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Canada plans to apologize for the No. 2

In an event held on 28 March 2021 ( (external link) ), the Canadian government formally announced its intention to apologize for the systemic racism the Black men who served in the No. 2 Construction Battalion endured during their WW1 service, and after they returned home as war veterans.

During the event, members of the public were invited to provide suggestions on how best to commemorate the service of the men of the No. 2 Construction Battalion and mark the apology in a meaningful way.

In the following months, a National Apology Advisory Committee (NAAC) was formed and the NAAC led seven Canada-wide consultations with Black community members and various stakeholders between December 2021 and May 2022 in keeping with its mandate to get input from the public to inform the apology and provide recommendations to the Minister of National Defence regarding post-apology actions. A number of small group and one-on-one consultation sessions with direct descendants of men who served with the No. 2 Construction Battalion were also convened by NAAC co-chairs Mr. Russell Grosse and Lt. Col. Barry Pitcher.

Prime Minister Trudeau gave the apology at the National Apology Event held in Truro, Nova Scotia on 9 July 2022.

July 9, 2022

Good afternoon. Bonjour tout le monde.

Thank you, everyone, for gathering here in Truro for such an important event. Not just in Black history, but in Canadian history. I want to thank Lt. Governor LeBlanc, Deputy Premier MacMaster, and Mayor Mills for being with us.

Thank you to Minister Anand and Minister Sajjan for all the work you have done to make today happen, and thank you to our Black caucus and Nova Scotia caucus members. 

But none of us would be here today without the important work of:

  • The descendants of the No. 2 Construction Battalion 
  • The members of the National Apology Advisory Committee
  • Many people from the African Nova Scotian community, and members of the Black community across Canada. 
  • Russell Grosse and the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, and 
  • Lieutenant Colonel Barry Pitcher from the Canadian Armed Forces, 

Thank you all. You have persevered and kept the memory of Canada’s first and only Black battalion alive, No. 2 Construction Battalion.

We are here to accept responsibility for mistakes of the past and to pledge ourselves to working every day to build a better future. 

Aujourd’hui, c’est une journée historique, et je suis heureux de voir les descendants, et je suis heureux de voir tellement de jeunes ici présents aujourd’hui, y compris mon fils, Xavier.

Among the most selfless things a person can do is stand up and volunteer to fight for their country.

To risk your life, to defend your values, and your loved ones, is an act of extraordinary bravery. Of honour. Of sacrifice. Of loyalty.

When the First World War broke out in Europe, and Canada joined the fight, men from across the country flocked to enlist.

Among those brave volunteers were hundreds of young Black men, eager to serve, who loved Canada, and were ready to take up arms to defend King and country.

They were willing and able patriots who wanted to serve. 

Ces centaines de jeunes hommes venant des communautés noires voulaient servir leur pays et protéger la liberté qui nous est chère. Ils voulaient lutter avec honneur contre la tyrannie et l’oppression

Mais presque tous les volontaires venant des communautés noires se sont vu refuser l'honneur de servir leur pays.

In repeated acts of discrimination and racism, almost every single Black volunteer was turned away and denied the honour of serving their country.

In one instance, a group of 50 Black volunteers journeyed from Sydney to New Glasgow by train and waited all day at the recruiting office, only to be told that this was “a white man’s war.” 

Those recruiters did not see men willing to fight for our collective freedom. They only saw the colour of their skin.

Back then, there were unwritten laws of segregation. But some were more explicit. In 1910, when the Naval Service of Canada was founded, its recruitment practices excluded non-white members.

And while there was no official policy for the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, it was left up to commanding officers, who repeatedly turned Black volunteers away.

These shameful, discriminatory practices did not go unnoticed by the public.

Letters came from across the country demanding to know why Black men could not enlist. 

In 1915, George Morton from Hamilton, wrote the Minister of Militia and Defence to speak out on behalf of his fellow Black citizens, and I quote:

“They think they should be permitted in common with other peoples to perform their part and do their share in this great conflict.” 

