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Dr. Dustin Valen

Toronto Metropolitan University grayscale logo
Assistant Professor
EducationBEDS, MArch, PhD
416 979 5000 ext. 556503

Areas of Specialization

History & Theory of Architecture 

Health and Design 

Environmental Technologies

Climate Change Adaptation

Social and Environmental Justice

Race and Architecture


Year University Degree
2019 McGill University PhD
2012 University of Toronto  MArch (post-professional)
2009 Dalhousie University  MArch 
2006 Dalhousie University  BEDS

Selected Courses

Course Code Course Title
ASC 301 Design Studio II
ASC 406 Ideas, Tech & Precedents III
ARC 920 Advanced Architecture Studio
  • Phyllis Lambert Prize, Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2021 
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2019-21 
  • ARCC King Student Medal, 2020 
  • Founders' JSAH Article Award, Society of Architectural Historians, 2017 
  • Martin Eli Weil Prize, Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2015 
  1. “Toward an Architecture of Air and Steam: Climate, Bathing, and Public Health in Victorian Britain,” Journal of Architectural Education 76, no. 1, Health (2022): 21-36. 
  2. “This house was built by Newfoundlanders’: Race, Reconstruction, and Self-Reliant Landscapes in Southern Newfoundland,” Buildings & Landscapes 28, no. 1 (2021): 84-108. 
  3. “Imperial Atmospheres: Race and Climate Control on the Niger,” ABE Journal [Online] no. 17, Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone (2020): (external link) 
  4. “Politicking for Postwar Modernism: The Architectural Research Group of Ottawa and Montreal,” Urban History Review 45, no. 2 (2017): 25-44.
  5. “On the Horticultural Origins of Victorian Glasshouse Culture,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 75, no. 4 (2016): 403-23.
  6. “Citizens, Protect Your Property: Perspectives on Public Health, Nationalism, and Class in St. John’s Bowring Park, 1911-1930,” Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada 40, no. 2 (2015): 43-56.
  7. “Hazen Edward Sise and the History of Modern Architecture at McGill, 1949-1957,” RACAR: Revue D’Art Canadienne/Canadian Art Review 40, no. 2, Design Studies in Canada (and beyond): A State of the Field (2015): 27-41.
  • Treasurer, Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 2023-present
  • Co-chair, Climate Change and Architectural History Affiliate Group, Society of Architectural Historians, 2022-present
  • Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, 2009-present