Blockchain-based personal health records

Despite the considerable opportunity to achieve beneficial health outcomes, greater efficiency, and access, the rate of personal health records adoption has been limited and even moreso in Canada. The problem is magnified among migrant and immigrant groups where access to equitable health and bridging the digital divide is more challenging.

This research is focused on advancing the concept of innovative and resilient communities. As the study explores the range of uses for augmenting traditional Personal Health Records (PHR) using blockchain-based PHR, the research team is also deeply aware of the need for collection and safe sharing of diverse data and advancing inclusive innovation that reduces barriers to economic and social inclusion for immigrants.

Research question(s)
- What strategies can be developed to provide enhanced auditability of health data access and sharing?
- What methods can be employed to educate immigrant and other vulnerable groups about the technical aspects of blockchain-based PHR systems?
- How do different recipients of personal health information within the PHR ecosystem impact an individual's privacy concerns and intentions to share their health data?
- How do demographic variables influence individuals’ privacy attitudes and behaviours in the context of blockchain-based PHR systems?

The project requires a small multi-disciplinary team of researchers. The research will conform to the overarching mixed-method multi-phase approach that will guide the advancement of research on all the themes presented in the blockchain-based PHR system research project. This will ensure that social, technical, functional and behavioural intentions are stematically captured among underrepresented Canadian populations.

The project is currently ongoing.
Expected completion date: December 2026

Key words
Blockchain-based PHR systems; immigrant healthcare; personal health records