He stated that Black men wanted to “work out their own destiny” and were anxious to serve “in this critical crisis in [the country’s] history.”

What more devotion to country could we have asked for? And yet, senior military leadership at the time continued to turn a deaf ear.

How quickly the military leadership of the day had forgotten the history of Black soldiers. 

For over a century, Black soldiers had sacrificed so much to serve this place they called home.

Durant la Guerre de 1812, les soldats noirs ont défendu le Haut-Canada

En 1859, William Edward Hall, le fils d’anciens esclaves, a été l’un des premiers Canadiens à recevoir la Croix de Victoria pour sa bravoure.

In 1861, the Victoria Rifle Pioneers Corps became the first authorized military force in Western Canada and was comprised entirely of Black men who had come to British Columbia to escape racial persecution down south.

By the time of the First World War, Canada already had a long history of loyal Black military service. 

But, in 1916, a Major General took it upon himself to write a memo that disparaged the loyalty and combat capabilities of Black men.

This is what systemic racism and anti-Black hate does. 

It suppresses the truth. It tries to rewrite history under false narratives. It buries the bravery, humanity, and common cause we share.

But human nature shows us, again and again, that people will always find a way to stand up and demand their dignity.

And the Black men who wanted to serve never gave up.

Le racisme systémique et la haine envers les communautés noires contribuent à supprimer la vérité.

Mais la nature humaine nous a montré plusieurs fois que les gens trouveront toujours le moyen de se lever et de réclamer leur dignité.  

You see, two years after the war began, Black men were finally permitted to form their own battalion: No. 2 Construction Battalion. Canada’s first and only Black battalion. 

While many members were from around here, in Nova Scotia, Black men and boys travelled from across the country to enlist.

Two sons of the famous cowboy John Ware, Arthur and William, came all the way from the family’s Calgary homestead. 

Environ 600 patriotes de tout le pays sont venus ici, à Truro, pour recevoir un entraînement. Ils ont fièrement revêtu l'uniforme du Corps expéditionnaire canadien après deux ans de refus.  

Mais ils n'ont jamais eu les mêmes possibilités ni le même soutien que leurs homologues blancs.  

When these Black men had answered the call of duty, they had dreamed of fighting on the front lines. 

But, instead, they were deployed to Europe as a labour unit. 

They had to sail on a separate ship and were sent to the Jura Mountains of southeastern France where they joined the Canadian Forestry Corps. 

They did grueling work and their contributions were invaluable to the war effort. 

The lumber they cut lined the trenches on the front lines, became railway ties, and was even used in aircraft. 

Thanks to their faithful and disciplined work, the mills produced double the lumber of other comparable units. 

But still, they had to live in segregated camps and without proper medical care, rations, or equipment. 

Twenty-three members of the battalion died in Europe—their lives lost while serving their country.

And when the war was over and the battalion came home, the living were never given the heroes’ welcome they deserved. 

À leur retour, les membres du 2e Bataillon de construction n'ont jamais reçu l'accueil en héros qu'ils méritaient.

In the poem we just heard, "Black Soldiers Lament" by Captain George Borden, the opening lines are haunting. 

“The bugle called and forth we went

To serve the Crown our backs far bent

And build what ere that must be done;

But ne’re to fire an angry gun

No heroes we nay not one.”

That last line…

How could they not be seen as heroes? As a country, we failed to recognize their contributions for what they were. Their backbreaking work. Their sacrifice. Their very willingness to put their country before themselves.

The Great War was won at the hands of every soul that served.

We owe these men, these brave Black men, so much. 

Je suis ici aujourd'hui afin d’offrir les excuses du gouvernement du Canada pour la façon horrible dont ces patriotes ont été traités.

I am here today to offer the Government of Canada’s official apology for the appalling way these patriots were treated.

For the overt racism of turning Black volunteers away when they offered to sacrifice their lives for all – we are sorry. 

