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TMU Scholarship Tips

By: Claire Hrabovsky
December 17, 2024

When on your journey to university, it’s important to not only apply for programs, but also to apply for scholarships and awards! Scholarships are useful when it comes to helping with the costs associated with university life. I recently spoke with Matthew, a graduate student who is working on his MBA at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). Matthew also works as a student financial services processing specialist here at the university and he helped me learn more about the scholarships TMU offers, how to apply for them and must-know application tips!

Matthew smiles in front of a window with the Toronto skyline in the background.

Matthew, the scholarship knowledge-sharer for this blog!

Claire: What are the Guaranteed and Renewable Scholarships? Do incoming students need to apply?

Matthew: TMU has funding designated for our Guaranteed and Renewable Scholarships, and you do not need to apply for them. Qualified applicants for this upcoming fall can learn more about terms and conditions and eligibility by visiting our scholarships and awards website.

A pen rests on a notebook in front of a laptop on a desk with a cup of coffee on the side.

C: Could you tell me about the prestigious entrance scholarships, and if students need an Offer of Admission before applying?

M: There are three Prestigious Entrance scholarships. 

One is the President's Entrance Scholarship. For this, there are twelve recipients who are awarded $10,000 each year for four years, as long as they keep meeting the requirements. A minimum 90% final admission average (or international equivalent) is required for consideration. This award is renewable for each year of study, so it’s worth up to $40,000.

There's also the Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship, which has one recipient. It covers your first-year tuition costs, and a minimum 85% final admission average is required. This is a one-time award and is non-renewable.

The third award is the International Student Leadership Award (ISLA), formerly known as the International Secondary School Merit Scholarship. There are up to seven international student recipients, and applicants are required to have a minimum 85% final admission average (or international equivalent). This award is entrance-only and is non-renewable.

Students can learn more about applying to these awards by visiting our scholarships and awards page. Applications are currently open and the application deadline can be found on the Scholarships and Awards website. Students do not need an Offer of Admission to apply. Once you've received an acknowledgement of your application from TMU, and you've successfully activated your TMU online identity, you can begin the process of applying for these awards on AwardSpring.

C: Can you also tell me a little bit about AwardSpring? How does someone get started and use this platform?

M: AwardSpring (external link, opens in new window)  is our awards management system. Current TMU students have access to over 1,400 awards, scholarships and bursaries using this platform. Prospective students can log in using their TMU online identity and password to access entrance scholarship applications. The first thing students do is fill out a general application when they log in. There is also an opportunity to add self-reported information like your finances, community involvement, self-identification and much more. The more information provided, the more scholarship opportunities you can be matched to.

A girl writes in a notebook in front of a window at a long wooden desk.

C: What are some tips you’d offer a student who wants to submit a strong application for a scholarship?

M: First, I’d say to create your TMU online identity and log in to AwardSpring early because awards open up right away. Also, make sure you look at the requirements ahead of time. It gives you a chance to prepare any written statements and also gives your referees some time to prepare their reference letters, if needed.

When it comes to written statements, just make sure you answer what the question is asking. Proofread, and if you can get someone else to also proofread it, that goes a long way. Ensure you reach out to your references ahead of time. Choose references that can actually speak to your accomplishments.

Finally, I would just say get motivated, because it does take time. Sometimes they're big applications, but it’s worth it. 

Thank you to Matthew for chatting with me and sharing all of his scholarships and awards knowledge! Keep an eye out on your AwardSpring dashboard for all the scholarships you qualify for and any important dates.

Until next time,
