Faculty and Staff

Depending on the type of work your role involves, your faculty or staff online identity will give you access to a number of online resources.
Activating your online identity
Your online identity can be activated 24 hours after you’re hired by Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). During the activation process, you’ll select your my.torontomu username, which will also serve as your ryerson.ca email username.
Getting started
If you already have a TMU online identity, log in to the my.torontomu portal and proceed through the prompts.
If you do not have a TMU online identity, start the process by completing the online identity activation form. Have your TMU employee number ready - this can be found in your offer letter from the university.
Important security note: If you need to step away from the computer before completing the online identity activation form, be sure to close your browser to prevent others from tampering with your account setup.
Troubleshooting activation issues
Once you’ve begun the activation process, immediate solutions to common issues can be found by clicking the “Online Identity Activation FAQs” link at the bottom of the activation form.