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Your privacy is extremely important to us. If we have your personal information, you can trust that we will protect it. Please review our policies and the FAQ below to learn more. At any time you are welcome to review Toronto Metropolitan University’s Privacy Policy.

Privacy FAQ

Toronto Metropolitan University is permitted to collect your information in accordance with Section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, under the authority of the Toronto Metropolitan University Act, 1977.

Your contact information will be used to keep you up-to-date on campus/program news, alumni benefits & services, fundraising campaigns, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

We do not sell or otherwise publicly disclose your personal information. While we have agreements with a few carefully selected affinity partners who provide valuable services to Toronto Metropolitan University grads at preferred rates, we do not share alumni contact information directly with those partners. In the event that these partners need to contact you, a mailing house or other third-party agency bound by a confidentiality agreement is utilized to contact you on behalf of the affinity partner. At no time do the affinity partners have direct access to your contact information unless you agree.

At any time you can ask to be removed from our contact list by sending an email to or calling 1-866-428-8881 / 416-979-5088. We can also modify  your communication preferences in our database so that you receive the communications you want, the way you want them. For example, you can ask to be removed from Annual Fund call list, but still continue to receive Toronto Met Connect enewsletter.

We need your information to keep the Toronto Metropolitan University connection alive. As outlined in our mission, our goal is to enable you to stay connected to the university for the mutual benefit of Toronto Metropolitan University and its alumni. By keeping you informed of Toronto Metropolitan University news, alumni benefits, events, and engagement opportunities — you’ll discover ways stay connected and get involved with the university for the mutual gain of the Toronto Metropolitan University, fellow alumni and students.

When you graduate, you automatically become a member of the University Alumni Association. Through this membership, Toronto Metropolitan University has your implied consent to send you electronic communications that are regulated by Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). These communications must follow the rules under CASL and will always clearly identify the sender, the purpose of the message and provide you with a clear and easy way to unsubscribe from future communications.  In addition, you can ask to be removed from our contact list at any time by sending an email to or calling 1-866-428-8881 / 416-979-5008Learn more about Toronto Metropolitan University and CASL (opens in new window) .

The photos and videos taken are used to showcase the wonderful activities and fun being had at Toronto Metropolitan University events. Toronto Metropolitan University owns the photographs, video images and voice recordings and uses them to promote the University and its activities for administrative, educational or research purposes online, via social media and/or in print. If you do not wish to have video or photos taken of you at our events, please send us email at OR let the photographer/videographer or registration staff know upon your arrival.