Daniel Rubenson
Daniel Rubenson is a Professor of Political Science at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research is largely concentrated in three related areas at the intersection of comparative politics and political economy: 1) Political participation and vote choice; 2) political campaigns, political communication and persuasion; and 3) the governance of natural resources.
Daniel is the incoming Executive Director of the Evidence in Politics and Governance (EGAP) network. EGAP is a global research, evaluation, and learning network that promotes rigorous knowledge accumulation, innovation, and evidence-based policy in various governance and accountability domains. He is also one of the PIs of the Canadian Election Study (CES) and is co-PI of the Consortium on Electoral Democracy (C-Dem). From 2018-2023, Daniel was one of the Associate Editors of the Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Daniel’s research has been published widely in top political science, economics and general science journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Reports and many others. Since coming to TMU, Daniel has been awarded over $11m in research funding.
Recent Publications
López‐Moctezuma, G., Wantchekon, L., Rubenson, D., Fujiwara, T., & Pe Lero, C. (2022). Policy Deliberation and Voter Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from an Election in the Philippines (external link) . American Journal of Political Science, 66(1), 59–74.
McAndrews, J. R., Goldberg, J. I., Loewen, P. J., Rubenson, D., & Allen Stevens, B. (2021). Nonelectoral Motivations to Represent Marginalized Groups in a Democracy: Evidence from an Unelected Legislature (external link) . Legislative Studies Quarterly, 46(4), 961–994.
Rubenson, D., & Dawes, C. T. (2022). Subtle Primes of In-group and Out-group Affiliation Change Votes in a Large Scale Field Experiment (external link) . Scientific Reports, 12(1), 22526.