradigm for infrastructure usage incorporate new dimensions such as sustainability, equity/inclusion, adaptability, and resilience in the context of migration integration?

This project will develop novel hybrid models that combine data-driven models with theory driven models. This will include deep residual networks, normalizing flows, and structural causal modelling.

This project is not active yet. It will build on data and analysis developed in projects 'Observing migrants' usage patterns of cyber-physical infrastructure' and 'Understand ing migrants' usage patterns of cyber-physical infrastructure'.
Expected start date: 2025

Key words
Canadian migrant; cyber-physical infrastructure; migrant support; mathematical model; usage patterns