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Some of My Favourite Psychology Classes At Our University

By: Nishka
March 23, 2022

I’ve loved learning about psychology since I was in middle school — that is a fairly long time! I knew I wanted to educate myself more on the subject, and possibly have a career in it someday. In my undergraduate studies, I’m pursuing a minor in psychology and a few of the courses I’ve taken really stood out. Here are some of my favourites:

Scrabble blocks

I am taking this course right now, and it is my favourite class this semester. I’m learning about the different kinds of personality theories and who developed them. Our professor, Dr. Goodwill, performs personality tests on us sometimes so we can learn more about ourselves while applying our knowledge. I think he’s such a cool person because not only is he a forensic psychologist, but he’s a clinical psychologist too! He makes the lectures fun and engaging, so I’m always looking forward to this class. 

Person sitting on a couch

If you like learning about psychological disorders and how to treat them, this class is for you! Since I want to pursue a career in psychology, I thought taking this course would help me gain more insight into the different kinds of diagnoses. Dr. Koerner kept this class  so well organized and easy to understand. I didn’t know going into it that I'd get to learn about the history of psychology in Canada, but that was my greatest takeaway from this class. If you have the chance to take it, I highly recommend this course.

Model of a brain

I had this class last semester, and it has become so useful in my everyday life. I’d recommend all students to take this course as it teaches you about cognitive processes and how to learn more effectively. Thanks to Dr. Szpunar, I've learned some great tips and tricks to improve in my other classes. I loved having to relate written responses back to my life — it really personalized the content and made it more meaningful to me. In addition, one of the teaching assistants for this class, Cassandra, really helped me understand the content better with our one-on-one meetings. If you’re someone who’s constantly learning new information and needs help retaining it, be sure to enroll into this class. You won’t regret it!

These were only a few of my favourite psychology classes I’ve taken, and I’m sure there will be many more added to the list in the future. I hope you have the chance to take these classes some day and love them as much as I did. 

“See” you soon!

- Nishka