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Dr. Paul Floerke

Paul Floerke
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Architecture
Dipl.-Ing., Dr.-Ing., Architekt AKNW DE, MRAIC

Areas of Specialization

Architectural Education

Architectural Design and Building Construction

Architectural Theory, Planning Theory

Sustainable Architecture

New Wood Architecture


Year University Degree
1994 Leibniz University Dr.-Ing. (PhD)
1989 Leibniz University Dipl.-Ing.

Selected Courses

Course Code Course Title
ASC 520, ASC 620 Integration Studio I and II
ARC 820 Architecture Studio
AR8101 Studio in Critical Practice
AR8105 Intensive Research Studio and Seminar


When he is not busy lecturing, leading the department’s Global Learning program, or pursuing his research in new wood architecture, Paul Floerke is often thinking about teaching and how architects are best educated. “Teachers can’t simply put a funnel on students’ heads and pour the knowledge in,” he says. “Instead, students must learn by doing.”

At Toronto Met, architectural science students “learn by doing” in the studio, where they work on models and concepts, and share ideas. It’s a place where they can receive guidance from their professors and their peers, while also having enough freedom to explore their own path. Floerke spends many hours in studio with his students, teaching them to be critical thinkers who will be responsible for building in our society. “I would like them to see architecture for what it is: a useful art.”

Paul Floerke

“My aim is to make students independent and aware of the context of the problems they’re trying to solve.”

  • Faculty supporter/consultant of Team Urban Harvest consisting of students from Architecture and Building Science graduate programs won the overall Grand Award as well as awards for: Best Design, Best Technical Integration, Best Presentation. The competition consisted of 28 teams from all over North America. This is a major competition that the US DOE (Department of Energy) has introduced, 2014
  • Nominated for the Teaching Prize of the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. 1999
  • CATALOGUE OF TYPOLOGIES - ROOFTOP EXTENSIONS Paul Floerke, Sonja Weiß, et al., Full bilingual (German/English) book on rooftop extensions on buildings in existing contexts, Editor bauforumstahl e.V., Düsseldorf, 2014
  • STAHLBAUKALENDER 2016, Paul Floerke, Sonja Weiß, et al., Editor: Ulrike Kuhlman, Berlin 2016, pages 1-72
  • ON TEACHING ARCHITECTURE, Architektur lehren, Paul Floerke with Matthias Hiby, Bettina Knüvener, Alexander Siassi, Published: 2010
  • MANUAL OF DESIGN AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, Ma14nual Entwerfen und Baukonstruktion, Gunter R. Standke, Paul Floerke, with Bjøern Kaiser, Lehrstuhl Entwerfen und Baukonstruktion, Last Published: 2011