Leveraging Advanced Digital Technologies in skills training, labour market entry, and employer support

The inability to accurately assess foreign credentials, a lack of understanding of foreign work experience and bias in employment processes can all contribute to inequitable outcomes for newcomer jobseekers and employees.

This project shifts the focus from individual immigrant behaviors and attributes to organizational policies and processes. Specifically, we are interested in whether and how Advanced Digital Technologies (ADTs) may facilitate or impede hiring immigrant workers.

Research question(s)
- How can ADTs be used in the recruitment, assessment, upskilling and development of immigrant talent?
- What challenges and opportunities arise from the integration of digital technologies in the recruitment, assessment, upskilling and development of talent?
- What are the potential advantages and challenges associated with the application and how can we ensure inclusive practices to support newcomers and immigrants?

This research will employ a mixed-methods approach. This will include surveys, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Participants will be key stakeholders, including technology providers, employers, and newcomer job seekers.

The project has started and is currently ongoing.
Expected completion date: September 2026

Key words
ADTs; advanced digital technologies; immigrant employment; labour market