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Culture Studies

13 courses are required in total, grouped as follows:


Course Code Course Name
ACS 302 Introduction to Culture Studies

All students must complete a minimum of one of: ACS 800 or ACS 900.

Students must successfully complete one of ACS 800 or ACS 900 before enrolling in ACS 950.

Choose 12 courses from the following table:

Course Code Course Name
ACS 800 Senior Group Project
ACS 900 Senior Seminar
ACS 910 Fellowship Practicum
ACS 950 Directed Research Course
ENG 705 Studies in Visual Cultures
ENG 921 Narrative in a Digital Age
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
HIS 615 Film, Television and 20th C History
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HST 119 Rise of Empires: History Through Film
HST 219 Decolonization: History Through Film
HST 657 Culture/Politics of Difference in the U.S.
HST 658 Sex in the City
IRL 100 Intro to World Art I: Pictorial Arts
IRL 500 Modern and Contemporary Art, Design
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
MUS 501 Traditional Musics of the World
MUS 505 Popular Music and Culture
PHL 365 Philosophy of Beauty
PHL 366 Existentialism and Art and Culture
PHL 401 Philosophy and Mass Culture
PHL 504 Philosophy of Art
PHL 530 Media Ethics
PHL 621 Beyond the Western Academic Tradition
PHL 710 Philosophy and Film
PHL 810 Philosophy of Cinema
PHL 921 Intellectual Property and Technology
SEM 101 Sign, Sense and Meaning
SEM 102 Introduction to Visual Semiotics
SOC 202 Popular Culture
SOC 479 Social Networks and the World Wide Web
SOC 902 Hollywood and Society
SOC 903 Action Cinema and Modernity
SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry