Elizabeth Onyango
Elizabeth Onyango is an Assistant Professor of Healthy and Sustainable Communities in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. She is a critical interdisciplinary and community-based health researcher with interests in explorative studies of what matters to populations, food security and nutrition, as well as social inequalities in the health and wellbeing of migrants. Her work also extends into intersections of gender, gender-based violence, household food security and associated health outcomes in minority populations. Elizabeth has published extensively on these topics.
She has taught graduate level courses on community-based and health promotion research, leadership and professional skills in public health, using and creating evidence in public health practice, anti-Black-Racism and transformative social work with immigrant and Indigenous people.
In her current work Elizabeth works closely with migrant communities in Canada to explore the challenge of food insecurity. Previously, Elizabeth worked as an early career research fellow with MiFOOD Research Project and the Hungry Cities Partnership, Balsilie School of International Affairs & Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth is a recipient of several scholarships and awards including the Queen Elizabeth Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship and the SSHRC-IDG Early Career Researcher Award.
Recent Publications
Onyango, E. O., Crush, J. S., & Owuor, S. (2023). Food Insecurity and Dietary Deprivation: Migrant Households in Nairobi, Kenya (external link) . Nutrients, 15(5), 1215.
Onyango, E. O., & Elliott, S. J. (2022). Traversing the Geographies of Displacement, Livelihoods, and Embodied Health and Wellbeing of Senior Women in Kenya (external link) . Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3, 100110.
Onyango, E. O., Crush, J., & Owuor, S. (2021). Migration, Rural–urban Connectivity, and Food Remittances in Kenya (external link) . Environments, 8(9), 92.