Advanced digital technologies and emerging smart infrastructure pilots

A strong partnership between municipalities and researchers is needed to develop pilot projects that showcase ADTs solutions and emerging smart infrastructure technologies in providing on-demand, high-availability services.

This study seeks to develop a series of smart infrastructure pilots to produce knowledge about ADTs in terms of adoption patterns, migrant perceptions, needs fulfilled, and opportunities created.

Research question(s)
- What pilot projects can be developed that demonstrate how ADTs solutions and emerging smart infrastrucutre technologies can assist with migrant integration?
- How can we collaborate with municipalities and other private partners to ensure the successful implementation of these pilots?

This study will implement various qualitative and quantitative methods depending on the particular pilot. Data will be collected on before and after the start of pilots and systematically analyze the adoption patterns, migrant perceptions, needs fulfilled, and opportunities created.

The project is in currently ongoing.

Key words
ADTs; advanced digital technologies; migrant integration; municipality; pilot project; smart infrastructure