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What You Can Do After TMU — And What I Plan to Do!

By: Jenna Larkin
April 26, 2023

I’ll admit that it’s been… a while since I was in high school. I’m currently in my fourth and final year of the Creative Industries program at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), which means that I’m graduating REAL soon. I’ve got the pictures to prove it and everything. The number one question that I’ve been asked in the past little while, by pretty much every single person I’ve encountered, is “What are you doing after university?” I’ll be honest, even though the end of university is approaching quickly, I am still not 100% certain of what I want to do! I thought I had an idea of what I wanted to do after university in high school, but a lot has changed since then. Let's take a look at all the post-university opportunities we have.

Jenna posing for a graduation photo.

The proof of graduation! 

1. More education

The educational opportunities really are endless! Once you complete your undergraduate degree, there are many paths you can take that involve more school. You can pursue graduate studies and get your masters degree in a field that interests you, or you might consider education that is for a specific career, like law school or medical school. Continuing school was an option I seriously considered and still might in the future. I’d like to get a publishing certificate (opens in new window)  one day so I can work with one of my favourite things: books!

2. Work

Pretty much all of my favourite things (iced chai lattes, pizza, Squishmallows) cost money. That means that I’ll be looking for a job in the near future. I haven’t decided which field I’d like to work in exactly, but I’m hoping it’s in digital marketing or communications. If you’re uncertain about what type of work you’d like to do after university, check out Career Boost positions! Career Boost is our on-campus part-time work program and it offers a range of opportunities for students. It’s a great chance to check out what you may be interested in in terms of future employment. The reason I know the field I want to go into is because of the digital marketing Career Boost job I’ve had since my first year. You also have access to the Career, Co-op and Student Success Centre and their services, like resumé and cover letter reviews, for five years after you graduate.

A woman flips through a magazine with a laptop and cup of coffee next to her.

Working is probably what I’ll do after graduation.

3. Travel

Once you graduate from university, you’ll have no due dates to worry about. This is the time to check out a city or country you’ve never seen before! It’s also a great opportunity to celebrate the accomplishment of finishing university with your friends and family. If you’re looking to stay within Canada, Via Rail has youth discounts (external link, opens in new window)  for youth those under 25 years old. You can also look into Via Rail discount Tuesdays (external link, opens in new window)  for deals. GO Transit (external link, opens in new window)  can even take you to Niagara Falls and back (external link, opens in new window)  within a day. I’ll be going to New York City in May with one of my friends in my program to celebrate the end of our undergrads in style.

4. Take a break!

I can tell you with extreme certainty that this is one thing I will be doing once I hand in my last assignment. I’m looking forward to enjoying some real rest and relaxation without deadlines and studying on my mind. I’ll catch up on some sleep and take the time to reconnect with friends and family without the busyness of school and work. Once I’m recharged, I’ll start looking for jobs and pursuing next steps. Even though the idea of “what’s next” is exciting, I encourage you to take a break if you can at the end of your undergrad. You’ll likely need it!

A row of beach loungers beside an infinity pool with palm trees nearby.

If someone would like to send me on a nice vacation so I can relax in a place like this, just let me know.

Trust me, the years of university will FLY by, and you’ll be thinking about what to do next in no time. That being said, remember to enjoy your university experience and make the most of it. One very smart high school student once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it (external link, opens in new window) ." 

Until next time, 