For not letting Black service members fight alongside their white compatriots —

For denying members of No. 2 Construction Battalion the care and support they deserved — we are sorry.

For failing to honour and commemorate the contributions of the members of No. 2 Construction Battalion and their descendants —

For the blatant anti-Black hate and systemic racism that denied these men dignity in life and in death —

We are sorry. 

On ne peut pas changer le passé, mais on doit toutes saisir les occasions d’apprendre de nos erreurs

Malheureusement, on sait qu’un trop grand nombre de membres des Forces armées canadiennes sont encore confrontés au racisme systémique et à la discrimination, y compris le racisme envers les communautés noires.

We are committed to meaningful change, where the dignity of all service members in the Canadian Armed Forces is upheld. Where everyone is welcome; where everyone can rise through the ranks; where everyone has opportunities to distinguish themselves.

We cannot and we will not ever let what happened to No. 2 Construction Battalion happen again, in ways large or small. And we cannot let the service of any member of our forces ever be overlooked or forgotten.

Today, very little would be known of the Battalion’s legacy if it weren’t for the efforts of their steadfast descendants, relentless historians, and Black leaders. 

I want to, again, thank Russell Grosse, and those at the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, for their work to research and preserve the memory of No. 2 Construction Battalion. 

I also want to particularly thank former Member of Parliament for Halifax West, Gordon Earle, for his dedication to commemorating the battalion.

There are two other names that need mention; names who are no longer with us:

First, Senator Calvin Ruck, who devoted himself to documenting Canada’s Black military history and sharing the stories of the members of No. 2, including publishing a book on the men.

And Captain George Borden, who was a descendant of serving members and served in the military himself. Captain Borden was a ceaseless advocate of the battalion who also wrote that beautiful poem we heard earlier.

I also want to acknowledge among all the various descendants and family members: Audrey Parris [Aw-dree Paris], who is the oldest direct descendant. Her father, Sheldon Parris, served in No. 2. Audrey can’t be here today, but I know is watching from Toronto. Thank you.

Over the past few decades, efforts have been made to recognize the battalion, including exhibitions, publications, Parks Canada events, and a stamp. 

Today, we are announcing that, next year, during Black History Month, the Royal Canadian Mint will release a pure silver collector coin honouring No. 2 Construction Battalion, which will allow Canadians, no matter where they live, to be part of remembering this extraordinary legacy.

L'année prochaine, pendant le mois de l'histoire des Noirs, la Monnaie royale canadienne va émettre une pièce de collection en argent pur en l'honneur du 2e Bataillon de construction pour permettre aux Canadiens de tout le pays de participer à la commémoration de son héritage

Aujourd'hui, j'espère que tous les Canadiens vont faire des recherches sur nos histoires non écrites et non racontées

Il y a des histoires comme celles du 2e Bataillon qui nous montrent que la force et la résilience de notre humanité commune ne se résument pas à la couleur de notre peau.

All members of the Canadian Armed Forces fight under the same flag. 

Our flag may have changed since the First World War, but what we stand for never has: freedom, peace, justice, fairness, and hope. 

This is the promise of Canada. And while we still have work to do, this should always be what we fight for, at home and around the world.

To the memory of these Black soldiers we would like to say: Today we see you, and we honour you. 

And to their descendants: We hope you see yourselves as you are; heirs to the memory of true Canadian heroes.

Thank you.

Dr. Simpson, PI on the Black Canada and the Great War research project, comments on the PM's apology with Michael Serapio on CBC News

Ceremony: The formal ceremony for the apology should be held at Pictou’s Market Wharf and the nearby deCoste Performing Arts Centre, where an annual ceremony has been held since 1993. That is the location of a granite memorial and a plaque erected by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the earliest suitable time for this ceremony will likely be in July 2022 (the 105th anniversary year of the battalion’s departure for overseas), on an appropriate Saturday or Sunday close to July 5, the date of the authorization for the establishment of No. 2 Construction Battalion. At the federal government level, I believe that the senior attendees should include the Minister of National Defence, the Minister of Veterans’ Affairs, the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Commander Canadian Army and the CAF Chief Engineer. 

