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Work-Life Harmony: Well-being

Redefining success: The Work-Life Harmony series — nurturing well-being

In this month’s blog, find out why alumni blogger Gori Bhullar says focusing on elements that help us establish boundaries, cultivate healthy habits, and foster resilient mindsets is essential to our well-being.

Person sitting at a desk looking at a laptop

The Forefront: Staying ahead of the “Curv”

In this episode, we speak to a business leader and to the dean of The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education about a new way employees can upskill, and it’s called “Curv Microcredentials.”

Woman smiles standing in front of trees blurred in the background.

eNewsletter: June 2024

This month, we spotlight the importance of representation in literature and politics and a new award that removes financial barriers for business students. Plus, join us to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21.

Isidora Roskic

After TMU: Isidora Roskic

Isidora Roskic shares insights into their role as a Policy Analyst for the Women, Peace and Security team at the Department of National Defence. Plus, advice for those wishing to be more intentional in their career path.


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Toronto Metropolitan University's commitment to your personal and professional growth didn’t end with graduation. Discover resources, opportunities and services to inform all stages of your educational journey.