5 Things to Do the Summer Before University

I remember the summer between high school and university being an exciting one. I didn’t have to think about high school anymore, and I had a new adventure lined up for me in the coming months. Here are five things I think you should do the summer before you start university!
1. Get ready!
I was so excited (and anxious) to start at university that I was checking the school website all the time to see if any new information about anything had been posted. Throughout the summer I bought new room things for residence, I researched the electives I wanted to take before enrolment in August and looked for information about orientation. I suggest following your program and faculty’s social media pages (Instagram is always good!), as well as Student Life (external link, opens in new window) for any information about the upcoming school year!

2. Spend time with your high school friends
One of the things I found most jarring about the transition from high school to university was not seeing my high school friends every day. It makes sense, considering we went to different universities. I used to spend almost every day with my high school friends and I missed them a lot when I moved to Toronto. Spend as much time as you can with your friends because you don’t know how much you’ll miss them! Fun things to do together can be beach days, picnics, making meals together and my personal favourite: being tourists in your own cities and taking all the touristy pictures.

I still get so excited every time I see the CN Tower! I must have a million photos of it on my phone.
3. Read a book!
If you have read any of my previous blog posts, you may or may not know that I love books. My absolute favourite thing to do during the summer is to sit outside with some peach iced tea and a good book. It’s a great way to reduce your screen time, work on your tan and go on a mini-adventure from the comfort of your own home. If you’re unsure what to read, here is an article of the best books of 2020 (external link, opens in new window) by genre. I’m sure you’ll find at least one novel that catches your eye!

A good book + sun + a failed attempt at an iced chai latte = perfect.
4. Pick up a hobby
Think of all the free time you’ll have during the summer months! No homework, no school, only fun! I got into crafting during my first year of university and I only wish I had gotten into it earlier. There are so many possibilities: start writing short stories, pick up painting, cook it up like Gordon Ramsey or bake a cake that belongs on The Great Canadian Baking Show. The possibilities truly are endless. It’s easy to learn just about anything from YouTube.

Me wearing the (image file) JW Anderson Harry Styles sweater (external link) I knitted!
5. Relax
I remember that, at least for me, the last few months of high school were stressful. There was just so much going on! Even though the idea of university is daunting as it approaches in the rearview mirror, be sure to take some time for yourself and practice some self-care, whatever that means to you. Be proud of yourself and prepare for the journey ahead!