The Sessions podcast was a ground-breaking partnership with Playback, Canada’s #1 source of news for Canada’s screen industry. The weekly, four-episode series, (accompanied by a weekly column by Irene Berkowitz), examined the potential impact of Canada’s historic media legislation, Bill C-11, The Online Streaming Act. Launching February 2, 2022, The Sessions featured interviews with four key stakeholders: the producers’ association (Reynolds Mastin and Charles Falzon); the national regulator (former CRTC Chair and Vice Chair, Konrad Von Finckenstein and Peter Menzies); the funder (Canada Media Fund President and CEO, Valerie Creighton) and the heads of equity-deserving groups (Black Screen Office Director, Joan Jenkinson and Indigenous Screen Office Co-Director, Jesse Wente).
The Sessions executive producer/host, Dr. Irene S. Berkowitz. Audience Lab director, Dr. Robert Clapperton. Dean of The Creative School, Charles Falzon. Graduate students in media at The Creative School, Samantha McNulty and Ethan Geoffrey Lee, production and distribution. Ashley Haraburda, promotions.

The Mediaucracy podcast, inspired by the 2021 book, Mediaucracy, explores how local creators build and monetize global audiences in the globality era. Episode #1 digs deep, with Audience Lab director, Robert Clapperton, about the book’s perspectives. Episodes # 2, 3, and 4 begin the journey to how hits are made and monetized, in conversation with the creators of Netflix’ The Girl from Oslo; YouTube’s Super Simple Songs; and TikTok’s @Darcy and Jer.
Mediaucracy executive producer/host, Dr. Irene S. Berkowitz. Audience Lab director, Dr. Robert Clapperton. Dean of The Creative School, Charles Falzon. Graduate students in media at The Creative School, Samantha McNulty, producer, and Ethan Ralph, distribution. Promotions, Ashley Haraburd.
Launching June 2022.