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Architectural Science Students Shine in International Design Competition

July 03, 2024

Undergraduate students from the Department of Architectural Science have earned honourable mentions in the "Domestic Revolution (external link) " international design competition. The event, drawing inspiration from Ruth Goodman’s seminal book "Domestic Revolution," challenged participants to revolutionize the everyday spaces within our homes, focusing specifically on the often-overlooked patio area. Instead of focusing on the patio, the emphasis was on the apartment balcony. Students envisioned transformative designs that could redefine the way we use balconies—spaces that straddle the boundary between indoors and outdoors, private and public.

In the ASC 920 Option Studio for Architecture, Nature, Health, the competition served as a capstone project, allowing students to apply their theoretical learning to real-world design challenges. Professor Terri Peters, leading the studio, invited guest critics to the final review sessions, setting a high bar for the projects presented. After weeks of intensive work, collaboration, and critique, two students groups were selected for submission and both received honourable mentions:

"The Indoor/Outdoor Balcony" by Yalda Sabetazad and Julia di Giorgio

Yalda Sabetazad and Julia di Giorgio’s project, "The Indoor/Outdoor Balcony," reimagines the patio as a transformative space that bridges the gap between indoor comforts and outdoor experiences.  Their design proposes an adaptive installation that enhances the usability of patio spaces throughout different seasons and times of day, promoting a seamless blend of natural and built environments. Their submission can be viewed here (external link) .

"Revitalizing Patios" by Mara Ruth and Leonie Gurtner

Mara Ruth and Leonie Gurtner, exchange students from Germany, offered a fresh perspective with their project. Their innovative design integrates elements that foster community interaction and personal retreat, highlighting the patio's potential as a multifunctional hub within suburban homes. Their work can be explored here (external link) .

The recognition of these projects on an international stage underscores the Department of Architectural Science’s commitment to fostering innovative design thinking and practical solutions to contemporary challenges. The achievements of Yalda, Julia, Mara, and Leonie reflect the dedication and creative spirit of our students, who continue to push the boundaries of architectural practice.

As these students celebrate their success, their projects serve as a testament to the profound impact that thoughtful design can have on the way we live. Their work in reimagining the patio not only highlights its potential but also sets a new standard for how we can approach everyday spaces with fresh eyes and bold ideas. Congratulations to Yalda, Julia, Mara, and Leonie for their exceptional accomplishments!