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Fall 2023 Final Reviews

December 06, 2023 - December 15, 2023
All Day

See below for our Fall 2023 final reviews:

Date Studio Guest Critics
Wednesday, Dec 6th ASC 101 Communications Studio CONCEPT CITY  (PDF file) Click here for the full schedule and list of guest critics (external link) 
Thursday, Dec 7th ASC 301 Design Studio II Intention and Expression Building Community: A New Neighbourhood Library  (PDF file) Click here for the full schedule and list of guest critics (external link) 
Friday, Dec 8th ASC 520 Third Year Integration Studio COMMUNITY HUB: A NEW MODEL COMMUNITY CENTRE  (PDF file) Click here for the full schedule and list of guest critics (external link) 
Friday December 8th ARC 920 Advanced Design Studio A Museum for Architecture

Session 1: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m

Michael Taylor, Dustin Valen, Kyra Clarkson

Session 2: 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m

Jonathan Day, Dustin Valen, Joseph Clarke, Julia Jamrosik

Monday, Dec 11th ASC 920 Advanced Arch Studio: 'Readymade'

Michael McClelland, Principal ERA Architects

Joey Giamo, Giamo Architects

James Brown, Brown and Storey Architects

Monday, Dec 11th BSC 720 Building Performance Assessment Studio

Dr. Sarah Haines, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

David Gorodetsky, Sr. Project Manager, Orion Construction & Management


A detaliled schedule of M.Arch Thesis Milestone II presentations can be found  (PDF file) here (external link) .