Settlement sector organizations and Advanced Digital Technologies' adoption

Project Lead(s)
Team Members
Marie-Jeanne Blain, Mylene Coderre, Capucine Coustere, Bryanna Losinger-Ross (external link) , Nadya Zezyulina (external link)
ADTs in immigration governance
The sub-theme 'ADTs in immigration governance' considers the impact of advanced digital technologies on immigration governance in the past, present, and future, in Canada and in comparative perspective.

This project will consider how Canada’s settlement sector negotiates the rise of advanced digital technologies (ADTs). As the main implementers of the country’s immigration program, settlement organizations already engage with government mandated technologies and are increasingly innovating in the use of ADTs to provide services to immigrants. They must do so, however, with limited funding, high staff turnovers and with clients with different levels of technological literacy.

Research question(s)
- How do settlement sector organization in Canada negotiate the rise of ADTs?

The design of the survey instrument will be done in consultations with representatives of the settlement sector and the project will seek to maximize knowledge transfer activities to these organizations.

The project is currently ongoing and, building on a new literature review and discussions with settlement partners, is set to explore a gap in research identified by practitioners.
Expected completion date: December 2026

Key words
ADTs; Advanced digital technologies; Canadian settlement sector organizations; settlement sector organizations