Well-being in Studio Learning at DAS

At DAS, the design studio is the centre of student life. To nurture students’ well-being and ensure a studio culture based on respect that is enjoyable, sustainable and collaborative, DAS supports a holistic approach that encompasses mind, body, emotion and connectivity. We believe tending to these aspects fosters studio learning that is enriching and stimulating and leads to greater well-being in our students and faculty.
Studio learning can be all-consuming, requiring hard work and a steep learning curve that may lead to stress, anxiety and other health concerns. DAS provides several key resources that support students’ well-being by prioritizing effective feedback, equity, diversity and inclusion, time management and study habits, physical well-being and more.
Key Resources
From desk critiques to reviews, students are given feedback for their work as a way to learn and grow as designers. Effective feedback from instructors and guest reviewers is delivered through a facilitated discussion using clear and positive language in an environment of mutual respect.
Instructors are available to advise, guide and support students with their design projects. In addition, students are encouraged to seek outside help from Graduate Assistants and the Digital Fabrication Lab when encountering technical difficulties. Online tutorials are also available through the LinkedIn Learning app in my.ryerson and the DAS YouTube channel (external link) . Your studio’s D2L site may also have tutorials that are helpful.
DAS is committed to providing a learning environment and culture built on the fundamental values of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). In the studio, DAS supports the respectful and dignified treatment of all instructors, students, teaching assistants, staff and visitors to ensure a healthy studio culture and fairness and consistency in studio learning, teaching and assessment.
The university’s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy outlines its guidelines for fostering a study and work environment free of discrimination and harassment and one in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
For current students seeking support, several university resources are available through the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI). These include Human Rights Services, Human Rights Online and a Discrimination & Harassment Complaint Process.
Participation and engagement in all studio and peer support activities, visits, discussions and collaborations are key to success in studio learning. Students are provided with opportunities to learn effective planning for deadlines and assessments in the studio, and can find time management tips from this Student Life and Learning Support video (external link) and the university student blog.
Student Life and Learning Support (SLS) is a group of services and programs aimed at helping students engage more effectively in their academic studies. SLS teaches essential academic skills and study techniques through its robust (google doc) online learning toolkit, (external link) time management and other student-focussed workshops, slide presentations and digital handouts.
At DAS, we believe there is a direct link between academic success and active, healthy living. Taking breaks, getting ample sleep and participating in physical activity can help students avoid burnout and increase work efficiency.
The Recreation and Athletic Centre (RAC) serves as the central hub fors wellness, recreation and sport at Toronto Metropolitan University.
TMU’s free Good Food Centre (external link) can help students obtain healthy food, even when on a budget.
Students can find help obtaining academic accommodations for ongoing long-term issues. Help for short-term health issues and compassionate grounds can be found in the academic consideration information page.
24-hour access to counselling support is available by phone at 1-844-451-9700.
Resilience training
ThriveTMU is a Resilience Training resource for students, faculty and staff. Resources include videos, a four-session workshop for student groups, a semester-long seminar and more to help students negotiate academic life and work/life balance challenges. Visit Thriving in Action Online’s comprehensive online library of strategies to work through your challenges and thrive in your academic journey.
Staying well during COVID-19
The Staying Well During COVID-19 webpage offers healthy ways to cope and manage well-being, including 5 Tips to Care For Yourself and Others, Staying In & Staying Well and online learning tips.
Visit the Toronto Metropolitan Student Unions’ Services (external link) page for a comprehensive list of wellness resources on campus, in the community and online.
List of prayer spaces on campus
1) SCC Multi-Faith Room
Located at: 55 Gould Street, 3rd Floor, OAK-319
The Multi-Faith Room located on the third floor of Oakham House is available for people of all faiths and followings. The room provides a quiet atmosphere for prayer, worship, meditation, and other spiritual and faith based activities on a drop-in basis. Room hours are posted on the door. This Instagram reel is helpful to share with students to know how to get there: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CixmLZAOEg-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link (external link)
2) TRS EDI Well-being Space
Located at 55 Dundas St W, 7th floor, TRS 1-045
This space is available to all students, faculty & staff, this space is open to those of all faiths/spiritualities or none at all, to pray, meditate, reflect, grieve, or find quiet. It is provided, thanks to the Ted Rogers Students' Society (TRSS), to help in managing life, spirituality, health, studies, and well-being. This Instagram reel shares information on how to get there: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Co7-wqNpdBM/ (external link)