Scroll: A formal apology scroll should be prepared in the format of an illuminated parchment. It would bear four signatures: the Governor General, the Prime Minister, The Minister of National Defence and the Chief of the Defence Staff. The original copy of the scroll would be presented to the BCCNS for permanent display there. Replicas of the scroll could be prepared for wide distribution to ceremony attendees and others as a memento of the occasion.

Coin: In February 2016, Canada Post issued a stamp and first day cover in memory of No. 2 Construction Battalion. It would now be appropriate for the Royal Canadian Mint to issue a commemorative $1 or $2 coin on the occasion of the apology. Such a coin would be engraved with suitable No. 2 Construction Battalion symbols and make reference to the apology. It would be a tangible memento and reminder of the apology that would be distributed widely.  

History: An official unit history of No. 2 Construction Battalion does not exist. The Directorate of History and Heritage should be tasked to write such a history in time for the formal apology event. Given the short existence of the unit, it would not be a lengthy volume. Maj. Mathias Joost, a soon-to-retire DHH historian, wrote “No. 2 Construction Battalion: The Operational History” for the Canadian Military Journal Vol. 16, No. 3, Summer 2016 ( (external link) ). He has also conducted extensive research about black Canadians in the armed forces and should be considered to write the history, provided that he is available and willing. Besides being offered for sale, a copy of the history should be distributed to all of the approximately 600 public libraries, 100 universities, 3,400 secondary schools and 2,000 mixed secondary and elementary schools in Canada.

Plaque: As mentioned earlier, a granite memorial and an Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada plaque are located at Pictou’s Market Wharf. An additional plaque or an interpretive panel should be erected next to these, containing the full wording of the apology, along with explanatory text.

Commendation: A CAF Unit Commendation should be presented to No. 2 Construction Battalion. The objects associated with the commendation (scroll, medallion, flag) would be put on permanent display at the BCCNS.

Highway: Highways 376 and 4 between Pictou and Truro should be renamed “No. 2 Construction Battalion Memorial Highway.” These roads connect the two towns in Nova Scotia where No. 2 Construction Battalion was stationed before it was sent overseas in March 1917 (as these roads are under provincial jurisdiction, I have copied this letter to the Premier of Nova Scotia).

African Heritage Month: The theme and poster for African Heritage Month in 2022, at least in Nova Scotia, should commemorate the apology (as above, an event under the control of the province).

Perpetuation: I believe that the perpetuation of No. 2 Construction Battalion by 4 Engineer Support Regiment has been approved but not yet announced. It seems that the proper occasion to formally announce this perpetuation would be at the apology ceremony. As large a contingent as possible from 4 Engineer Support Regiment should attend and parade at this event. I can assure you that this perpetuation will be very meaningful to the descendants of the men who served in No. 2 Construction Battalion, as well as to the black community at large. 

Grant: The Government of Canada should award a suitable grant to the BCCNS to enable it to enhance and expand its permanent display about No. 2 Construction Battalion.

Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo: The Government of Canada should award a suitable grant to the Tattoo (the world’s largest annual indoor show) to commemorate the apology event. In the battalion’s centennial year in 2016, the show included an act commemorating the unit, and another one could be produced to commemorate the apology.

We would like to hear your suggestions for commemorative actions. Please email your suggestions to We will add suggestions sent in by community members to Col. Boileau's list above. 

Transcripts of the diaries of the Rev. Captain William A. White

The manuscript and transcripts of the war diaries of Rev. Captain William A. White, Chaplain of the No. 2 Construction Battalion can be found on the Operation Canada website: (external link) . Operation Canada is a digital archive of underrepresented World War I diaries from public and private collections which have been located, compiled, and transcribed by the Modern Literature and Culture (MLC) Research Centre. Learn more about the initiative by visiting (external link) . (external link)